A Huge List of Ideas to Help Balance the Game

For the past few days I've been working on a bunch of ideas that could help balance the game. It's about 21 pages (I got a bit carried away sorry...) and has some changes/reworks to perks, killers, addons and just some general game changes that might help balance the game.
This was mostly just done for fun and out of boredom, so don't take it too seriously.
Also I don't post here very much so I don't know what the best way to share this is so I just attached it as a PDF. If it doesn't work let me know!
Holy #########, ok that will take a while...
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Not sure how I feel about your boon nerf. Problem is that it would make CoH only boon viable. You need to nerf CoH in a way that is not going to affect other boon perks.
You don't really get CoH. Issue would stay same, everyone could just safe-heal and recover anytime and you would remove any reason to actually group heal. I mean, it would both be 16 seconds, so why waste time of two survivors? It would be better to actually remove self-heal option and make it we'll make it on boon.
They don't want basement be scourge hooks, so it's not stronger than already is. It should probably stay this way, so you have to choose, either strong hook or perk. But I would change scourge hooks to be based on number of hooks total spawned instead of just 4. You can have 6 hooks and you can have 13 hooks on whole map, I don't like that RNG effect.
Beast of prey- just red stain or also your TR? It might be fun perk if you could remove your TR too, but if it is just red stain then it's useless when you can just moon walk...
Iron grasp- that would be cool. It's just worse agitation now imo...
NOED - that would be so useless without speed boost. Limit number of attacks to 4 and also keep hex weakness. If you want to do this, it shouldn't be hex.
Overwhelming Presence - that's really weak and you would never use it. Make it your TR instead of 10 meters might work.
Shadowborn - that would be really good for Legion and Wraith. Well, not against CoH...
Deathslinger would not get saved by movement speed. It would help him get stronger yes, but main issue is how it feels to play him. His whole ADS mechanic need rework. Higher sensitivity and higher FOV. It just sucks to use it.
I really want that Demo change...
I agree to most, some would need to be actually tested tho.
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Thanks for the feedback!
The boon nerf I don't really like either, I just couldn't really think of a better one. Feel free to share any suggestions!
The main reason for the CoH suggestion was so that it wasn't so strong with medkits. What if instead the healing speed buff only applied to healing others?
The scourge hook in the basement was mainly to make the basement more threatening but after using Pain Resonance a bit more recently, I can see why 8 scourge hooks might be a bit much. So I agree with you that it shouldn't be there. Maybe Monstrous Shrine could make them Scourge Hooks?
The NOED thing I agree with, I just wanted to give Fire Up some love. But I guess NOED probably should have it more.
Overwhelming Presence for the entire terror radius was the original idea, but I thought that might be a bit OP especially with giant TR Doctor. Maybe it could be increased to 16 or 24 metres but I think you're right and a different rework would probably be better.
Deathslinger I agree with 100%. I wish BHVR would just revert the nerf but I don't see that happening.
Removing the terror radius with Beast of Prey would be fun but I'm not sure if it might be too much.
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Oppression at 30 seconds might be too strong so I’d say 40 would be a good compromise
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And a dev with any amount of influence will never read those and me reading them will accomplish nothing healthy either, I wish that wasn't the case but it is. Fog whisperers have tried similar things out and they actually communicate directly with bhvr and basically nothing came from it.
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40 would be great too. Honestly at this point I'll just take anything below 80!
Yeah nothing will come from this but it was still fun to make :)
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Fair enough
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Huge list of ideas
"Oh, great, let's take a look."
22 pages long
Not a single mention of Pyramid Head in the entire list, despite PH having the worst, most useless Addons of any killer in the game
Closes document.
0/10, my friend. Zero out of Ten.
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Scott made a review of a similar "book of good ideas" not so long ago, all those ideas had been suggested and generally approved by the community long ago, and some of which the devs themselves said they would like to implement. Still, nothing. It's like suggesting ideas to a wall.
Oh, here is the video itself, btw.
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Haha. Yeah Pyramid Head’s add ons are so bad I’ve forgotten what half of them do. I did want to put some of his add ons in there, same with more Nemesis add ons, but I couldn’t think of anything.
Oh wow didn’t know that existed. I’ll have to check it out thanks!