The Survivor Tier List

Edilibs Member Posts: 699
edited November 2018 in General Discussions

First off and most importantly this tier list is based of of survivors with they're 3 default perks and other factors. Im not going to get into all the factors right now but as i go along as or if ppl respond so with that said

SS: Claudette
S: Meg, Nea
A+: William (Bill), Dwight, Feng Min
A: Adam Francis, David, Laurie, Quentin
B+: Kate, Detective Tapp, Jake, Ace

Some notes:
-4 Cludette and 3 Claudette teams are not uncommon and there are reasons for this
-Dwight is fantastic support for any team

  • Laurie is A because of Decisive otherwise she would be lower


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Quentin has Pharmacy, which is the greatest perk in the game. He also has Wake Up and Vigil which are also good perks. Pharmacy is superior to all other perks though, so you must be craven to list Quentin so low.

  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2018

    @Peasant said:
    Quentin has Pharmacy, which is the greatest perk in the game. He also has Wake Up and Vigil which are also good perks. Pharmacy is superior to all other perks though, so you must be craven to list Quentin so low.

    Hey! You are so right, its actually something i overlooked> @Edilibs said:

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    I'm just a lunatic spreading the cult of Pharmacy, there is no need to answer my ravings.

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    @Peasant said:
    I'm just a lunatic spreading the cult of Pharmacy, there is no need to answer my ravings.

    How is Pharmacy gud? Tbh, all it does is make you search chests faster and guarantees a single Emergency Med-kit.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @Peasant said:
    I'm just a lunatic spreading the cult of Pharmacy, there is no need to answer my ravings.

    How is Pharmacy gud? Tbh, all it does is make you search chests faster and guarantees a single Emergency Med-kit.

    The joke is that the potential to guarantee a Green Medkit every game and build up a stockpile of Green Medkits is worth taking a "bad perk".

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    .... Huh. Assuming you survive each trial with the medkits of course.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Toxicity23 said:
    .... Huh. Assuming you survive each trial with the medkits of course.

    That's why for my "Pharmacy Cultist Build" I run Self-Care, Pharmacy, Botany Knowledge, and Streetwise. With these perks, the usefulness of the medkit is greatly expanded.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Peasant said:

    @Toxicity23 said:
    .... Huh. Assuming you survive each trial with the medkits of course.

    That's why for my "Pharmacy Cultist Build" I run Self-Care, Pharmacy, Botany Knowledge, and Streetwise. With these perks, the usefulness of the medkit is greatly expanded.

    i want a perk like pharmacy but for toolboxes instead or even better one for BROKEN KEYS YES!!!

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    The real tier list

    1 feng
    2 feng
    3 feng
    3 feng
    4 nea
    5 feng

    I can go on but you got it
    Seriously tho, a tier list for skins? 

    And yeah I'm salty cuz you put Feng only on A+, she deserve more love
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @Peasant said:

    @Toxicity23 said:

    @Peasant said:
    I'm just a lunatic spreading the cult of Pharmacy, there is no need to answer my ravings.

    How is Pharmacy gud? Tbh, all it does is make you search chests faster and guarantees a single Emergency Med-kit.

    The joke is that the potential to guarantee a Green Medkit every game and build up a stockpile of Green Medkits is worth taking a "bad perk".

    When i didn't have Self Care or Bond (when prestiging Quentin) i ran Pharmacy ... got myself like 20-25 green medkits please help

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    edited November 2018
    I feel like Min could be higher.

    Lithe is working more reliably, is more controllable than sprint burst, and has more places to use it than balanced landing.

    I feel like technician has kept killers from noticing me, not just from muffled failed checks but them trying to hear me repairing while they patrolled. 

    Alert? Alert got buffed recently, and some killers cried foul real hard. I don't use it myself, though.
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    I'm assuming this is for new survivors? If so:
    First: David for We're Gonna Live Forever and Claudette for SC.
    Second: Would be Nea/Feng or Meg for an exhaustion perk.

    The rest are just how you want your playstyle to be.

  • MartiH
    MartiH Member Posts: 34
    I'd put Feng Min higher because she's probably the most versatile (for perks). She should be S with Nea and Meg.
    Technician is a good perk for stealthy and efficient plays (you can repair gens next to a killer and they won't hear it), Lithe is great in chases (imo it's the best exhaustion perk) and Alert, thanks to the buff, is now useful for "always" being aware of where the killer is.

    Or maybe I'm just biased because I love Feng and I barely see people using her T_T.
  • SIX
    SIX Member Posts: 67

    S - Laurie, a bloody Laurie is always more feared than some cheap wanna be ninja
    A - Meg, because i say so / Nea because she's a confirmed Killer
    B - Wanna be Ninja / Bill because he's a cool guy with Borrowed Time / Hook destroyer Jakie / Pizza guy with Leader
    B- - Farm forever boy, David / Tapp / Tapp 2.0, he would be lower if not for Deliverance / Minnie
    C - Country Girl Kate, useless perks / Ace is a ravishing guy, but again, trash perks
    F - The goblin looking dude is simply trash, be gone thot

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @SIX said:
    S - Laurie, a bloody Laurie is always more feared than some cheap wanna be ninja
    A - Meg, because i say so / Nea because she's a confirmed Killer
    B - Wanna be Ninja / Bill because he's a cool guy with Borrowed Time / Hook destroyer Jakie / Pizza guy with Leader
    B- - Farm forever boy, David / Tapp / Tapp 2.0, he would be lower if not for Deliverance / Minnie
    C - Country Girl Kate, useless perks / Ace is a ravishing guy, but again, trash perks
    F - The goblin looking dude is simply trash, be gone thot

    "Country Girl Kate, useless perks" OKAY BUDDY just because boil over is useless doesn't mean rest of her perks are

  • SIX
    SIX Member Posts: 67

    @Milo said:

    @SIX said:
    S - Laurie, a bloody Laurie is always more feared than some cheap wanna be ninja
    A - Meg, because i say so / Nea because she's a confirmed Killer
    B - Wanna be Ninja / Bill because he's a cool guy with Borrowed Time / Hook destroyer Jakie / Pizza guy with Leader
    B- - Farm forever boy, David / Tapp / Tapp 2.0, he would be lower if not for Deliverance / Minnie
    C - Country Girl Kate, useless perks / Ace is a ravishing guy, but again, trash perks
    F - The goblin looking dude is simply trash, be gone thot

    "Country Girl Kate, useless perks" OKAY BUDDY just because boil over is useless doesn't mean rest of her perks are

    You're gonna tell me that the ability to see pallets which everyone knows where they are is useful ? Or that joke perk DWM ? let's not be liars, since SAW Chapter most of the Survivors perks are trash with the exception of Deliverance and maybe Tenacity

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @SIX Why is DWM a joke perk? Because it promotes actually losing a killer instead of looping?
    Also WoO i really useful for new and even old players.
    And look i don't find Tenacity useful Opinions do exist in the end huh

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,919

    Claudette and Meg are easily the two best with only their three unique perks. Empathy and Self Care are top tier, Botany is good but meh...not one of my favorites.

    Meg has three really great perks with Sprint Burst and Adrenaline being two very good meta perks. Quick and Quiet has been a life saver to me in certain situations.

  • SIX
    SIX Member Posts: 67

    @Milo said:
    @SIX Why is DWM a joke perk? Because it promotes actually losing a killer instead of looping?
    Also WoO i really useful for new and even old players.
    And look i don't find Tenacity useful Opinions do exist in the end huh

    Tenacity is pretty good if paired with Unbreakable or No Mither

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    edited November 2018
    Honestly, Bill may have Borrowed Time, but he is the easiest one to track while injured. His grunts are so unbelievably loud. And he stands out a lot with his white hair. Like Legacy and neon clothing levels.
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Top tier-
    1. Claudette (seriously her perks are insane)
    2. Feng (alert is op rn technician lets you repair right infront of the killer and Lithe is amazing)
    3. Meg (the gen jockey has perks made for running a killer)
    4. Nea (Balanced landing is the strongest exhaustion perk imo since it opens up new loops I still prefer lithe tho and urban evasion is just amazing)
    5. Laurie (D strike is just OP)
    Mid tier
    1. David (Dead hard is good if u mess up a lot but not that good for people who barely mess up)
    2. Dwight (Bond is the most satisfying perk in the game cause u feel powerful seeing your teammates everywhere.)
    3. Jake Park (Iron will and Calm spirit are super fun and saboteur is annoying)
    4. Kate (Very noob friendly and dance with me is probably one of the strongest perks rn)
    5. Tapp (Stake out is fun, Tenacity is awesome and Detectives hunch is fun too.
    Bottom Tier
    1. Ace (his perks aren't the best)
    2. Bill (ever since the Borrowed time nerf, he's just trash. Unbreakable is too situational, Left behind is trash and Borrowed time is decent but it means u gotta sacrifice urself.)
    3. Quentin (Peng af like Nea but his perks are so weak rn it's depressing.)

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I approve of Mins high rank. :)
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Survivor are just skins.
    It is just about their colorsceme and their voices.
    Claudette and Adam take the cake, because … they are BLACK.
    Pair that with their dark clothing options to get ninja stealth.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    If you want to talk about camo a P3 Ace is damned near invisible on both swamp maps, and anywhere that's dark and up against brick or dark stone. In terms of full cammo, so as long as he's not facing the killer and/or holding anything, he's almost a Claudette. Otherwise,  his hands and face give him away.

    Seriously though, a full blood Ace is so damned hard to see at a fast glance if they're doing it right.
  • Edilibs
    Edilibs Member Posts: 699
    edited November 2018

    The reason Claudette is in her own tier is because she is THAT much better at stealthing than the rest.
    I've lost her a good number of times and i watched games on survivor side where the Claudettes hide in a place where the killer runs right past them. Don't let me get started on Yokahoma Family Residence. Her default costume (also the bloody brown one are too good)

    One game I had hooks in the basement and was slugging, at the stairs I said in my head "Why cant i pick up The Meg? Whats going on? I then immediately walked up the stairs a little (where theres more light) and saw her reviving her! lol I've saw a stream once where the killer admitted that if she didnt have the blue glasses on in the Haddonfield map as she was hiding he wouldn't have saw her. Botany, Self Care, she is SS tier then its everyone else.

    To the person saying that Feng Ming should be S with Meg and Nea I actually understand why you would say that, i really do. Her abilities are up there with them plus her default outfit is great for ninja (the term people use?) and stealthing on a good number of maps.

    To the person that says that Dwight is mid tier, he cannot be mid tier because of Bond and Leader. Based of your ratings he should be high mid (A, or B+) He is top tier from my rating/ranking perspective because Bill only really has borrowed time and as i mentioned although his two perks may not be as good, he still has two good ones and William only has one