Let killers have 4 perk slots again

The universal and constant need for BP's really hurts build flexibility, since BBQ and Chili needs to go on every build.
Make the first hook BP bonus a base mechanic (and maybe buff BBQ at the same time).
While we're at it, do the same for WGLF.
You know you gain more bloodpoints by using all these offering you never use?
Try that, it may help ya
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All the BP offerings except for Pudding and Party Streamers are pretty limited usefulness, considering they don't let you go over the 32000 point cap, and besides there's no reason why I wouldn't do that AND run BBnChili
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Agreed, I sometimes dream of nerfing BBQ so I wont be forced to use it on every single build on every single killer I play.
But they never make BP gain basekit so its better to just play with 3 perks on most killers.
Or just play those killers who benefit from aura reading as well
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By just using Brown offerings for BP and no BBQ i was able to get to the 1mil within two to three days
Focus solely on the grind and youll just end up unhappy
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It would be interesting if they just made a huge pass granting some perks as a base kit. Then we would finally see variety in perks on top. Imagine a world with BBQ, WGLF, DS, Brutal strength, Borrowed time, Bamboozle, Unbreakable, Enduring, Kindred all base haha
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I don't run BBQ on most of my builds?
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Brown offerings give 1k BP at most from a single trial. I doubt you got to 1 million because of them.
Clarification: they cost 3k BP, and give out 4k if the category has been maxed out. That means a whopping 1k of actual additional profit.
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I'm not poor! :(
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You will get unhappy but, by including BBQ, doing tome challenges, and focusing on prioritizing hooks over kills I can get 1 million BP every four to six hours, hence the temptation.
A side benefit is that focusing on hooks my MMR stays down enough I don't get teams that are roleplaying Navy Seals who went to Quantico for high school and took Isreali Special Forces training for their weekend hobby. The fun remains and I don't worry about the grind which, as you said, can definitely burn you right out
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I don't bring BBQ most of the time, but I do agree that the blood point gain needs to be increased for both sides.
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BBQ is in no way required but I 100% believe at least the BP bonuses of BBQ and WGLF should be basekit, as anything that makes the grind even a little bit better is a wonderful idea in my mind.
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I'm pretty sure the Common BP offerings cost more than they give in bonus BP
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I’m undecisive on the topic. The majority if the player base has limited uses for BP. However, this doesn’t help with newer players.
Fun fact math time: DBD currently has:
-90 killer perks (78 teachable, 12 free)
-101 survivor perks (87 teachable, 14 free)
For newer players alone, there’s just too much content to leave BP where it is currently IMO. New content is enough.
I’ll explain further. If you just acquired the “Portrait of a Murder” chapter today…
It will cost about:
-1.8m to unlock Jonas 3 teachables
-1.8m to unlock Artist 3 teachables
-8.7m to place Jonas teachables on the other survivors (assuming other survivors already have every other perk purchased)
-7.8m to place Artists teachables on all other killers (assuming other killers already have every perk purchased).
Im context, if you were aiming for every character to have every perk, this new Chapter will cost just over 20 million bloodpoints. Bare in mind, the next chapter will cost even more…and the next even more.
I say give the newer people a break, raise BP limits…double the amount of BP gains for a match and keep it base kit. I’d keep perks like BBQ and WGLF unchanged…it’s a strategic sacrifice, bring crutches or risk 1 for extra BP…fair enough.
Slightly off topic, but raising the BP cap to 5 Million or so wouldn’t hurt.
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Offerings max potential profit:
Max Payout - Offering Bloodweb cost = total actual profit
Brown Flowers/Wreaths (50% in one category):
4000 - 3000 = 1000 gain
Yellow Flowers/Wreaths (75% in one category):
6000 - 4000 = 2000 gain
Green Flowers/Wreaths (100% in one category):
8000 - 5000 = 3000 gain
(Yellow) Sealed Envelopes/Hollow Shells (25% in all categories):
8000 - 4000 = 4000 gain
(Yellow) Escape Cakes/Survivor Puddings (100% in all categories):
32.000 - 4000 = 28.000 gain
(Green) BPS (100% in all categories):
32.000 - 5000 = 27.000 gain (but for all players)
(Green) Bound Envelopes (survivor exclusive, 25% in all categories):
8000 - 5000 = 3000 gain (but for all survivors)
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That's assuming that you actually fully fill up that category of scoring.
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All Flower/Wreath offerings are just not worth it, as I'm sure you already knew. Just posting it here for reference.
Didn't actually mean to tag you, though. Sorry about that.
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I stay at or above 500,000 BP so I don't feel that bad about BP
And I used to run BBQ like all the time... But not anymore (cause of Shadowstep)
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Using BBQ is for baby killers that need points so badly
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Well i dont use all of them
Like the ones i know i may not fullfill to 8000 BP i will not use (like the escape one for surv, or the one for using your power while playing Pig) but the ones like do gens, brutality and chase are usually fullfilled
But yes, the Brown ones arent worth much BP, but you have to get some of them ayway while leveling up à char, so instead of not usint them, might as well use them
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Well i didnt said that i got 1 mil and they did most of it
But often you get them anyway while leveling up, and people never use them, they go with no offering, even 1K helps out and is usefull, thats what i mean
Yes the grind is horrible, but no you dont have to put BBQ up all the time
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Thing is: you don't really want to nerf BBQ.
It's actually weaker version of other info perks for most killers and everyone is playing it for BP. There is only few killers where BBQ is actually good perk that would be used even without BP.
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I main Pinhead and I find the aura read from BBQ is quite helpful. A lot of times it can easily show you were survivors are heading towards the box mid match. And of course BP.
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I never use BBQ and Chili and I consistently have between 900k and 1 million bloodpoints.
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Funny - I have never NEEDED BBQ & Chili.
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make it so points can spill over. keep the cap at max bp but make it so if im in a chase all game in not punished with less bp
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Yeah but that only helps on certain killers. Plus they don't go past the 8k limit since they're applied while tallying up what you got.
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You don't have to bring any perk all the time? Especially not BBQ & Chili. I've only used that perk like maybe a handful of times in three years.
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Even if you only get 1 extra bp from using it that is still more than what you'd get by not taking anything. Considering most offering aren't really that useful aside from map and addon protection most people seem to choose nothing instead of something.
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I think it's intentionally and not for the reason you might think. If I'm using BBQ I'm pretty much using my Blight's strongest add ons every game it's kinda busted. Anymore BP and it's gonna be every killer bringing their strongest build every game. Now I do want them to reduce grind, not by giving more BP but by removing perk tiers in blood webs. The small amount of BP you can get is a necessary evil to both sides. I don't think you want Survivor bringing their strongest tools + add ons either every match.
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No. Running BBQ is for people who value their time and want to max out on BP to make the grind less disgusting.