Killer teaming up with the survivor??

hi so today I just casually played with my friend dbd and yeah we had some good and bad matches but the last one was completely just??

basically the killer (huntress) went after everyone until there were 3 of us and then out of nowhere they just started to ignore one of the players so even though that one player was following them around, crouching in front of them they didn’t do anything but when it came to me and my friend they killed us instantly

after that they just went a blood points spree where the survivor and killer were dropping and kicking pallets and then they let them go which sure I get that.

I was helped by killers many times but only when I was the last survivor except this isn’t that?? this game the killer just teamed up with the survivor out of nowhere in the middle of the game and intentionally went after everyone but them and when I called them out they acted oblivious and then started talking shi..

has anyone had this happen to them? and should I just ignore it next time


  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,303

    As long as the survivor didn't sandbag or lead the killer to anyone, I don't think it can be described as working with the killer. The killer probably thought that survivor was a baby potato or thought they were a cutie pie. When I played killer, I'd let certain survivors (Shirtless Davids) live even if they followed me around.

  • reyw0
    reyw0 Member Posts: 6

    pretty sure they were pointing to my friend when him and the other suvivor were the last ones and when my friend came over thinking the killer started to be friendly he got immediately downed and hooked lol. i mean im still kind of new to this game so i dont know what happens a lot or what doesnt but like i said even though some killers let me go or helped me it never happened while there were still others around. but yeah i guess they couldve just liked them so they let them be and killed the rest its just weird that they were hooked twice and when it was only three of us they decided to be friendly with one.

  • reyw0
    reyw0 Member Posts: 6

    lmao shirtless david yeah i guess you do have a point there.

  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited December 2021

    I do this often.

    Both, ignoring and teaming-up.

    If that survivor made me laugh, I am just not going to kill him. If that survivor donated an item to me, I am not going to kill him. If that survivor booped the snoot, I can't kill him. Those are rules...

    Teaming-up is usually when there are two survivors left and I really want to kill that second survivor. So I just down first survivor so he can see where is that other survivor and I will try to make him show me where he is. Hatch is reward for it... Snitches get hatches.

  • cantelope
    cantelope Applicant Posts: 343

    I've had that happen because the survivors felt the other was immersed walking. Essentially doing nothing but hope the other survivor is killed so he can get hatch.

    Depending on what I've see I might kill the accused, accuser, or both.

    Whether your friend actually did that, and whether it would have mattered, is a shot in the dark.

    When I spare survivors it's rarely because of any specific thing. Just if I see something particularly intresting or neat.

    I spared one Claudette today because after downing her she seemed to want a chest. I let her wiggle out, she opened the chest and let me hook her. I slugged her rest of match. She was honest and it was funny. I'm sure the other survivor could have easily seen it as collusion since it also resulted in her getting one hooked.

  • reyw0
    reyw0 Member Posts: 6

    i spectated since i wanted to see if they would at least let my friend go but as you already know they didnt. people are weird and interesting and sometimes i actually forget that theres a real person playing the killer and just some rule abiding bot lol so yeah maybe they just found something on them. thanks for your answer.

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660
    edited December 2021

    I have done this when I play demo. I don’t kill Nancys, Kate’s, jills or Claire’s. I had a match with where there was a Nancy, 2 neas and a Zarina. I went up to the Nancy and nodded at here then went after everyone else. She tried to body block when she found out I wasn’t gonna kill her and was going after everyone else. After everyone was dead she tried to get me to hook her and kill her but I took her to the exit gate instead. It was a ttv too. I have had many matches where I would slug one of those four survivors and go after the other person, then them and then give the survivor I left on the ground hatch. If I see a Kate hill Claire and Nancy in the lobby at that point I just meme around and often time they have tried to get me to hook them at the end when everyone else is gone. This Claire wanted me too hook her with very little time left and I carried her to the gate and luckily I didn’t kill her that would have made me sad lol

  • gemjas
    gemjas Member Posts: 105

    Oh, something like this happened to me. I went against an Oni that only downed and hooked one person all game. When the exit gates were powered, two other survivors were teabagging and flashlight blinding him while he just stood at the entrance. So, I ran up to him and pointed towards the nearby hook and let him kill me.

    In my very next game, I get another Oni. He chased me for a bit, but I quickly noticed that he wasn't going to hit me. He nodded at me and walked off. Turns out it was the same guy just trying to learn Oni.

    Could be something like that. Maybe the survivor did something funny that made the killer like them or maybe the killer recognized that survivor.

    Trash talking at the end, though. I'm not sure. I want to believe it was wholesome, but it could also be a case of a killer recognizing a survivor willing to screw over their team.

  • reyw0
    reyw0 Member Posts: 6

    thats actually really nice, you gave me a new perspective on all that. i mean its true that they couldve just hooked them twice for points but didnt kill them because they either knew each other or something. and the trash talking yeah i dont know.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    Sorry, but I do this all the time on both sides. Any Trickster is an automatic attempt to get them to be nice to me, which works 98% of the time especially because of my name. But if I'm playing killer and a survivor is either nice to me, drops their item for me, or just makes me laugh I'll typically let them go. Or if their name is also Trickster related (since I'm a Trickster one-trick).

    Sometimes people take this game too seriously and get really upset about it. If I'm survivor and the killer is being nice to me I'm not going to sandbag or sabotage my teammates in any way really. I'll even unhook and heal them. But I'll just mind my business and make a cute item pile in the basement for all my Tricksters <3

    It's a good thing to just have fun sometimes. It's not always about winning all the time.

  • reyw0
    reyw0 Member Posts: 6

    yeah like i said im still new and learning a lot of stuff so it didnt really make sense to me then but after few people here explained and told me their experiences i started to understand and realized we all can take games differently even though i still dont think that pointing to other survivors and teaming up isnt really nice.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    It can be tricky sometimes, watching the killer be friendly with a survivor while they're dutifully murdering the rest of you.

    The rule goes like this. The killer's allowed to spare whoever, or kill whoever, they please. It probably won't make sense from your perspective and nobody will blame you for being annoyed or put out that the killer is playing favorites. However, the survivor the killer is being friendly with is not allowed to help the killer kill the other survivors. If the killer's pet survivor is leading the killer to you, or getting in your way when you try to flee, that's teaming with the killer and you can report them for it. If they're just spinning around in circles or following them around like a puppy, they're deadweight for the survivor team, but they aren't teaming with the killer, they're just being an adorable little unhelpful potato.