Mmr is worse than the old ranking.

The ranking is killing the game, especially at high mmr.
Get high mmr, be made to lose most games with such few amount of hook states if you play killer.
Survivor is just a gamble, more than the old ranking. Will you be put with bad players who dont do gens to balance it out (even though you can't 1v1 so you lose) or get put into a high rank game where it's over before you even realise.
Old ranking would of been far better, all you had to do was reduce altruism so chases/objective meant more.
Escapes and kills is stupid.
SBMM has it's quirks, but a lot of that has to do with queue times and lobby dodges.
Ranks were great for very high MMR players and pants for everyone else. I started under ranks and maybe 2/3 games was against people smurfing or people with 20x my hours played who just destroyed me. There's a reason you won't be seeing those '100 winstreak with no addons' videos anymore.
It's way, way better now - but that doesn't mean it's perfect. I would like to see it be more nuanced for survivor.
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I mean now it’s miserable for high MMR killers and still bad for low MMR killers and survivors due to queue times. I wouldn’t call that better
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With SBMM if I check the profiles I have a mishmash of players that have couple achievements completed and others with nearly all. Every game feels like the rainbow rank games and just isn't fun. Atleast before we could see matchmaking wasn't working based on ranks but now they've hidden our MMR we can only say it feels broken based on the match and looking at profiles that are available.
I get matched against same players all the time in multiple back to back matches now, we instantly load into lobbies. It really feels like they don't actually have matchmaking system other than "these players all started looking for match in last 5 minutes, just put them together and say it's working great." As killer atleast I can leave if I see same survivor but as survivor I'm screwed, it sucks. Rank system this happened occasionally but now it's every time I play it happens.
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I disagree here. The methodology for the current MMR is not the best. Kills and Escapes alone are bad factors to calculate MMR and hopefully, that can be changed in the future.
That said, the previous Rank system was a joke for the average player. You were often allocated with clueless teammates and/or rivals and reaching red ranks was even worse as killers with thousands of hours were thrown into the package.
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I remember the first time I've reached red ranks. I was so proud of myself! I'm a pro, now! Well, I was a freaking burden most of the time. I've met Killer who were much, much more stronger than me, and teammates who were looping for 5 generators (but the Killer often understood I was the weak link and killed me easily).
I even went against a big streamer who had something like 6000 hours. I had 300 hours. Just because we both were red ranks. I don't even know if I've learnt something against them as they were too strong for me. I had no clue what I was doing. But you repaired two generators, you cleansed one totem, you saved one guy, you opened one chest... And you had your +1.
I even reach rank 1 by being stealthy. I wanted the achievement. I wanted to be a "pro"! I used Spine Chill to hide each time the Killer went to me from 30 km, and I usually waited them at the Exit Gates to get "Escaped" points for the Boldness category. Skilled rank 1 player, eh? XD
So, MMR isn't the best, but the old ranking wasn't the best neither.
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The old ranking system used to be well balanced around 3 years ago, l'île you fought only peoples of other ranks when being near them and i had the feeling all my matches where fair (or most of them where not unbalanced)
But it Led to queue times being long (10-15 mins for surv, and killer had à 5-30 depending time of the day)
So BHBR enabled the ranks to be and we got rainbow ranks
It may not be the official story but thats how it went tbh
And MMR is just à watereddown version of that old ranking system, but done poorly and taking more of the fun out tbh
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The queue times seem to be better at present, I think BHVR relaxed certain restrictions.
Again - it's gone from maybe 1/3 of my matches feeling winnable to 4/5. That, at least for me, is a substantial improvement.