Should Bubba's masks be removed?

EpicShipshock Member Posts: 9

I made a poll last year ( where I asked if people thought one of the masks was offensive. I know only 200 people responded and only people on this forum responded, but it was very clear from that data that barely anyone thought it was offensive.

I've heard stories of black face bubba's being racist and harassing streamers but I don't know if that is common at all.

My biggest issue with BHVR removing these masks is that they are the ONLY free unlockable cosmetics in the game, and the only cosmetics that don't require real money on a licensed killer... and they are replacing it with 6k iri shards that can get you, at best, 1 rare cosmetic for a non-licensed killer. I wish they would do an equal swap.

Let me know what y'all think about the decision to remove the masks and if a lot of people don't want them removed I'll consider making a petition.

Should Bubba's masks be removed? 23 votes

Don't remove the masks
43% 10 votes
Remove the masks
56% 13 votes


  • jazzy_jess
    jazzy_jess Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    If you are not a person of a color and have not experienced the bullying and racism in the game from a black face bubba, then you do not get a say. Just because you don't see it or experience does not mean it's not there and is not INCREDIBLY problematic. The data you pulled is irrelevant because the majority could be from a bunch of white people who have no experienced or had to worry about this level of racism in a game. DBD should ABSOLUTELY remove the masks, and i'm glad they finally did because people in this game do not deserve to receive that kind of bullying.

    Who cares if you lost a FREE cosmetic? It's free, and BHVR is actually generous to compensate you for it all given they were free.

    You should be arguing for the safety and comfortability of people of color, not the inconvenience of losing a skin you didn't even pay for.

  • AnObserver
    AnObserver Member Posts: 747

    Cosmetics that are placed in a positive light that have significant historical ties to ######### behavior should be removed.

    Progression systems and cosmetic unlocks are an entirely different argument that would be better spent on asking for Prestige system improvements for all Characters than for only one Character.

  • Tricksters_Wife
    Tricksters_Wife Member Posts: 545

    I'm not a POC, so I really shouldn't be speaking on an issue where I'm least effected by. But yes, they should be removed. I'm 100% listening to the awful and horrendous experiences that POC have had regarding the Bubba mask's and targeted hate. As the first commenter said, just because I don't experience it doesn't mean it's not happening. In fact, a lot of POC hesitate to speak up because they get met with a lot more hate towards their opinion of it and are called even more awful things.

    I understand the side that Bubba, when taken away from the gaming realm and is just discussed as a character, would not care what color a person is when he's killing. But in the gaming community where unfortunately there's a lot of targeted and purposeful hate, it shouldn't stay to give those people even more ammo to use to hurt someone just for the color of their skin.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,516

    No need to make polls anymore - they are already removed. You won´t change that.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    They're better off being removed than being kept in the game if the few people using them are causing problems.