Taking the dc penalty over waiting the timer out.

Nothing much I'm just curious how many of you are on a game that you know you can't win and get that feeling of taking the penalty over waiting it out specifically EGC
I thought about that when there was a cheater in my game.
I stayed until they left instead.
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Playing survivor I've had games that seemed absolutely hopeless at the beginning turn into 4Es. As killer I've seen survivors pop 4 gens by my first hook just to find they 3 genned themselves without any help, and gave me the tools to get a victory.
On either side I tend to feel it unfair to the remaining players to just quit.
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The fact that this question is being asked scares me, plus the fact that people will probably have an actual answer for it...
"Yeah man, they were already taking out our nexus turrets so I just couldn't wait that extra thirty seconds for the game to end"
I've never seen a game where so many people feel free to use the disconnect button rather than playing and finishing the game that they agreed to participate in.
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Hopefully you got a good amount of points then
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I don't like it either it was more morbid curiosity was the reason I am even asking about it. I wish it didn't happen but the fact that people can actually find reasons to just shows how this game works.
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Well people DC over getting put on their death hook, trowing everything they earned during a trial away, loosing pips/MMR and still get the increasing time out.
That's even less time.
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Like I said this is more you have no chance of winning. Such as for some reason all except one or two games when I have a bad match as killer there is always at least one survivor who stands there fully healed and next to the gate but wants to berate even more by wanting to bm at the gate so for most people they will just wait out the timer to get some points, however, there are times and I will admit this is when I dc is when they wait for the last second and I decided to say " screw it, the points are low the time is almost gone and they won't leave" so I take the dc. It sucks but it happens that's why I'm basically asking how often does it happen.
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dont make an habit or otherwise you're going to witness a new brand of pathetic
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I know it happens hell I had someone dc on the first hit so I know it happens but like I said this is more the ending than the beginning.
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dcing or dealing with cheaters?
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I mean, I left for a party and just kept my Xbox on.
I came back 8 hours later and he was gone, W for me.
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Then I let the other side have the victory they earned. If I was playing football and by the 4th quarter my team knew we were trounced, I would still take the field.
As to your specific example, when I get survivor players like that, I ignore them and go through the map looking for pallets to break and other things I can do to get a bit more BP, or I go to the shack, set the controller down and get a tasty treat.
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Isn't the minimum DC penalty time longer than the time it takes to fully bleed out (5 minutes vs. 4 minutes)?
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Like I said I do that however having it happen over and over and over when you much rather be going to the next game can wear on people after a while. Oh and thank god console doesn't have end-game chat cause that would just make it worse.
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it starts with 3 minutes then increases with each dc for a span of I think 24 hours,
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It absolutely can, and my best advice when it does is to play something else. There's nothing that can be implemented to stop jackass players from being jackasses, the best you can do is try and keep their jackassery from ruining your day.
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Trust me I know usually I just look up stuff on my phone or laptop or do like you said go and break pallets and walls. Honestly, I also know the toxic player base can't be stopped especially since the game is becoming more and more known for it but still it would be nice if that rating system they had at the end of the game wasn't basically a Facade.
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If the survivors survive my onslaught I open the gates for them. I still try to kill them but I want to start the timer for the match to end. If you don't want to push them out the gate you can do things like break pallets and walls or use your power to get additional points.
Blood points are hard-earned. It is a mind game. A game designed to frustrate. If you are going to stay you must push through the pain until the devs change how the end game works again.
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I am pretty sure the minimum penalty time is 5 minutes.
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True however there are games you get little to nothing due to how quick the game can be so Idk if those can be considered Hard-earned
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If you don't try you will never know the triumph of getting your tormentors on the hook and pulling off an unexpected victory.
There will be good and bad games but you get to earn BP regardless. This leads to more perks and more addon and hopefully more experience. Learn to hide your red light, how to properly use your power, how to run tiles, and use perks that support each other for maximum effect. Always use BBQ and keep track of who you have hooked using the hud.
This game has been out a long time. Many people you face will have thousands of hours. Try to learn from the experiences and read up on things in the DBD wiki so you have game knowledge.
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Good sediment however you are missing some major issues
1.I never said I don't try and like I said this is for games you can't win and are at the last big of egc I know stuff can happen until then which is fine but not at this point
2 . Having bbq is a good idea to help with points however there are two problems with it first it requires hooks some games you can't get anyone and second the game's rng makes it hard to even get it due to the clutter
3 you can learn and learn and learn however, much like tf2 you can be a master of the game and still be screwed by rng, nerfs, and unbalanced setups which this game is known for
Like I said it's all good when everything is balanced and works but for now not so much.
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If you cannot hook anyone for whatever reason you can still earn points chasing them, hitting them, using your power on them, breaking pallets while you chase.
If your mind breaks every time you "lose", this game is not for you. It is just going to disappoint you over and over again. Change what it means to win in your mind. Aim for at least brutal killer results.
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Right because playing the game as bubba since most other killers I have don't have bbq atm doesn't mean it's unbalanced as ######### and seeing that people would rather act like toddlers and try to get their ego raised rather than just going " hey we won and the killer's not chasing us lets leave" isn't an issue with the game no it's the killer's fault.
Also yes you can get points for other stuff but none of that matters if it goes so quick you don't get much in those categories and I don't care about losing in other games but this games cycle of bullshit makes it much much worse between the rng with the blood web, survivor behaviors and such does make it a problem.
Also even getting brutal killer status does not mean much since the average I get is 15k when I get that. However, right now it seems even that isn't much due to add-on and perk prices.
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I personally remember a recent 4 man escape against me. I got Brutal killer with 27k and more with the BBQ stacks. They were very good but I did not make it easy for them. If you realize that your "loss" is obviously affected by map rng, survivor rng, your mistakes rng, their mistakes rng, etc then take it to the next level and learn to brush it off as this game can affect your health if you take it too seriously.
Push them out or do busy tasks cleaning up pallets and doors, but stay until the end so you have something to show for your time spent.
You have a time limit on this earth. Spend time doing things that bring you happiness.