Best perk in the game?

Not advertising or shilling scott
I just want to know fellow forum members opinion
What do you consider to be the best perk in the game, killer or survivor side
Hell you can even give one for each side if you want Im just curious
Ps. And why is it dead hard 😂
Corrupt Intervention
Free set up time and gen delay while also giving you information, in lucky scenarios you might even have a 3 gen blocked
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To me, Circle of Healing is the best. Dead Hard is very good at extending chases but when you look at what Circle of Healing does, the requirements of getting to use the perk, and the fact that all survivors have access to it even if only one has it makes it the best imo.
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Rancor cuz spirits cute
I said it.
I have no regrets
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I like corrupt I just feel like it's only really necessary on set up killers like trapper or hag or Myers
I feel like corrupt on deathslinger does nothing for instance
Circle of healing is a strong pick but for me personally I agree with Scott circle of healing help your team but it doesn't help you not wind up on the hook which is really what the game is all about as survivor not getting hooked
I like rancor just don't feel like it's that strong personally
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Except that Circle of Healing requires you to be both injured/downed and unattended for it to have any useful effect. Circle of Healing isnt just: bless 14 seconds and free heals untill snuffed. It requires you be unattended, otherwise it has no use, it requires you to be injured, otherwise it has no use, it requires you to be there, otherwise it has no use. Hidden timesinks that people tend to ignore:
- time it takes to walk there(if you are with a teammate, it needs to be within 32 meters, or it's gonna lose you time to heal up, if you're alone, you'd need to have no clue where your teammates are for it to save time)
- time it takes to set up(that 14 seconds is an initial investment, which might not sound as much, but you dont gain much time unless you've had more than 4 heals at 1 single boon, meanwhile, the deadzones created by the killer get bigger and bigger)
- time it takes to heal up(its only 50% faster in terms of time, that sounds like a lot, but it's not that fast)
While Dead Hard's only requirements are getting injured, not screaming, and not being exhausted.
You easily get more value out of Dead Hard than Circle of Healing. The only thing that makes Circle of Healing equal-ish in power, is because it covers a 48 meter diameter on the map. Having 2 active often means there is always one within 32 meters range, especially considering boons are spherical. Survivors dont have to be super strategic right now when it comes to Circle of Healing.
It's not the power that is the problem, it's the area of effect that is. Shrink it by 8 meters in radius and make it cilindrical(like every terror radius in the game, imagine terror radii being spherical instead, it would literally nerf killers like Doc) and limit how far down the cilinder can extend. Just enough down so that survivors underneath a hill can still heal, but people on a literal lower floor cannot(its about 0.5-1 meter(s) down, you cant heal on Midwich, RPD or The Game if the cilinder is only 0,5 meters down, but 1 meter does, so somewhere between those 2 is the sweetspot).
Change the area of effect, not the effects themselves.
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Excuse me sir but you didn't give your opinion on what you think is the strongest or do you agree with me that it's dead hard I am confusion?
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It does lots, Survivors not being able to hop on gens as soon as they spawn in is huge. You also get use out of it if Survivors spawn in together or all spread out since a large majority of the time they spawn at those farthest gens. And even if they don't you only have to patrol 4 gens instead of 7.
Its an amazing perk with literally no downsides.
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Perhaps I'll try it out again then, last time I tried it rather after the slinger nerfs and I found with his 32m tr everyone just ran and hide by the corrupted gens
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Strongest perk? Idk you can say deadhard or circle of healing but I think borrowed time is right behind those two
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Come on people, it only takes 1 second to bust the boon totem!!!!
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Borrowed time is top 3 or top 5 I agree but it can be avoided imo
You can't really avoid a dead hard for distance
Or 4 boons going up all at once
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Yea I loved boons first came out survivors hit us with the do bones
But it's a little bit different when the bones can be spawned unlimited times
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Dead hard, Borrowed time and Circle of healing is the best perks in the game IMO.
Dead hard is really strong now with validation.
Borrowed times keeps your big brain randoms from getting tunneled to death by the killer or becomes free pressure on the ground
circle of healing to keep every pepega healthy to Hold W every time they get injured. Keep in mind that the faster they become healthy the efficient they become.
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We’re Gonna Live Forever - vs - Hex: No one Escapes Death
No one left behind - vs - Left behind
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Territorial Imperative & Monstrous Shrine in that order.
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For survivors, right now, its dead hard that is the strongest. And that's mostly because it gives distance AND I-frames. If it was just distance, it's too short in most circumstances, but still decent. If it's just the i-frames, its also still quite a decent perk.
My personal suggestion is to split up the perk in 2, both exhaustion perks, both only usable while injured. So you'd have 1 dash that's rewarding players who are in that sweet spot where they can reach a window or pallet if they DH in time, but too late or too early and they are downed(might sound similar to the current scenario, but if you lunge as a killer, you can basically down a survivor mid-DH in a pallet rather than missing due to i-frames, making the timeframe to succesfully use DH much smaller and killers like Slinger and Huntress can still hit you). Where the other one is just a 2-3 second i-frame, where you can basically do what Clairvoyance did, but just for 2-3 seconds while also being immune to damage for that short period(ofcourse giving a visual indication, like a somewhat white glow that Freddy also gets from survivors in the dreamworld).
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Agree it's Dead Hard but I think Prove Thyself is severely underrated as to how strong it is and close to DH in strength, it makes already fast gens absolutely disgusting it's just not as flashy as all the other meta perks.
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Agree it's Dead Hard but I think Prove Thyself is severely underrated as to how strong it is and close to DH in strength, it makes already fast gens absolutely disgusting it's just not as flashy as all the other meta perks.
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Idk why this perk is still a thing with the speed that gens are and the fact that survivors and the devs don't want to decrease gen speeds(I don't really blame them) it shouldn't be in game.
I get that making gens take longer is not a good thing because when I play survivor I don't want to stay on gens even longer but they go so fast when you play killer because you can only really pressure one survivor at a time .
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The one that has hit validation attached to it is probably the best, maybe. Just because it is the most fair. The server knows best.
For killer... Um, BBQ. It is so overpowered because it lets you buy more overtuned add ons.
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Dead Hard is so good the devs could literally remove its invulnerability entirely and players who like it would still use Dead Hard for the burst of distance alone. Think about it, they could take out one of the two major features of that perk and it would still be really solid, that’s how good that perk is.
On the killer side… I’m not sure. Some people would say NOED is the strongest killer perk, and while I think it’s good I’m not sure it’s literally the best one. It’s in the running though. No Way Out is seeing a lot of use now, it’s pretty solid. Corrupt Intervention is also popular, although personally I tend to avoid using it since it tends to make the beginning a little boring if the survivors just hide.
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It's Dead Hard and nothing even comes close besides Circle of Healing... maybe.
It's literally just a free invulnerable health state that takes no effort to use and can make chases 3x as long if used well, multiple times per match, spread across 4 Survivors
This perk alone carries Survivors, and you can tell many of them would be crying on the forums about how OP Killer is if they ever lost their precocious little crutch, delete this perk for a month and watch the salt flow.
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For survivor, I have to go with Borrowed Time over Dead Hard. Bare in mind, my MMR is reasonably high with all characters although probably not top 5%.
Understand at this level, BT isn’t used to prevent tunnelling…it is used for survivors to go braindead…to wait for the most inopportune moment possible to unhook, and they’ll do it mid-chase. However bad a choice it was, the perk let’s them get away with it.
With the current state of the game now, I’m capitalizing on all hook farmers…BT or not…haven’t met anyone THAT good that I can’t afford giving them a 12 second head start.
Killer I’d probably have to go with Ruin still. When it’s active, it does it’s job well as long as the killer is doing their job well.
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Dead Hard is the WORST perk in the game. Its "now working as intended" variant is broken, too powerful and confusing for new players with hit validation benefitting the worst ping instead of who acted first. Please bring back exhausted on the floor - all is forgiven.
I am of course being pedantic and arguing Best as opposed Strongest. For me, Dead Hard is the strongest perk.
The BEST perk is Windows of Opportunity (for me). I can happily play survivor without exhaustion perks but I am a complete potato without WoO.
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Dead hard and IMO it's completely inarguable. I don't even think the next best perk is in the same tier. It's basically Dead hard>large gap>next best perk. No other perk can do what dead hard does especially since it was "fixed" so it can now cancel entire powers.
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dh on survivor side and pop for killer side
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Dead hard on survivors side
For killers i'm going to call out something crazy and say the new scourge hook: pain resonance
Good regression, decent intel, no cooldown(!) And all for the cost of being slightly rng dependant but so far in my experience it really doesn't happen often that it screws you hard.
Best part of all is that you get all that while mostly just going about your bussines.
No need to kick a gen or otherwise jump through tons of hoops. Just carrying the survivor a bit further then you usually would and it's just constant vallue
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For survivor, Dead Hard.
For killer, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance.
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I'd say Dead Hard for Survivors. I rarely see people who don't run it. Each time I have a new YT video to watch about a build, there is always Dead Hard, no matter what kind of build is showcased.
I don't know for Killers. Either Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance or Corrupt Intervention. I find them both oppressive as a Survivor. More than Ruin. If I see Ruin is on, I look for the totem and it's gone. But Corrupt Intervention? I have to pay attention I'm not doing a generator next to someone else. Scourge Hook: Pain of Resonance? Great information for the Killer to know where to lead next, and the regression is quite nice.