What makes you keep playing the game?
Personnaly, if it wasn't for the rift, I would have stopped playing by now (I just don't want to miss any content).
Stating how boring the game is if you don't play Survive with Friends as a survivor, and if you are not playing nurse as a killer... (my point of view though).
I wonder what makes you guys keep playing ?
For all its faults, it’s still a fun game to player, especially with friends. There’s no other game in the genre that comes close to being as good as this one. Yeah, it sucks getting matched up against semi-pro players that curb stomp me, which does seems to happen a lot more often with MMR now, but the matches against similarly-skilled players are usually very fun
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It's a very good game that I enjoy playing. Nothing more to it than that.
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Enjoyment. The only reason anyone should play a game honestly.
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I enjoy games where I can interact and work towards a common goal with others and the survivor role fits the bill perfectly. I used to really enjoy stealth play, but it seems the devs are moving away from that, which will eventually be a reason why I'd stop playing.
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Self loathing
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I used to like a lot stealth play. This, is what I think is the most funny in this game...
I cannot count how much I laugh at the killer when he walked past me ^^
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For me I feel like it's mostly the fact that I really like asymetrical games in general, it's just a fun dynamic for online games. That and the absurd amount of customizability that makes every game distinct, whether it ends up being in a good way or a bad way.
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My great disdain for humanity.
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The Rift and presteiging characters is what's keeping me playing this game right now. If I wasn't a completionist, I probably would've ditched this game by now.
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Lack of alternative Assym options that actually last.
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The grind... take that away and I'll stop playing. It does help that no other worthwhile grindy multiplayer game has come out in the last few years.
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Just the rift and grind
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The fact that there is no other asymmetric game that is as good.
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I like the overall theme and the killer gameplay, along with the large variety of abilities and maps. I also play whatever killer I have a mission for each night for a few games and that’s about it so I don’t get burned out as quickly.
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I like the rift, I like the character design, and I like the occasional friendly interactions you get.
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Even with current flaws it’s a great game for me. And I keep coming back knowing how it can be even better and how it can happen one day
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I just love playing the Survivors I like, and I have a few Killers I enjoy bunches. Being able to play James is definitely a big plus!
It's also just a fun game, as long as you don't take it too seriously.
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In today's age of Battle Passes, Weekly Challenges, Unlockables, Limited Time Items, & In-Game Purchases...
There is a sobering moment I have every time I decide to move on to other games; a realization that all of the time, money, and energy I spent on the game amounted to virtually nothing.
Of all the games that have left me feeling this way, DBD (almost) hits the hardest. Second only to endless hours in a minecraft server my friends eventually stop paying for. ...so long all my hard work.
As a result, I don't advise falling for the FOMO marketing ploys and playing for the "material" gain you'll acquire. One day you'll decide to move on and lament how much sooner you could have started enjoying something else, had only you moved on when you stopped enjoying the game for the gameplay itself.
As for why I still play the game? The [BAD WORD] if I know. Something is wrong with me, probably.
I just typed up this entire response while waiting for my 15 minute matchmaking lock to end, because I didn't want to entertain the Nemesis who face camped and BM'd the first person he hooked before we even finished a single gen. I then watched him face camp the second survivor he hooked in the basement.
Its ludicrous that this type of perverse behavior has a stage in any game, that people turn a blind-eye to this deplorable behavior, and its even more [BAD WORD] that I'm readying up for another like my experience is going to be any different.
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It's fun for the most part. Every trial is different. It's a unique game.
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The false hope that maybe the Devs will one day wake up and fix the shitshow of a game they have made.
Barely functions, bugs galore, broken SWF ruining the game with 16 second chance perks while SoloQ get facecamped by Killers who won't be punished for it. That, or slugged on the ground for 4 minutes while the Killer mocks them.
Numerous underpowered Killers, antiquated mechanics with Gens, horrible map design. This game is carried 100% by it's name alone, and if it wasn't for licensed chapters it would have died years ago.
You know it and I know it. It's a joke, and the only way to put up with it is to simply not think about it. I hope VHS is so good the Devs full on panic and hastily start kissing the feet of the players who actually care about the game.
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Like with almost everything the adrenaline rush will only last so long before you become numb to its influence this game will eventually die to to it not altering its game play in anyway. Adding new characters never really alters the core
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Bc it's the only online horror game like this. I enjoy not knowing how matches are going to go, or what kind of interactions I'll have in matches.
I came here from Friday the 13th. That was a good year. Both came out both had a new style of online gameplay, both were scary.
Friday died... dbd held on.
So im holding on as well. Despite the toxicness and the problems I stick around for those fun matches where it ends up wholesome.
Not everyone is gross. I'd like to think the majority of players here are here for fun not to bully. I get as much salt as I do wholesomeness in the end game chat.
Dbd is special. It's not perfect. We love to hate it, yet we're still here.
There's a reason. It's bc we love this game and what it is as a whole. We believe in it. Believe it'll get better or at least believe the players on both sides will be better to each other .
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When I want to make myself feel like #########
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Basement Bubba.
Endgame chat always kills me.
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Cause I like this game for all of it's faults
Where I can only blame myself for bad plays and mistakes I make
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I have fun while playing it. I don't play it as much as I used to though.
And no, that has nothing to do with the game itself. That's simply me taking the precautions to avoid burning out on the game by simply playing it too much, as that has happened before.
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Elden Ring isn't out yet.
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jill simple answer love playing her is my main dbd it’s drug I hate but need I hate I need it.
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nothing else to play. my attention span is ass and the mountain of games i want to play, i can never get far enough into. got into stardew for a while til my interest dropped at year 3 and vrchat is hell for my asocial idiot brain but i still play sometimes
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Even with it's flaws, it's still my favorite game, so I keep playing because it's the only good one of the genre.
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There's a lot of things I still want to try. If I run out of those or the grind gets too obstructive... eh, if the balance trends ever onwards to gens still zooming away.
That, and if I want a game where it's easy to play for only, like, 15 minutes, there aren't many I'm interested in.
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Demogorgon, Artist and I enjoy making concepts for DbD aswell