I'm sorry, but Pinhead colision shouldn't break survivors chains.
Like wth, I was playing with my bae on Sandwich Elementary School and I just noticed that Pinhead can break survivors chains while they're binded to them. Who in BHVR thought that this is a good idea? Literally it destroys the purpose of gateway power.
I did a research to get a proof that the chains really breaks when colidates with Pinhead's body. lmao
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Yeah breaking with environment is okay but that’s a big no. It’s like if clown got slowed by his own gas
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I tried it once more again in KYF with a mate. That's really a thing. If pinhead colidates with chain that survivor is bind with, it will instantly breaks lol
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Yeah they should remove this. Breaking on walls is good but pinhead walking through them shouldn't break them. He can literally phase through windows, why can't he just do the same for his chains?
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We know. Apparently mclean said it was something they argued about in the dev team. Whoever thought it was a good idea really needs to go work on something else because they clearly can't handle this game.
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None of them can handle this game.
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True.. I got angry at mcleans reaction to the billy changes in junds patch 7.0 vid. "Let killers be different" is his response to the changes people want and he can't fathom why people want overheat removed because it hardly comes into play.. Perhaps its because it feels bad. Maybe people want the roar gone because its stupid and annoying, maybe people want the old fov and animations back because it looks horrible and is annoying to play with the new ones.
nah..... How it feels doesn't matter. As long as survivors can have a giggle at billys roar 1 in 300 games they want to keep it in.
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Close, but it's more like if clown had his own gas dissipate from walking through it.
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The chains are hard enough to use effectively without one of them always coming from where you shoot the portal. Which, y'know, is probably an angle you also want to come from.
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They've recently nerfed Pinhead, he's overperforming in public matchmaking and therefore it's unfortunately unlikely we'll see buffs anytime soon. But from a "high MMR" perspective I'd agree that he deserves buffs. Maybe if they could identify what it is most players struggle with when facing him, there could be buffs to his chase strength compensated for with nerfs to those other aspects.
Here's a few things I think Pinhead should have:
Not breaking chains with his own body, as you say.
Chains that break in the environment should keep respawning until the survivor actually manually breaks them. Respawning chains are fairly easy to dodge, and manually breaking one chain at a time happens quickly. I don't see why they couldn't keep spawning until manually removed.
Alternatively, make it so chains don't break in the environment altogether, instead the breaking free speed on chains in contact with the environment is increased.
There should be a reward for hitting chains from afar. There's two aspects to this: hitting survivors at the max. gateway range (16m) barely gets you closer to them; hitting survivors at the max. range of the possessed chain (24m) does nothing despite being increasingly difficult. What this leads to is that good players almost never use gateways at long ranges, and almost always spawn the gateways as close to the survivor as possible so as to get an easy chain hit. But long-range uses of the power and trick shots with the chain projectiles are such cool parts of his kit that should be actively encouraged rather than discouraged. An idea could be this: for every meter of distance between Pinhead and the gateway and between the gateway and the chain hit, the chains take longer to manually break.
The exact numbers for this would have to be tinkered with, but here's a few thoughts on it: It's obviously much easier to get to full gateway range than it is full chain range, therefore gateway meters should reward less added manual break time. A full-range shot at 40m is so unlikely and difficult to get, it should guarantee a hit. 40m take Pinhead 8.7 seconds to traverse, so the survivor should be breaking chains for 9 seconds here, which is 3 seconds per chain or a 200% increase over the default breaking time of 1 second. Gateway meters could make for 1/3rd or 66.6% of these 200% - that's 4.16% per meter of gateway distance. Chain meters would then obviously make for the remaining 2/3rds or 133.3%, which is 5.5% per meter of chain distance.
At 16m max. gateway range, a survivor would spend 1.66s breaking each chain, so a total of 5 seconds. Pinhead can traverse those 16m in 3.47s. However, a survivor can still move while chained, so they would make some more distance in those 3.47s, plus they can break chains in the environment. I think these numbers could be alright, but yeah, one would have to see it in action and tinker with it, not least because I did not account for survivors still being able to move when coming up with the 200% increase for 40m.
I also think Engineer's Fang should be rebalanced with this in mind. That means rather than giving it any downsides like it currently has, simply make it so that the chain hit will only injure a survivor if it's at least a 16m shot, meaning you need at least a full gateway range, or a combination of gateway + chain range. Note that this doesn't mean the survivor has to be 16+m away from Pinhead, just that the distance between Pinhead and the gateway and the gateway and the chain hit have to combine for at least 16m. Or maybe to encourage trick shots even more one could make it so that the chain hit injures at any distance above 5m with this add-on.
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It's a stupid design decision.
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But that's honestly bhvr lately. There was a point in time were they seemed to understand their own game and proceeded to make questionable decision after each other.
As much as I like the look of the realm reworks, many of them reintroduced problems they already fixed.
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Don't give the devs any ideas now.
They gave clown a bottle that can speed up both the killer and the survivors so its not past them to make the slow bottle effect both sides too.
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Don't worry. I'm the dev blog they'll state how it adds more skill to the killer despite being an unnecessary change.
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Tbf that should never happen if you any good with clown and punishes people who mindlessly use bottles so I’m fine with it
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Most people in BEHAVIOR should go and work on something else