I don’t get the new mmr

Everyone says that if you get bad teammates it’s because you’re a bad player. Yet I have 2k hours in this game and play fairly well. I’ll have a match where I pip one or two because I did gens, got saves, and chased for a decent amount of time. Yet the next match I’ll have team mates who hide in lockers and don’t do gens (I’ve checked the hours too, they’re almost all new players with 3-12 days on the game). But even so, if I had these new teammates who don’t help at all that’s one thing if the killer is also pretty new and not great. Yet I’m getting decently good killers with high hours, some higher than me at 3k ish, and THEN teammates with low hours and no perks who don’t know that pallets don’t come back. This has only started happening in the last two weeks, but it has been consistant. I didn’t have a problem like this with the old ranking system.

i had one team mate who was the last alive and tried to do gens instead of find hatch for crying out loud, then when hatch closed he kept looking! If I was playing bad and dying all the time I’d maybe get why I got these new teammates, but then again if I was playing so terribly why am I getting talented killers and then poor mates? I don’t want to whine, but playing solo que or even a two stack has been really hard. I know swf is said to be unfair for killer, but the new solo que feels unfair for survivor.


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    As mentioned in the Developer Update, even assuming your MMR is totally accurate you still get mismatches because of a couple of other factors

    • If you’re an outlier MMR (which at 2000 hours you could be in the high tail) then the system will have trouble reliably finding enough available players in your rough MMR bracket. At which point it will be putting you into the next available slot regardless of MMRs just so you can get into a game. This timing out to a first available lobby probably happens most with really high and really low MMRs while players around the median ratings would tend to get close matchups more reliably.
    • Also if someone leaves a lobby then the system quickly fills in the gap with the next available player since it doesn’t want four people waiting a long time for a new match.
    • And finally, getting back to actuall MMR, they mentioned in the update that they appeared to have the starting ratings for brand new players a bit too high. They started them a bit below average, but players who are literally brand new still get stomped by “below average” opponents so they said they’re lowering that starting rating.

    So hopefully they’ll be able to tweak the time the system waits before putting someone in a next available match to make the wait not be TOO long but still produce decent matchups. I suspect though that ultimately players with really high ratings and/or who play at off hours will simply not have enough players in the pool to reliably get close match ups.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I completely agree with you.

    There are people that somehow are ending up in high MMR that shouldn't be.

    My guess is that they are carried and have a lot of escapes so the game thinks they are better because of it. Not taking into consideration everything that actually occurred during the match.

  • scubasyd
    scubasyd Member Posts: 74

    does surviving a match necessarily mean your skilled? No

    i can hide or get lucky

    or play really selfish

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,236
    edited January 2022

    My friend and I have the exact same experience. You aren't alone. I get matched with survivors who are playing their first ever game sometimes. Hopefully it changes.

    Speaking for myself, I would much rather wait another minute or three than be placed into an essentially unplayable and hugely unfun match. That wastes more of my time than waiting in queue. If my MMR is an outlier, so be it.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Same dude. MMR is not working or it is working so weird. I am not sure but i think it is works like this:

    When you lose so much, MMR is teaming you with good teammates and you have better chance to escape. So this is same for baby survivors too. When they lose so much, MMR is teaming you with this survivors for carry them.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I think MMR is just the object to take the blame, but it really comes down to players.

    You can be an immersed Claudette not doing a dang thing the entire match…but if you escape…your MMR is going up…and then Claudette gets paired with you.

    MMR has it’s flaws of course, but in this specific circumstance, MMR is innocent. Potatoes will be potatoes..

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,535

    But the thing is that i really think my matches were more balanced when we had the old rank system.

    Now it is kinda 0e or 4e.