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Why every killer uses Corrupt

I've been on the Corrupt/Deadlock "milk bottle" I guess you could say for too long. Because what happens when I don't have those perks? The gens fly. Survivors spawn on gens, they do them, and by that time I've got 1 down max. So I'm basically starting the game at 2 gens. "But don't nerf gen speed! Survivors can't handle that! This is definitely a real statement!" Try playing above ash grade. You'll see what I mean with the gen speed.

At this point, survivors don't even need meta perks. They could bring 1 or 2, the essentials like BT. But against 80% of killers, it's easy as pie from start to finish. They aren't at threat of dying in the slightest, save for them screwing up or going against very specific killers. If they can't loop the killer for more than 20 seconds, that's fine. The gens will get done as soon as the game begins anyway, so they can afford to get downed like there's no tomorrow. 80 seconds: That's all it takes to get 2-3 gens done.

And Corrupt wasn't even enough slowdown, I kid you not. Killers are still humoring gen defence as a viable strategy against top level, but it just doesn't mean anything. You use hexes, they go down. You use Scourge hooks, you waste time walking to specific ones. You use Pop or Surge, your regression is undone in literally 10 seconds. So we started using Deadlock, because it's like Corrupt but for midgame. Now No Way Out is popular to run alongside them, because with that perk we actually get rewarded for hooking everyone, and the game isn't instantly decided once all the gens are done.

There's zero point in defending gens or trying to end chases quickly, because the gens fly no matter what. All there is is what I've just described: gen delay. Not regression, not "defence". Delay. It's the only viable strategy for killers, and when it's gone we're gone.



  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Games are too snowbally for that gen rework. And we know BHVR. Their idea of a rework would be to just change the timing on gens and not change anything else... If they made gen times take longer no survivors would play M1 simulator and they just would survive. To fix that issue they'd then nerf all killers to "balance"...

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Making them longer is just a speed nerf. I’m talking about a full blown rework. Then if they can get gens in a healthy spot this way. Then that can allow for changes to camping and tunneling. Which then allows for changes to the meta of gen slowdown and second chance perks.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I would love it! I'd love a more varied objective like the ones suggested here...

    But I have no faith in BHVR to 1) to anything that game changy and 2) to not mess it up if they did...

    If you have more hope than I... I am jealous of you...

  • playhard
    playhard Member Posts: 279

    why all survivor using DH.... same question

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I don't use it. I think it's vastly overrated and uninteractive. Just a boring perk.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I get why Corrupt is popular, I tend not to use it personally though since it can make the early game kind of dull if the survivors just hide. Typically I find survivors early on by listening for them working on the gens, and Corrupt makes it more likely they won’t be working on gens so I won’t hear them doing anything and nothing will happen for the first minute of play. I’d just as soon let them get on gens earlier so I can find them earlier and get into the actual fun part of the game which is chasing them around. 🙂

    So Corrupt is effective, I just don’t enjoy using it.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    That's why Corrupt is in my main build. If not, then gens will fly by fast. I feel like it's essential at this point.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,027

    I don't the survivors just hide for the whole duration and then the perk is irrelevant

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    I use corrupt on Trapper for obvious reasons. Dude is a setup killer, so he needs some time to... y'know... set up. I don't really use it on anyone else though. Well... except a specific Demo build that also needs to set up.

    Here's the thing. One thing I've never really understood is why Killer players complain so bitterly about losing gens early in the match when they aren't really using a killer or perks that actually help you prevent that. Like... Pop? Sure it's a great perk. Does a whole lot of regression to a single generator. Fantastic... however... it only comes online after you've found a Survivor, chased said survivor, downed them, picked them up, and put them on a hook... now it's active but you need to hike across the map to whichever generator has good progress on it and kick it. Ruin is honestly kinda similar. If you push a survivor off a gen, sure it kicks in and starts regressing that gen at a pretty good rate... but like... what's happening to the other 3 survivors who instantly hopped on their own gens? Nothing... and if you don't do something to make them stop working then they won't, and Ruin won't do you any good on that first chase.

    Maybe everyone complaining about this and wants to try to defend their gens should give the other regression perks a try? Pretty much all of them can kick in much earlier in the match than Pop or Ruin can. Something to think about at least.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,597

    Maps and spawns need to be addressed before anything to do with Gens themselves happen

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    I still think gen regression is fruitless at the highest level. You'll Pop a gen that just got Tinkerer'd, leave for 10 seconds, and then another Tinkerer happens. And Ruin can be destroyed. And Jolt, they can just hold forward away from gens. And Eruption takes too much time to set up. There's nothing.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I want nothing to do with messing with gen times. I play quite a bit of survivor and that would be super ######### boring.

    We all know they are not going to rework maps AGAIN and make them better. They will make them worse just like they did the first time.

    Simple fix IMO is making all survivors spawn together...cherry on top being unable to spawn within a certain range of gens/totems. I have seen my hexes go 14 seconds into the match and have seen videos of it by other people as well...should not happen.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    A gen time nerf would not be that different or boring. It would literally be the difference between bringing toolboxes and not. If y'all think gens go to slow now, I don't know how you would have made it with old Ruin.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Don't change gen times, just make skill checks take SKILL.

    Currently, the skill checks are exactly equal difficulty for every player, regardless of skill level. That makes them too hard for new players and a complete joke for experienced players. But what's this? We have a shiny, new MMR number that every player has tied to their profile! How about we use that?

    Make skill checks decrease in difficulty for low MMR (easier than current), and massively increase in difficulty as your MMR goes through the roof. Failing skill checks should be a very real possibility for everyone but the absolute cream of the crop. I'm talking super tiny success zones. Super fast dials. Even shrinking the Great zone when you're at the top of the mountain. People like to say playing survivor takes no skill: well, if the SKILL CHECKS actually scaled to your skill, that complaint would go right out the window.

    tl;dr - Tie skill check difficulty to survivor mmr and you solve most of this game's problems.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Kicking needs to do more as does surv insta tap to stop regression.

    Coconuts new video is pretty good, Survivors have more tools to stay alive for longer i.e Boons, but killers have been given nothing to deal with it, i.e toning down gen repair speed.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 968

    Corrupt ehh that's something I only run on Trapper and Demo since they need set up and Plague. Plague bit more gimmicky CI blocks 3 gens and with the 2 add ons I like to use on her that infects objects for +50 seconds that's 3 blocked gens and 4 gens that's infected for nearly 2 min. So the survivors have to decide to not touch any gens at all for the first 2-3min of game, get infected, or do nothing which just buys me time.

    Doctor approves!

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I don't use any slowdown perks.

    But then again I don't care if I get kills or not. If people want to genrush and get out in 5 minutes, fine.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    Yanno, does anyone else feel like gens fly when they are playing killer, but when you play survivor it's like pulling teeth to get 1 gen done? Haha :'(

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    If they haven't done 3/4 gens in the first 2 minutes the perk has done it's job.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Have you tried using the other gen regression perks? They're honestly all better than most people give them credit for. Sure they don't have the raw regression that Pop does, but they literally all come online faster than Pop does. That bit of time can be all the difference between saving and losing a gen. Eruption in particular... honestly I'm almost convinced that it is better than Pop. Either way you're going to be downing a survivor and kicking a generator... the order is just flip flopped. Eruption also has its delay broken into 3 pieces and each one can easily happen earlier in the game than Pop's massive lump sum does because the main activation happens on Down and not on Hook.

    To make matters even more interesting, Pop almost requires running either BBQ or Thrilling for you actually know where the Pop will do the most damage. The other regression perks? Basically every single one also moonlights as an info perk. So... if one were so inclined, you could run 4 of the "off meta" regression perks and still not be at a loss for where to go because there's explosions going off everywhere.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    ^ this, see, I am a killer main that mostly plays survivor these days, the problem isn't the gen time, it is maps and how long it takes a killer to get there if they are a normal m1 killer.

    If they make gen times take longer what am I supposed to play? Killer is really boring these days and when I play survivor I only want to loop, I get bored of holding m1 for 80 seconds.

    The simple fix just like you mentioned might be all survivors spawn together, bones/hexes should have a spawn time or something, like 14 seconds like you mentioned.

    Also removing map offerings might help a lot.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    I love Corrupt. It's amazing xd

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I think it's a bit overrated.

    Run Lethal pursuer together with corrupt and you'll see why. Happens relativilly often survivors still spawn near unblocked gens

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    I've used all of the gen regression perks, in various combinations. They don't get the job done that they're supposed to do because survivors do the gens too fast anyway. Because the regression numbers are so small, survivors can just power through them, unless they're in a losing situation already because they're constantly giving you downs and hooks.

  • Labrac
    Labrac Applicant Posts: 1,285

    I think it's the best killer perk at the moment. It's usually the difference between losing 2 gens at your first down or not losing any (unless RNG screws you). There's a reason people run it on basically every tournament match.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I think thats because of killer spawn. Pretty often you spawn more to the middle of the map and Corrupt blocks 3 gens furthest away from you, which can be each on different side of the map if you are unlucky

  • Smuk
    Smuk Member Posts: 735

    Why CI?

    Try using lethal pursue for instance. 90% of matches, 3/4 survivors are spawning on top of the gen.

    If I want to play a game for 2minutes longer I do use CI.

    The biggest core issue are maps and spawns itself. But luckily on backwater swamp, now you can kick gen from sideway

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited December 2021

    I use Corrupt only in killers with bad early (Nemesis, Trapper, Demogorgon, Plague,...).

    In the rest it's not that good, because the rest of the match you are playing with only 3 perks.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Corrupt will always be needed. But a better default regression and default regression on kick would go a long way to balance

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Maybe everyone complaining about this and wants to try to defend their gens should give the other regression perks a try? Pretty much all of them can kick in much earlier in the match than Pop or Ruin can. Something to think about at least.

    Which regression perks kick in meaningfully earlier than Pop and Ruin?

    Jolt? Not until you down someone with a basic attack.

    Eruption? Not until you kick some gens AND down someone.

    Oppresion? Not until you kick a gen after multiple gens have progress on them and the Survivors have left those gens without finishing them.

    Either of the Scourge Hook perks? Not until you hook someone on a Scourge Hook.

    Overcharge? Not until someone fails a skill check after you've gone out of your way to kick the gen (maybe in a game where there are less adept Survivors)

    Am I forgetting any?

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's a strong perk if you can find a survivor quickly, but many of my games with it, the survivors just stealth for the entire duration and it's wasted. Always very strong on setup killers though like Hag and Trapper.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446
    edited December 2021

    You haven't forgotten any, but you seem to not realize that walking to the Gen you want to Pop can easily take 10 seconds, especially if BBQ is your tracking perk. Picking up and carrying somebody to a hook can also take 10 seconds if you are unlucky. That right there is 25% of a generator. I'd say that's a pretty significant amount of time, wouldn't you?

    The fact that other regression perks can bypass 1 or both of those steps is potentially huge and can easily make the difference between a completed and regressing generator.

    Also... with Oppression there's actually nothing stopping you from just... sauntering up and booting the first gen with progress you find in the game. The surprise difficult skill check can absolutely catch even veteran survivors off guard. Maybe don't do this if you aren't somebody with mobility to catch up to the person running away... but... it can work. Or... before CoH was released and injuries actually mattered... if the map permitted, I'd sometimes use EW1's permanent undetectable, Sloppy, and Oppression to give Myers a really good early game. Like we're talking several hooks before the first gen popped levels of good.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't agree that the time to walk to a gen on Pop is meaningful compared to the regression you get on the other perks.

    Also, what you are describing with Oppression is a waste of a use and a waste of time IMO.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    Then you're wrong. Unless you're on a mobility killer, if you spot somebody 50m away on a gen with BBQ, it legitimately takes 10 seconds to get over there and kick it. If you've already spent 10s finding your first chase, 20s getting the injure, 20s to get the down, jk he's running Dead Hard which adds another 10s, then 10s to transport the survivor to a hook, 10s to hike to that Survivor 50m away... that's 80 seconds. If you don't cut down at least 1 of those times... you lose every solo gen before you can use Pop even once.

    Contrast that with any other regression perk.

    Pain Resonance goes off at the ~70s mark which is before a solo gen pops.

    Jolt goes off at the 60s mark.

    Eruption also goes off at the 60s mark though you do need to have kicked something before that.

    Oppression can go off whenever you're near a gen you can kick. There's been multiple times I've purposefully used it on a close gen to mail a skill check to a farther gen I knew was getting worked on to save it and been successful.

    Overcharge also can go off any time you're near a gen you can kick. Though I will admit that its skill check is too predictable. Overcharge actually gets a lot more value if you're running other perks that start regression. Like Oppression, Eruption, Jolt, or even Pain Resonance. That way at least they don't know if the gen is going to give them an Overcharge skill check.

    As for using Oppression that way... whether it is a waste or not very much depends on which killer you are. If you are somebody who doesn't care about the ~8m of distance they gain while you kick it... it works just fine.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Sometimes? It looks to me like it just makes a gen or two pop during the first chase at a different location than it otherwise would. Or survivors just stealth out the duration.

    NOEDENJOYER Member Posts: 237
    edited December 2021

    The game LITERALLY spawns the survivors on the generators, often spread out, to the point that the killer needs to A) Bring a mobility/top tier killer, or B) Bring corrupt, in order to not lose 3 gens in the first chase.

    Imagine if the killer spawned right next to a survivor and started the first chase in 1 second of the game starting, and getting a quick down/free pressure, it's basically the equivalent to a survivor spawning on top of a generator.

    It needs to stop.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    Corrupt lasts for 2 minutes and blocks gens. Lethal lasts for 9 seconds and just shows you survivor auras.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    I am once again saying gen speeds aren't a problem, it is the lack of killers wanting to learn that the game is 1v4, not 1v1 and you need to pressure gens, as well as bad map design and killers not having any good gen regression as base kit. People just say gen speeds are too fast when they are not, it is the fact that survivors don't really need to do anything beside their objective if the killer isn't going to bother them

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    I just use Corrupt on Trapper, Hag and Demo

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    I have yet to go against a team that waited out my whole Corrupt.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    I'll run CI on a setup killer like Demo but that's it, I dont like the gameplay that CI encourages.

    I really should try the CI Deadlock combo sometime though, but these days I rarely run slowdown except maybe One if the killer synergize with it like Demo does with Ruin

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    I mean I thought the point of playing killers was to kill all survivors not to protect all gens?

    I use Corrupt but its not in every single one of my builds, just where I feel that I have to "set up" before engaging in a chase.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 10,076

    But as soon as you bother 1 survivor on a gen, the other 3 are getting done. There is no pressuring gens against good teams.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    That's when you play doc and hunt them down,I think you can get around 2 static blasts before corrupt goes down, so if u haven't started a chase by then, just wasn't meant to be, lol

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You're assuming I am going to stick to a chase for a long time knowing that I am on the clock? Nah. That ain't a Pop problem. That's a problem with taking too long to get the ball rolling.

  • Lochnload_exe
    Lochnload_exe Member Posts: 1,360

    yeah that is why you don't commit to a chase for 3 minutes