Is franklins classified as toxic or no?

At first you may think no, how could it be it’s a perk that the devs put in for a reason. However it ruins an outlet for fun for the survivors and is very much not enjoyable for them.
Toxic no, as irritating as 3-4 survivors running dead hard? Yes.
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How can a perk be toxic?
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aha good bait
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I consider it toxic in the same way I consider someone looting a chest I wanted toxic. Annoying and makes me mad, so I'll say "this is the most toxic thing in the history of mankind" but I don't really mean it.
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There is not one perk in the game that is toxic, you sound like you either need to take a break from the game or uninstall like I did.
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Despite popular opinions, no perk is toxic.
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Perks (and addons/offerings) are not toxic.
I know a lot of survivors don't like losing their items, but there's a valid reason for killers to have the ability to get rid of them. Items are impactful and sometimes they just need to be removed.
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Why do you think it ruins the fun for survivor?
You item can be recovered and is not destroyed. Also this perk opens up some nice plays for the Killer and allows them to have a bait for survivor to come to.
A perk can not be toxic in itself by the way. Hex: No one escapes Death is not toxic even if survivors are trying to tell you this. It is a valid perk to run. The Killers actions with a certain perk can be toxic (facecamping with Insidious as an example) but not the perks.
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i dont think a perk can be toxic lol
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Ah yes because if I get hit I’m not going to be in chase for a long enough time for the charges to run out. You really thought up that answer well.
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Not going to lie, it is funny to run specifically because I know they view it that way. I love stealing their items and getting free downs when I insidious camp their precious flashlight. Yes, they fall for it. All the time.
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######### is wrong with you.🤨
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Have one of your teammate pick it up for you, run back once you made distance, stealth to drop the chase (use Iron Will), you have your options. Funny note here: While the franklyned item gets depleted you can drop another item to pick up the franklyned one. And you can pick up a new item from a chest if you need one.
You also did not answere the question: Why does it ruin the fun?
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Franklins is legit to catching survivors greeding their items. I've never used insidious with it but have used hoarder. I've even gotten a free down because a survivor body blocked while I was carrying someone and since I knocked their flashlight out of their hand they tried to pick it up in front of me instead of running away.
Survivors get silly over their items and it's certainly fun to run item troll builds because it's hilarious when it works.
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I run Franklin's quite often, for one it helps get rid of the old clicky clicky problem, and for two, it makes life in general harder for the survivor which is kind of my job as a killer.
If Franklin's is seriously being considered as toxic then they should just add an option for the killer to jump on a gen and escape with the survivors.
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It ruins the fun because I can no longer use it for blinds, signals, or to tease a killer. That being said you have to realize how many things your saying have to happen, first I have to be in a swf then I have to use iron will and your saying if I don’t get it In time I can look in a chest for it which has a chance to not give me it.
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So you are upset that you can't tease the killer with your flashlight.
Franklin's is not the toxic thing here.
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It’s a tease bro. I’m not body blocking sabotaging hooks, or going and camping every pallet I’m just repeatedly pushing a button. You want to know the solution to that, Ignore me
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Nope definitely not toxic whatsoever.
And why is it okay for survivors to have fun?
So it's all good if for example all 4 survivors are running flashlights and blinding and flashlight safe over and over again because that is fun.
But as soon as a killer runs Franklins, than that is a big no go because survivors don't have fun then 🤷🏼♂️
I have had never an issue with Franklins as i don't rely so heavily on items.
People who rely on their items are usually the ones who complain about it.
Long story short, no it is not toxic and never will be.
Just adept and escape, case closed
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Teasing your opponent does nothing unlike body blocking which can save teammates, sabo which can save teammates, and using pallets a resource that exists to extend chases.
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Your telling me you never downed them next to a wall that you could have turned to before you picked up. The reason it’s not abuse is because there is a counter play to it. However the same can’t be said for franklins.
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I have no problem with you flickering a flashlight at me. It is my decision as a Killer how to react to it. Sometimes I will take the bait like a good fish, sometimes I will murder your teammates for it and let you live for the jokes. No problem here.
People going for mass flashlight saves are usually pretty funny when I play against them and get pretty salty when they mess up and get slugged. Also they are not doing gens while I let that one person on the ground bleed out. No problem here again.
I will no go for such cheap complain where I can just adept my playstyle.
Okay, so your problem is that you can no longer stick to your plan because of this perk.
I get that I set up certain conditions. But please note that your scenario also comes at a condition: You have to play against a Killer who equips Franklyns. On some Killers this is useful on others not much. Now if you make up a scenario where one perk is mendatory it is only fair if my scenario also has some conditions.
Opening chests is quit the simple task as is running Iron Will. With Iron Will probably being the easier option. Another idea would be to run "Build to Last" which refills 99% of your item thus negating 89,1 seconds of Franklin's effect with ease.
As such you have a 1 perk option to counter 1 perk as a Killer. Your perk would even have an addition effect of refilling your flashlight even without Franklin in play.
Why should a perk be toxic when it can be countered with such ease?
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Countered with ease is that what you said. First off built to last only works 3 times, second what do you expect me to do with iron will lose you immediately so I can go back and get it.And like I said earlier chests have a chance of not giving it to you.
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What is the problem with Build to last?
Yes it "only" works 3 times. Still enough to take care of Franklin's. Going by your argument you should not even need the last stack of Build to Last unless you escape the chase somehow. And then you still have 99% of your item to work with the first time.
Going into a locker is quit easy and there are more then enough lockers on the maps. You do not even have to stay there for very long.
And no, I do not expect you to get ride of me just like that. But I probably have to chase you for about a Minute to get my Franklin's value here. And also I have to get a hit in on you first. It will happen, sure, but normally we are not going to start the chase with me getting a hit in on you.
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You're missing the point here mate.
I gave an example about something, doesn't have to be flashlights, but can be anything.
My point is that Franklins is not toxic at all and to be honest, i think you mixed annoying and toxic up.
Or you just don't understand what toxic means? 🤷🏼♂️
There is a counter to Franklins as well btw.
If you suspect it's ran or you know it, simple drop your item somewhere if you want your items so badly.
I never understood nor will i ever understand why people are so desperate about their items.
Boohoo if you lose your items.
1. it's just a video game
2. It's just an item
3. You get many more items in the web (you can even have all my items if it was possible)
4. Grow up and accept the lose of a dumb item
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"Ruins an outlet of fun for survivors"
You mean bullying the killer with flashlights?
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Except head on
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As others said, no perks are toxic. I think the majority of players are getting upset pretty quickly, and call everything toxic where there is no reason to call for toxicity.
It's a game. We have perks to choose for playing the game. If I write something rude in the end game chat, well, it might be toxic. But if I use a perk, it's only gameplay. (Unless the perk has an unintended effect such a bug. Remember the Breakdown bug?)
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I would consider "hit someone with Franklin's and then insta-DC to delete their item" toxic. But just using it overall? No.
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Just a video game my dude…nothing about any style of in-game play can possibly be considered toxic.
Those believing it’s toxic to BM, clickity-click-click, use perks, hook smack, tbag…WHATEVER…are just people that are WAY too sensitive, or take this game WAY too seriously.
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Apparently yes, reading the rest of his responses that's exactly what he means. I think this man aims for Sluzzy's crown
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Toxic? No
Annoying and infuriating? Yes, most definitely.
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It’s not toxic, no perk is toxic.
But my goodness it is annoying to deal with, part of the reason why I sought after self-care.
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So? I'm their OPPONENT; my goal is to win. Why do I care if they don't like my perks?
I don't like DH or BT or DS, but I don't call them 'toxic' for preventing me from winning.
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I don't consider it toxic I consider it hilarious.
Survivors really do be killing themselves trying to get their items back.
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No it’s not toxic. It’s just a perk. It’s literally in the game because the devs want players to use it.
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If only the people whining about NoED would hear this. 😛
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But holding m1 on a totem is boring and gets in the way of the thrill a second that is holding m1 on a gen!
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I main Pinhead, the box is the key to my power, why would I not run Franklins
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no perks are toxic
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Oh I see the other side can’t have fun yea that would make sense I mean it’s a game after all.
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I’m not sure how I feel about franklins on pin head. I think it might be justified because your using for the box.
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I tell you what: for a Bait Post, this actually got some mileage! I saw this when it first came up and thought: "Nah, not going there. Bait" and left it, but coming back - you've given it some legs. Good work!
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Most ppl need to unlearn the word toxic.
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This is probably a worthless bait post but man this community does my head in.
No perk is toxic.
The ruins my fun argument is largely BS.
The term toxic has been so misused by the DBD player base that it has lost all meaning. Basically anything in game even slightly challenging, or different, or hard to adapt to is somehow a toxic attack on people and their fun its completely ridiculous.
Toxicity is abusing other players, griefing as defined by BHVR, cheating, imposing your game expectation on others and denigrating people for not following it, taking it to seriously then having a meltdown in an effort to ruin others fun, sore losers, bad winners that sort of thing.
Survivors can bring items, items can be strong and useful, franklins counters items directly its a game mechanic nothing more.
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No perk are toxic the only thing that toxic in this game is the chat all the other thing are fine
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Okay you play killer right. Go to killer and you’ll notice he has a power. Now I want you to go to survivor and then look what the power slot is replaced with. Yea. It’s replaced with items. Items make a big difference but y’all can put a stop to that with ONE perk.