New Perk Idea:Scourge Generator
Scourge Generator:Deceptive Victory
At the start of the Trial, 4 random Generators are changed into Scourge Generators:
- The Auras of Scourge Generators are revealed to you in white.
Each time a Survivor completes a Scourge Generator,all survivors within 16 Meters of it will have the following effects apply:
- They will scream & gain the Exposed Status Effect for 30/45/60 Seconds
To the Survivor who completed a Scourge Generator,will also gain the Oblivious Status Effect for 30/45/60 seconds
4 of over 12 hooks isn't that huge, making Scourge Hooks a little limited but fair in that limitation.
4 of 7 generators is a LOT, though, and I believe decreasing it to 2 would be fine.