Deadharding through bear traps

Is just so frustrating. Played trapper the other day against 4 deadhards (on haddonfield but whatever). Placing a trap at a pallet is counterproductive, since they dh over the trap and now it blocks you. So not only are you robbed of the only power you have, it actually plays against you. Sad face and end of the rant.
P.S. Im not gonna equip makeshift wrap just because of this every game
Just another example of DH being broken. You did everything right placed your trapps in good spots in advance and managed to get the surv to run into the direction you want but DH is again a get out of jail card
Edit: and the worst thing is many survs say you need DH cause of two strong killers that they face so much. Well maybe you would not face the two strong killer every game if this game was balanced
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That stinks.
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Problem 1, don’t put your traps at the pallets (unless you’re on an indoor map and survivors can see your traps from 20m away regardless where they’re at so it won’t matter), place them in a less obvious spot of that pallet’s loop where the survivors cannot see them so easily. Once they know they’re facing a Trapper, they’re going to be looking at every pallet/window cautiously.
Problem 2, after they Deadhard through the trap, walk around…continue the loop…they can’t Deadhard it again, force them to choose to be outpositioned, and now they’re exhausted…EZ down.
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To your first point: You are right, but the most loops with pallets dont have grass in them, so where do i hide them? Grass is a scarce recource anyway in the most maps. And the other problem which also touches your second point is: you want to place your traps at safe pallets which means, that once you are on the other side, you either have to make it all the way around in which case the survivors holds W to safety or you pick up your trap, get stunned with pallet and waste your time breaking it
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OH yeah indoor maps are such a huge pain for trapper I always wished it was impossible to get to one as him
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Let's go!!! Another DH discussion. 🙄
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They never stop. It’s always some Killer main complaining about Dead Hard and making a forum thread thinking it would solve the problem
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I love how people complain about people complaining about DH when it hasn't been nerfed despite 8/10 survivors using it but back when old ruin was a thing every thread was about nerfing it cause 9/10 killers used it
But nope it's cause wahh killer main totally you totally figured it out dude
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Yes, and Ruin became much stronger.
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Get out of jail free card? They saw the trap first to know to deadhard. That's the counter, if you dont have dead hard guess what you're downed 95% of the time being blocked in by trapper & trap (that is if pallet trap placement isnt IN the pallet but just on the outside). Also if killer continues chasing them no more dead hards until you decide to down them or leave chase.
Dead hard hasn't even worked correctly until somewhat recently (at least on console anyway) lol. There's still times when the animation starts and you get hit anyway. Also it's easy to counter as killer, dh for distance a little harder to counter, but like i said in previous reply, they can only use it once in that chase.
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Idk what your on but you need to read some patch notes badly
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And yet even without it working properly until recently you still see it on 8/10 survivors doesn't that itself show how strong and good it is if the majority of gamers choose to run it
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Maybe or it's just mass hysteria. I dont think ruin undying is good but the majority of killers use that. I think corrupt is better.
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Probably I read them before you.
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Ruin was never intended to be nerfed, they simply changed it so newbies dont need to learn to hit great skill checks thats the only reason. McLean also said that they wanted that ruin should have an impact on higher level play which it obviously does atm.
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I know the feeling as I've been on both sides of this.
But you have more success catching someone by placing them in less obvious spots, but in a the path of the survivors route.
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To be fair, Dead Hard was always a really good perk, but only recently did it get an indirect boost as a side effect of hit validation. Hit Validation now allows survivors to hypothetically avoid a hit 100% of the time by reacting to the swing animation, something that prior to Hit Validation didn't always work because of relative lag.
It'd be interesting to know if the devs are seeing either an increase in the usage of Dead Hard or an increase in escape rates of Dead Hard users since hit validation went live. If either or both of those things are true it could be a red flag for them to consider nerfing it a bit. I have no idea what the data Dead Hard looks like though. 🤷♂️
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This is why i-frames need to go. Dead Hard is supposed to be a dash, not an immersion breaking invincibility move.