If you're going to have a toxic match making system then give people an option to leave ?

smartemarte Member Posts: 254
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

i'm close to just uninstalling the game now, solo survivor is beyond toxic.

Constantly getting games with beginners who either hide in lockers, let you die first hook or unhook you without borrowed time right infront of the killer OR just tunnelling hook camping killers after a 6+ minute wait time because they're playing noobs..

If you're going to have a terrible system then we shouldn't be forced to sit in games where killers are tunnelling/slugging/Survivors that are no where near the same skill level. , i'd honestly rather just wait the 30/1 hour /24 hour wait limit from disconnecting than be forced to play some of these matches i'm being forced into ...

to ad insult i can loop the killer for 5 gens, unhook 3 or 4 survivors but the idiot that hides in the locker all game doing nothing and then luckily gets the hatch is a better player than me judging by this system ? LOL
