How is this fun

So had a match with a camper in the end game chat he talks about how it's fun to camp. How tell me how is it fun to do nothing but stare at a survivor doing nothing on hook while his team gets all the gens done and leaves. Like farming is fun in the way of extra BP but tell me how camping can be considered fun.
That’s very fun, try it.
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Fun is subjective.
You might not find camping fun, but others do. Just like how some people don't find farming fun.
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Two matches I delt with campers something is going on now and I want to know what.
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Okay tell how is it fun.
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What was the context of the camping? Helps to know. Was the killer camping at 5 gens 30 seconds in? Or did he camp one of you after he had 1 hook all game and all gens were done? Camping has so many meanings that it helps to know what your personal version of camping is.
Post edited by SunsetSherbet on0 -
You don't need to make 2 threads about camping.
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Camping is the path of least resistance.
Survivors flock to the hook for rescues and killers know this. It's easier to sit and wait rather than go look for a new target, only to get looped around an obstacle course and have 3 gens pop at the same time.
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Hooked 1 person at 5 gens both games and just camped.
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Few make off with the goodies in your basement chest, huh?
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Because isn't an answer it's a word let me guess you can't find a valid reason why
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I'm with you that facecamping is boring, I hardly ever do it personally. If the survivors aren't coming to me I go to them, anything else is usually an inefficient use of my time.
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I find it fun.
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One swallow does not a summer make.
Two campers does not a national park make.
Here's a few things though:
- When you say 'camped', do you mean facecamping or simply protecting the hook?
- Camping does penalize killers when they facecamp. BHVR wants to do more to discourage this, but it's tricky to get right.
- Proxy camping (ie. defending the hook) is completely legitimate and the devs have confirmed as much.
- If someone is camping, just do gens. It sucks, but it is what it is.
- If you are really concerned about campers, bring Camaraderie. It basically hard counters the strat.
- A lot of killers are rather fed up right now. Watching Otz doing his 'no perks no addons 30 seconds wait' games today made me realize just how nasty survivors tend to be when they win. And this is versus one of the biggest DbD streamers around. Combine this with the DH buff and boon shenanigans (boonanigans?) and yeah - after you get multiple games in a row where you try to be nice, get punished for it and then get told to uninstall in postgame, you tend to be out for wins no matter what.
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But why
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Face camping aka just standing front or extremely close to the hook facing it.
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It's probably the salt mining that they find fun. Insidious Bubba is fun a few times if people actually fall for it, but it gets old fast
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Were you being a dick survivor? It’s a legitimate question.
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Dude I'm watching the Otz replay now, and holy cow, I thought the hate I was getting from survivors was an isolated event but its just everywhere.
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It's like the Pokemon move giga drain. Sap other people's fun to fuel your own.
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I see you were very upset by your two camping threads. Might I suggest you turn down your awesomeness?
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I'm guessing your being sarcastic.
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No first match was back water and I jump over the ledge of the boat no balance and do it again but drop the pallet I never teabagged or anything and I got camped.
The match I repair a gen get downed and camped.
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It’s actually a reason some survivors get face camped. They do too well and get camped once they’re hooked.
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When I get caught by a basement bubba I only have myself to blame and laugh at myself for falling for it. I like memes and dont mind staring at a pretty bubba for the time we share together.
But when I get dragged to the basement with agi/iron grasp and facecamped... Thats the unfun one for me...
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You guys should probably keep in mind that someone can still have a reason behind their subjective idea of fun. , People aren’t obligated to share those reasons, but actually sharing them is the point of op’s question anyway, so if you don’t want to share a reason, it’s better not to say anything.
This is most likely. Another possible answer is that the camper is bored with the game and/or with life, and they’re taking a nihilistic and/or spiteful approach with it.
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It happens sometimes. I stunned a ghost face not too long ago and got face camped with all gens still up. I was running open handed and kindred. My teammates decided I was to be a sacrificial lamb and they did gens until I died. It just happens sometimes
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Camping is a means for killers to.... kill. Which is their objective.
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Or how some Survivors decide to be clicky click flashlight squads and ruin all the killers fun.
Survivors "Its fun!"
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What he found fun was your reaction.
That's it. Not more, not less.
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Switch to killer and find out!
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The only way to combat camping is to stall the game killer will eventually get bored and realize they arent getting any more bp. Just dont make the mistake of feeding him
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Otz is pretty funny. He's always like 'yeah, just don't let it get to you' - but you can see that it shakes him up. Which is understandable.
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People can also find things fun for reasons they can't explain in detail. Most people like a food because "it's tasty". Most people like a joke because "it's funny".
Plenty of people will do something because "it's fun" and ultimately that's the reason. Its fun.
Also it's a public forum and they answered the question. You not liking the answer doesn't mean they can't speak.
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Still more fun than holding m1 on a gen.
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I’m of the belief that everything has a reason behind it and that it can be broken down into smaller things, and that includes subjective experience.
But yes, they are free to answer it how they want. I simply gave my opinion that a more descriptive answer can be made, which they can ignore if they want.
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It is fun if you enjoy survivor watching. I find those matches to be very peaceful and it puts me in a nice zen meditative state.
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They just wanna look at your pretty cosmetics, that's all :)