
So I was playing a match as trapper and get put in the most over confident toxic Feng and Meg of my entire life

It's the new map

Fengs running me around teabagging as she goes

And Meg was kinda slow but also teabagging

So I have Feng on the hook (different feng) and Meg opens the exit gate so egc starts and Meg tries to throw a pallet but fails and I get the hit on her and she tries to get me to follow her so toxic Feng can get the save but I ain't stupid so I wait and Meg comes back not paying attention where's she's going and start teabagging so I start chasing her and she gets stuck on the wall and I down her so I take her inside the building and put her on the hook at the very top and trap the staircase behind me and go to pick up another trap

While going there Feng steps in my trap trying to save Meg and I killed her

It was beautiful
