I was wrong (from a solo survivor)


Hello all,

My boyfriend recently picked up DBD for the first time and is playing and learning killer. While yes, he is new and mistakes are obviously expected, he is without a doubt being matched with way too many survivors who don’t belong with his skill level.

I’m a solo main, and I do think solo queue has it the hardest. But watching the obnoxious bullying that he faces as a killer with maybe 5-10 hours in leads me to believe that the only people benefiting from SBMM are SWFs, and 2k+ solos who purposefully tank their skill level.

I often think killers on here complain about a lot of things unnecessarily. But as someone who didn’t previously believe this game had a “side”, I now see things a lot differently. SBMM’s flimsy standards are really bringing this game down, and it’s no wonder killers new and old don’t want to play anymore.

Buff solo queue, buff all killers, and balance from there. It’s not rocket science, Behaviour.


  • Dino7281
    Dino7281 Member Posts: 3,294
    edited January 2022

    It's not rocket science, but it's not easy either.

    Problem is how long it takes them to do any changes.

    I mean, change a number (Trapper, Huntress) takes several months/years? Really?

    Just do more small changes (numbers), no need for whole mechanic every patch and see what is going to happen. Use PTB more just to test things.

    But they wait for months and create overkill changes instead (Deathsligner), they would do it with Spirit too, but they failed with code, which kinda saved her.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,424

    You can’t buff solo queue because you can’t change how some people play.

    Basically SWF has more reliable players because often times they will be the ones taking hits, aggro, going for saves, doing gens… none of which is something that can be buffed.

    You are playing the lottery when you are playing solo, because you don’t know who or what kind of skill gap they have. That is the gamble you take.

    I have lost count how many times I have brought Kindred only to watch people do nothing and let me go to phase 2. This isn’t something I worry about with my friends because even if we aren’t on comms one of them will not let me down.

    I think some people are so hung up on “SWF is better than solo” but for the wrong reasons.

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800
    edited January 2022

    Yeah honestly it takes way too long for changes to happen in this game there's no reason we can't get some good number changes every patch to a few things and if it ends up being too strong reverting it or weakening the change.

    But usually how it works here is we got to hope and pray they choose like one or two killers to change every 3 months and that it's a good change because if it's not, then well who knows when that killer/perk/item will be touched again.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    It is great practice to learn how to exploit "bully" squads. They aren't even trying to win which gives you a lot of extra time to actually play against annoying survivors and get used to the pace. So that is a benefit right there.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,096

    Keep in mind that they're using an extremely dumb and egregiously over-simplified method to calculate skill for survivors. A good solo player doesn't have to tank to lower their MMR. They just have to run the killer all game and die at the end. You lose MMR by carrying your team more often than not. Exit gate escapes are not a measure of individual skill. They're a measure of everyone in the trial's skill.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,895
    edited January 2022

    "and 2k+ solos who purposefully tank their skill level."

    You're wrong about this one. They dont do it on purpose, they do it by playing altruistically. If I get chased for 5 gens, have 2 teammates hooked and I go unhook my teammates and end up being the first to die because of that, what do you think happens to my MMR? I obviously carried the game by distracting the killer for 5 gens, I ended up turning a 2k into a 1k. But still, MMR would be lowered, because I didnt escape.

    Or what about on a similar scenario, where I get chased for 4 gens, but teammates end up throwing the end of the game, the killer has NOED in the killershack with basement and all 3 of them are in there. So I go for hatch. What do you think happens to my MMR? I played well and I ended up escaping, right? Except, no, the game treats it as if it were a tie. And here is the insulting bit: you could lose MMR in a tie by having relatively higher mmr.

    So, how do I gain MMR if I play like that? Only on 4 man escapes, or 3 man escapes if the killer ends up ignoring me because they realize they arent gonna catch me soon.

    Survivors arent tanking their MMR on purpose. The game forces them to.

    In turn, this makes high MMR games a living hell, because there are no altruistic survivors. You have survivors who only rescue your ass, if your rescue is going to increase their chances of escape. If that isnt the case, they will just leave you and do gens.

    There is nothing "skillbased" about this mmr. All skill is basically ignored. Did you do horribly as a killer, but got 4 kills through bloodwarden? No problem, you increase in MMR, even though you were already struggling to keep up. Did you do amazingly as a survivor, but died in the end because NOED spawned next to a nearby hook? Welp, screw you, you lose the most MMR possible(first dead survivor loses the most MMR, for some reason)

    The fix? Make the MMR for survivors based on chase instead. Altruistic survivors would be placed a lot higher in MMR, making games in higher MMR also more fun for killers(altruistic plays are often high risk, high reward and tend to get people killed because of a slight miscalculation/misinformation) and new killers arent forced to play against 2000+ hour survivors who are really good at the game, but are low on the MMR because of technicalities.