mikaela reid counter?

so ive been playing killer a lot recently, please do note im still pretty new at the game like a week and im a bronze 1 killer, for some reason the match that i get is always against rank 10 or even red ranks, i dont really mind that but what i always dodge is mikaela players, i dont know what she does when i frist played a match against a mikaela but then i noticed that every survivor was healing everytime they were injured, i thoguht they all were running 4 self heal but apparently theres a boon totem (which i didnt know what it was before) and i thought its liek a hex totem so i ignored it but tehn i noticed the survivors keep coming around the area and healing up everytime, obviously im pretty confused, after the end of the match i searched up every perk they were running and found boon: totem of healing, i read about it and it seems pretty annoying and i dont see any way to counter it other than tunneling the mikaela, any suggestions?


  • eyedi
    eyedi Member Posts: 3

    This. The day I got Mikaela I got 3 plague matches in a row which made me realize CoH is kinda useless against her. When I play killer I'm less worried about CoH though as shadowstep is her perk that's truly broken.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Tunnel and camp, don't bother for injured states, when you find someone who has CoH remove them from the game asap.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    As others have said, the perk you are talking about is Circle of Healing, which is incredibly overpowered at present.

    As you are new, you're going to have fewer options to deal with it too.

    I'd say (if you have them):

    • Play Plague. Her kit counters CoH.
    • Use Plaything (Cenobite perk) and Retribution (Deathslinger perk), this will make it more difficult to use as many boons.
    • Use Devour Hope (Hag perk).
    • Play Cannibal, Ghostface or Myers - as all three of them have the ability to instantly kill.

    If you only have the free killers, it's going to be much harder.

    • Huntress is worth learning, she can get people downed quite fast.
    • Nurse is even better, but you're looking at 100+ hours to really start to get good with her.
    • Hillbilly has an instadown, but he's quite weak and janky to play at present. If you are going to learn a 'hard' killer, the former two are better.
    • Until you have a lot of other perks, Wraith is going to be the absolute worst choice against CoH (and even with them he's not great). I'd strongly recommend not playing Wraith for the time being.
  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 2,893

    Unfortunately at this point, I would assume any survivor is equally likely to be running CoH, so I don't think singling out Mikaelas is going to accomplish much.

    I use Mikaela quite a bit and almost never use boons. It does sometimes attract he killer's attention, though.

  • Valdaxexe
    Valdaxexe Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2021

    thankyou for the replies, but sadly i havent prestiged or anything so i dont have enough iri shards to unlock killers and their teachable perks so im still using the universal perk and some of killer unique perks but thx for the suggestion i will definitely buy plague next due to how many mikaela players here

    edit: as im saying this i jsut got matched with another mikaela

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    At intermediate/high MMR, basically everyone has CoH, Dead Hard, IW etc. regardless of skin.

    The OP is very new apparently, so most of the Mikaelas he's coming up against are probably the main people he'll see using it.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195
    edited December 2021

    Plague with Fearmonger is the best Mikaela counter imo. Mikaela has two amazing boon perks, and Plague is great at countering both of them. Fearmonger is great for shutting down exhaustion perks and keeping on the pressure.

    She feels so good now, even without Boons.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    the other two boons are pretty straight forward and easy to counter since they require the survivor to be actively be in them to be useful, so you can almost always hear them and snuff them out.

    Circle of healing on the other hand... oof. unless you're playing a one hit kill killer there really is no other way to play around it. the best thing you can do against circle of healing is to simply forget about spreading damage around, normally spreading damage around is a good trade of you spend 10-15 seconds catching up to a survivor and hitting them and they could give you a pallet and heal for 14 seconds if they have a medkit or someone healing them. so its an even trade.

    with circle of healing, the survivors can afford to be greedy on pallet because they know if you don't commit to them, they can simply run off to the COH boon on a corner of the map where there are no gens to be repaired or somewhere on the above floor from you where you can't easily access the boon to snuff it. this is why spreading damage against boons is not very viable and why killers that rely on wearing down the survivors like Hag, Twins and Wraith or most m1 killers are having a hard time with coh.

    but there is a secret hidden technique that is still viable and doesn't give two shits about boons. you could simply tunnel out one person as fast as possible. they can't infinitely heal at medkit speeds if they're in a chase or on the hook. a lot of teams even in higher ranks will start falling apart if you manage to do it early enough because a 1v3 is a bit tougher to play with as a survivor.

    if you don't want to go down that route where survivors will hate you, then you can simply opt to play the one shot killers like bubba and billy or the plague which not only doesn't care about COH but she also counters Shadowstep. the artist, doctor and pyramid head is also very good at tracking people if you have trouble against shadowstep.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    You can't counter Boons, other than tunneling the Boon user, which is usually 2-4 Survivors. Good luck

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986

    I have yet to change the way I play killer when I do play killer. If you don't go around dropping chases left and right, the healing won't matter.

    And I forgot how one sided these forums were. there's nothing OP about any of the Boon perks

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425
    edited December 2021

    they can't, the bones don't break and can get reused infinitely. They literally cannot be done as there is no way to finish doing them.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Not the best advice for someone with only 1 week in the game.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I've been using Penance on all my killers to give survivors the broken state for 80 seconds. That should at least prevent them from immediately healing up.

  • Leatherface1990
    Leatherface1990 Member Posts: 718

    Have fun kicking totems.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897

    I main Mikey so I am not overly bothered by COH as I get a lot of insta downs. But in general it is a very OP perk and needs serious nerfing.