Why is left behind and hatch still in the game?

With the changes to hatch and keys why is the hatch and left behind still in the game? They are completely pointless because every single killer slugs so you can never get hatch anyway. I understand hatch and keys needed to be changed but this was not the way to do it. BHVR should either making slugging the last to people not a worthwhile thing to do or revert the changes and try something else.
Keys are still a free escape like 80% of the time if you’re the last person left
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The problem is you will never be the last person left because almost every killer slugs the last two people
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Really? I mean I can only speak from my experience but rarely have the killers slugged for the 4k in my matches
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Have you considered using Unbreakable?
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If he slugs the 3rd to look for you, you must hide. After a while they return in my experience. Only chance then.
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Slug can be prevented by running tenacity, unbreakable or even soul guard.
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The hatch itself is fine the way it is now that it’s been changed.
However, I have seen people using Left Behind with the full intent of just hiding all game and getting hatch, and it’s really frustrating when you have a dead weight teammate like that. (I’m not talking about doing it with 2 ppl left, I’m talking about ppl who literally do it from the start of the match before even knowing what killer it is.)
Not to mention clairvoyance is better because it’s 64 meters, as long as you use it properly and you can find one totem.
That said, you are right about killers slugging for 4k - idk how to fix that really. I used to do this against survivors who brought old keys because I wanted to make sure nobody gets to use that broken piece of crap, but they got nerfed so I don’t mind them anymore. Outside of that I don’t usually bother (and I typically let someone escape anyways more often than not).
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It's very boring and a waste of time to bleed out tho.
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There are Tome Challenges to escape through hatch. Not always but maybe the reason sometimes.
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I have the same issue with people who use hatch offerings to spawn near the shack or building, they usually do nothing all game and just wait for it to spawn.
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Challenges like that shouldn’t exist tbh
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The hatch offerings were a mistake from the beginning.
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Not like everyone already complained about hatch campers, now it's even easier to camp the hatch. Genius smh...
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Let's disregard the multiple ways to avoid a Killer slugging you as one of the last two survivors.
Really - every single killer slugs? You have the worst luck finding killers that have enough time to wait out the bleedout timers every game as the last two survivors hold the game hostage in hopes of a hatch escape.
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“Every single killer slugs”? Ok…
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There are worse challenges.
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this is how i wouldve balanced keys/hatch
if youre trying to open hatch while people are alive, it would take a minute per person, not counting the player and killer, to open. That way, 4 man key escapes would be less likely, and would be what it was meant to be-a last resort for survivors.
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They should've made the Hatch Offerings secret... so there's more guessing as to what the Offering used were
But Slugging is just a mechanic in game... Just like Hiding and the EGC
The answer to Slugging is to be prepared for it (both Killer and Survivor)
Just like Camping and Tunneling... just be prepared for it to happen
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This content has been removed.
Nobody ever gets hatch in my games anymore
Because I don't kill survivors anymore, so they all have to leave out the gates.
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Because despite taking half a year's time after the mori changes to do it properly, the ultimate version of the hatch/key changes BHVR implemented were poorly thought out and actually exacerbated a lot of the issues they were supposed to solve.
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never seen a key since the rework
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what do you think should’ve been better to solve if I may ask
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This. They just added another one this tome too. They really need to stop, especially since the changes to the hatch mechanic.
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Yeah, you can't actually "camp the hatch" knowingly anymore because you can't know where it is ahead of time, but you can still hide and wait for your teammate to die.
For the most part though I think they did a good job with the hatch changes.
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Oh I agree, I think getting rid of the offerings should go too. Less survivors would wait for their teammates to die.
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They should have never changed the initial hatch logic to begin with. Their stated justification for the change was the fact that the old situation was unfun 2v1 because the one survivor might not rescue/help the other Survivor when they were caught... so they created a situation where the killer has no incentive to ever let that Survivor unhook the other one, while also giving the killer even more incentive to slug for the 4k, which, yes, is just as miserable for the caught Survivor as ever.
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Old hatch was busted... having all 4 esacpe with gens undone was awful as killer.
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? It only spawned after all five gens were done, if all four survivors were still alive.
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I'm sure someone else can find and link to the Q&A for it, but I'm pretty sure they said the current hatch situation is temporary, and they have a better solution in the works that reworks hatch, keys, and moris all together into a new system.
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Well if theres 2 people left and the exit gates aren't already available, both players usually hide and wait for the other one to die... like 99% of the time, even with the new hatch.
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We shall never get..."where did they go?" achievement hunters
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I can’t speak for others but I don’t bother to slug the third person to kill the fourth unless I already think I know where the fourth person is to chase them. If they’re just randomly hiding I just kill the third and hope I find hatch before the last survivor, it’s not worth my time slugging and spending who knows how long trying for a 4k versus a maybe 3- maybe 4-k
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Because now people can't get a easy 3 to 4 man escape because the hatch only spawns for the last survivor.