Why's the Cannibal being punished for the players' actions?



  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The few people who complained about it are really small content creators tho.

  • chimera3
    chimera3 Member Posts: 70
    1. You can’t see your MMR
    2. Which ones specifically? Everyone has different mmr. Are you trying to imply all POC have “above average mmr” and that all “POC stream snipers” have “above average mmr”….?
    3. Wdym any barely any delay? You do know streamers can put a longer delay on their stream manually……right?
    4. Appeal to Probability
  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    When you reply to someone "simply dont be x" you're implying they are x. Me telling you how to not get stream sniped, is not me defending racists.

    I'm not making donations because I have a full time job which I need to pay for actual things, like surgeries, that's why first world problems on the internet aren't really important to me.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Don't tell minorities to "educate yourself" when you're a UK white male.

  • Fantasy
    Fantasy Member Posts: 451
    edited January 2022

    It's not hard to get a feel for what MMR you're at and that's not what I'm implying. Just saying it's easier to snipe if you aren't in the bigger pool of players.

    Most streamers have no delay so they can interact with their chat, without delay...

    Truetalent, cmwinter etc.. I don't really need to list streamers what get sniped because it's most of them tbh.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    I gave you the video I'm not telling you to go to school, I'm telling you to watch the video and educate yourself, that's all you need :)

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Aren't important but good job you're here arguing about things that aren't important to you, they are definitely important to those being targeted, though.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I've watched the video, it didn't show me anything new. Again, why do you think, as a white person, that you need to educate other minorities on racial issues? All you need is to learn your place and stop trying to talk on top of minorities. More white people seem to be offended on behalf of PoC, than PoC themselves. And no, 4 people on a stream that just yesterday had around 2k views, is not a majority.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    If they're important to you, you should def do a donation and show a screenshot of the receipt, show that you actually care instead of being a keyboard warrior.

    Everyone can sit in their home, behind their gaming computers and complain. If you are so worried about it, do something that actually matters.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    "If they are important just do a donation and show screenshots"

    I have to laugh at this honestly, you can care about something without donating money to it, and trying to guilt me into a donation would just be virtue signaling to appease someone who "doesn't care about first world problems" anyway.

    I'm speaking up about it, several of my friends are in that video, and that's why it matters to me, what part am I trying to be a keyboard warrior exactly? By sharing a video about POCs being targeted by this? By telling people that some (not a majority, I'm not sure where you got majority from?) black creators have spoken up about this? Yea I guess that makes me a 'keyboard warrior'.

    There was literally someone saying that Wraith should be removed because he's nigerian and might tunnel the "blonde haired blue eyed German, Felix". There is a far bigger problem in this community than just this mask.

  • lavars
    lavars Member Posts: 312

    "I play Claudette because I'm so bad at the game I die all the time, so I live my racist fantasy through passively killing a person of color"

    As Stupid as this sounds: The points "I just get targeted because I'm black" or "I get targeted for ___". The whole "people who have the LBGTQ+ charm get targeted or Bill-player gets targeted etc.

    I have to admit:

    I can't speak for people of color as I'm a white cis-man. But my partner is black, and we had discussions like this a lot where the question is if people act upon racism or just because they are mean people. I was called slurs in games (from VR-chat to DBD to Minecraft) and most people just use certain slurs because they are so "edgy".

    When I say "god damn my keyboard is being retarted again" I don't attack people with disabilities. It almost reminds me of the discussion where people said "Karen is as bad as the N-word" while they can say "Karen" but not the "n-word".

    The same is that it doesn't mean just because someone is a POC or plays a POC in a game is a victim of racism. This whole topic is somewhat far stretched. I don't say this problem doesn't exist, i just say that not every argument is as valid as it seems in the first place. Like a bubba that hits people on-hook or tunnels? Isn't every 2nd post here: "nerf tunneling and camping" how many people are POC and how many killers know that they are? And here we only have a small sample of the 55.000+ players daily

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    The only virtue signaling I see is a white guy from the UK telling others to "educate themselves", which is just low effort and ironic.

    Speaking up about it on an internet forum for a video game is not really doing much, is it? So it matters to you because you have friends in that video, I'm guessing if it was just random minorities you don't know you wouldn't care? And yes, I believe that a few isolated cases of someone, who might have been harassed by someone wearing a mask with the obvious and stated intent to be racist, is still bad, it's just not a common issue, compared to actual issues this game has, including slurs still being able to be used in end game chat.

    A random troll making a dumb comment isn't really relevant when there are people who still spew actual hate speech in end game chat, and even in the lobby when you're queueing as a survivor.

    My issue isn't the mask being removed, since I don't even play Bubba and never even unlocked them, my issue is this being the only "solution" they are going to take to try to look like they care about racism. Because lets all be honest here, they do not actually ban people who type slurs in end game chat, like they dont ban people doing the same on their official discord server.

    I'm all for trying to end harassment, when it's actually put effort into it.

  • ReviloDBD
    ReviloDBD Member Posts: 597

    How on earth can someone actually get offended by this? lol.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    You also have the choice if you want to get stream sniped or not. Just don't put TTV in your name and a twitch link in your bio.

    I know you mentioned earlier that it's easy to stream snipe and just find them in the lobby, but in reality, that isn't really true, since MMR is not even functional, so it's not like you're going against the same player over and over again. Unless you are in crossplay off, but then again, that's a decision you can also change by turning it on.

  • The_Medicine_Man
    The_Medicine_Man Member Posts: 65

    For some in the west/US it's enough to be a white guy to be called racist.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,601

    The other option is to ban players who do so, but without confirmation about their intent it's really hard to do so.

    "What if the player is simply a toxic player? Facecamping and slapping someone while wearign that mask isnt racist, but the person behind it could be doing it for racist intentions."

    So what?

    You would either get a racist banned or a toxic player banned. Good riddance it is.

    Both are bad for the game.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,339

    Yeah... I dont see this being effective at all. Someone wanting to be abusive in chat will be abusive in chat, no matter what cosmetics are available for them to wear while doing it. The ONLY thing I can see someone would have a legit problem with with these masks themselves is the acquisition method behind them. If the Bubba is trying to get a specific mask and camps the hell out of the Jake in the game to get it... that sucks. As far as the USAGE of the masks afterwards though, I see no problem. Just ban the people thats mouthing off abusive chat no matter WHAT cosmetic they happen to wear.

  • xXNurseXx
    xXNurseXx Member Posts: 261
    edited January 2022

    i disagree.

    the solution is to exclude players with bad behaviour and there are plenty ways to detect them via the ingame chat.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    My thing is, I wonder had those people not used it for racist purposes… if BHVR would have still gotten rid of it.

    Because to me it sounds like they are taking away the “tool” but also not addressing the entire tool which is that most players were targeting each individual via Camping and Tunneling them out.

    Right now you can still do that (target them) and claim your reasoning post chat. Now these people will still do it, just without the mask.

    So if they are going to address the issue, then it should be overall not just taking away the cosmetic part of it.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    My complaint is "6000 shards to anyone who every played Leatherface."

    So those of us that made effort back in the day accomplished exactly as much as anyone who loaded up a game once? I can't even get a little bonus for having them all?

    Shitty end of the stick, as always.

  • Youko
    Youko Member Posts: 187

    Quoting myself to provide some extra context to what I'm about to say, but....

    Removing the mask does nothing to stop those players from targeting POC survivor skins or IRL POC streamers/players. Just as banning a KKK uniform or Confederate flags does nothing to mitigate the behavior of racists outside of DBD. They simply co-opt different symbols, often less identifiable symbols, that let them operate in the open with more plausible deniability. We saw this happen with the Proud Boys adopting the OK hand gesture, Fred Perry polo shirts, black/yellow utilikilts, and tactical vests (credit: Anti Defamation League website). None of these items or symbols on their own are inherently racist, but taken together, they are the new white hooded cloaks for a modern hate group.

    It will only be a matter of time after this cosmetic ban that they pick a new symbol coupled with a pattern of behavior, only with it being far less obvious to pick out these bad actors and issue actions against them due, again, to increased plausible deniability. Worse here is that they have also gained notoriety and power over the game and the Devs knowing that their concerted acts have succeeded in removing content of the game and may encourage them to carry out more acts in the future for an intended result.

  • Virghoul
    Virghoul Member Posts: 64

    I get so much hate filled slurs in end game chat when I play Trickster it is sad. I don't see how removing a slightly darker colored mask is truly addressing the racism in the game. If that is the true intent some other serious changes need to be made. This feels lazy .

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046

    I didn't knew bubba could take survivor's face until they said they removed it lol. Can someone please explain me how these players were racist in game (or chat?) using this mask?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    As long as camping and tunneling isnt bannable, you cannot ban the second part. If you do make camping and tunneling bannable, well, good luck banning 99.9% of people who play killer, because sometimes tunneling and camping is necessary sometimes, let alone that its sometimes unavoidable.

    Slapping someone on hook could also easily be argued to aggrivate a survivor so they make more mistakes later on in the game. It's not the best argument, but it has merit.