Thank you for buffing Power Struggle, share your PS build here :)
Im a big fan of this perk, it already saved my life so many times. I remember a Freddy so afraid of picking me up, he though someone was pallet saving me, it was my Power Struggle haha
I like to use Smash Hit, Unbreakable, Flip Flop and Power Struggle. Now with the buff I can swap Unbreakable I think. I would like to maybe use Soul Guard or Tenacity.
What is your Power Struggle build ? Are you excited like me for the buff ? :)
Not really, on it's own it's still pretty meh, but I can see it being even better with Flip Flop.
When I use it tho, I pair it with Flip Flop, Unbreakable and Tenacity.
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I think with the buff Unbreakable is not needed anymore, the normal recovery speed would be enough now.
People think Power Struggle is bad. I think its very underrated ! I love being slugged at the end of the game, letting my team mates leave the game, the killer come to me, then Power Struggle and Smash Hit activate 😈
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I agree that it's really satisfying, I happened to do this once.
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Power Struggle + Boon: Exponential, if they stop to break the boon they get pallet stunned by the time they arrive to pick you up again.
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I do it almost every games. In solo queue its impossible but I play swf often, not a full squad but with one friend or two. I always told them to fake a pallet save to let me recover enough :)
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I use power struggle sometimes and its fun. I'm a bit glad it's getting a slight buff. I use it with smash hit in order to get so much distance
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Yes people are sleeping on Power Struggle Smash Hit combo !