Immersive Build Series I: Nemesis

Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800
edited December 2021 in General Discussions

So I was inspired mostly out of boredom to start a series based around builds and perks that fit each character the best based around the given lore to each character, this doesn't mean their teachable perks + 1. It more so means we will take their story, then based on that, try to build the most immersive build that we can for each killer, doesn't have the be the most strong or meta build ever as long as it somewhat works with their story and power, using wikis/tomes/power descriptions etc.

The popularity of these posts will determine how frequently I post them, but I do plan to cover most if not every killer. I also like input on what perks may fit that specific killer the best, more heads are better than one and all that! I'll try to pick three of the most fitting perks and 4th being a freebie for those bbq lovers out there. But I'll talk about more perks than just three of course. Anyways I'll hop right into it.

Rancor - To me this is a no brainer, this perk fits him by far the most out of's a two in one. Nemesis seems to always find you no matter where you run and hide. The second part of it allowing you to kill your obsession which in his case are stars members so yeah perfect.

Enduring - He is unstoppable and very very persistent. This perk would help with just that, making him brush off pallets like they're nothing, and you'd also have no fear of being stunned. Also goes hand in hand with his tentacle being an absolute pallet destroyer in this game.

Iron Grasp - If you got in caught by nemesis, there's no way you'd be wiggling out like that to impede his intended destination, I think this would directly help him show his strength even further.

Lethal Pursuer - He's shown a picture of STARS members so that they could be recognized in the lore, this perk really fits that role, as your head Canon could be the entity shows him images in his head before the trial begins allowing him to go directly to where they're located at the start of the match. This is quoted from an interview from famitsu "The Pursuer's development team were also in charge of educating it; an officer would bait the Pursuer with footage of the S.T.A.R.S. members. Since the Pursuer is intelligent, it understood and carried out its orders."

Remember Me - Yeah it's all about attacking your obsession over and over but it doesn't directly effect them, moreso effects everyone else but them and it's why I chose against this specific perk.

Predator - Yeah it'd fit and explain how he can find and track someone so well but he already has a tracking perk or chase perk that fits him better so yeah!

Whispers - This would honestly fit him pretty darn well too, as there's basically no hiding from a killer who has this perk.

Unrelenting - If anyone fits the idea of this perk it's Nemesis but sadly it does way too little, if this perk is buffed one day, maybe then I'll consider it.

Tinkerer - Really fits Nemesis because of how annoying and persistent it can make facing the killer using this perk feel. But I'm a tiny bit iffy on it because he's not really all that stealthy.

Play With Your Food - This does two things, Nemesis is shown to be somewhat sadistic and toys with Jill, plays with his food so to say. And he absolutely hauls butt sprinting. This perk would work perfectly for this making him faster than the other 115% killers!

Okay I'll probably edit this if someone has a perk I didn't think of that fits him pretty well. Oh and if you wanna be extra then use the broken recovery coin add-on because in the games there was only one vaccine for Jill.

Here's what I think the perks that fit him the most are:

Rancor, Tinkerer, Lethal Pursuer, Whispers, Enduring, Iron Grasp, and Play With Your Food

If I had to make a build for him with three perks and one freebie, it'd probably be...Rancor, Enduring, Lethal Pursuer + Freebie

Now if it was all 4 perks then it'd be...Rancor, Enduring, Lethal Pursuer, Play With Your Food

What do you guys think? Is there a better perk combination that would fit his lore more adequately or did I do well with my choices? I'd love to hear from other people. Because I'm a little iffy on some things but I'm 100% confident in rancor being perfect on him.

Immersive Build Series II: Deathslinger - SOON

Post edited by Nemmy_Wemmy on


  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Yeah I've been looking everywhere for someone that has made immersive builds for killers and they're very few and far in between.

    So I said.

    I thought it would be a super fun thing with the community to kind of put our heads together and do something like this anyways.

  • Tr1nity
    Tr1nity Member Posts: 5,047


  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    Enduring/Spirit Fury feels fitting for him.

    I personally like Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, No Way Out, NOED. He just keeps coming, and he's not going to let you escape that easily.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    I run Knock Out and Surveillance as guarantees, personally.

    I think they're fairly appropriate, considering the obsessive degree that Umbrella will monitor experiments to (when it is plot convenient, at least) and his massive punching hands.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Well I get where you're coming from with surveillance It isn't necessarily a nemesis thing per you said it's an umbrella thing.

    As for knockout I also get it with the fists but nemesis doesn't really go around knocking people out/down for later, like someone who would do so such as idk Bubba who'd same them to be prepped and cooked, hag is based off of a windigo and is also a cannibal of sorts, could fit her as well but I'm probably gonna go hard on totems with her...or even Nurse? That gives me an idea knock out to represent someone being put to sleep for medical purposes on nurse lol

    Yeah I'd agree but with the tentacle you kinda sorta get that sameish effect. Don't get me wrong I love running them both on him tho.

    Yeahhhh that's not bad because you have the info and lethality/hopeless never escape nemesis mood sort of going there with that build.

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    I have been summoned

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Bwahahha what's your take on a lore accurate nemesis build?

  • TheDarkTyrant
    TheDarkTyrant Member Posts: 2,074

    There is a ton of combinations. The one I choose though is basically trying to get him closer to what I wanted him to be.


    Enduring because he is unstoppable

    Nemesis because it'll work very well with my next perk AND it just so happens to have that name so it is perfect.

    Play With Your Food to get him closer to that running feel.

    Finally, Save The Best For Last. In RE3 he does these sort of combo attacks. Like hitting you multiple times. While you may not be able to do that in DBD this is the closest you can get to that and also works with the last perks.

    If you want you could swap it out for Fire Up so you get that feeling of becoming more powerful as the game goes on.

    I could probably make some more builds though.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Mine would probably be: Enduring, Rancor, Fire Up, H:NOED

    Enduring, because of his resilience and single-minded pursuit of S.T.A.R.S members.

    Rancor, because of the obsession aspect and ultimate pursuit to kill a particular person.

    Fire Up, because Nemesis mutates as RE3 progresses, so this may represent its continuing mutations.

    NOED, because it's the final endgame and Nemesis enters his final form, where nothing can touch him.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800
    edited December 2021

    Yeah nice, didn't think of pwyf at first for some reason but that would fit him excellently since he basically sprints. And in dbd he's the same speed as most killers. So I'm definitely gonna add that to my list up top.

    But how can I rationalize Nemesis? Other then having food synergy with enduring and pwyf...and the same name as the killer. Does him changing obsessions on a whim make sense for him? I'll probably end up running it anyways but still.

    Now on to save, I get what you are going for with it, but to me the way I see it is..your going for your obsession way less on purpose to preserve stacks..i mean not really considering you can just use your tentacle to save them....but the whole idea around that perk is to save your obsession for last and to me that kinda goes against what he'd be trying to do, but personally I don't like stbfl on nemmy bc I can be accurate with his tentacle, and if I were your nemmy build, I'd swap this for either lethal or rancor as I feel like they'd fit him better. But other then that you definitely gave me some ideas!

    Absolutely great choices too, but I'll be contending against fire up. While the idea fits, it's mostly useless for him in dbd bc he can already break pallets like they're nothing and there isn't much a use for faster vault and pickup where he's concerned. It's a big reason why I didn't mention brutal strength, bc while it'd fit him greatly, he kinda already has a power in such away that makes it worthless and more worthwhile to bring a different perk for lore reasons. The idea was lore accurate without being redundant or useless.

    I suggest to swap fire up for one of the perks we have talked about above. In your specific build I'd put in...maybe tinkerer to help you feel hard to get rid of and annoying. Plus there's some rancor and noed synergy bc you'd get a heads-up when that last gen is about to pop so you could go insta down and Mori if it's your obsession or just insta down if it's someone else? Just an idea!

  • LoneSlinger
    LoneSlinger Member Posts: 500

    I really enjoyed this post and series idea bravo a tremendous read imo

    Could you please do deathslinger next if you don't mind?

    I liked your builds and feel they fit quite well

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    Know what, sure I'll do deathslinger next. Need to research a little bit and do some thinking though.