NOED Bubba is actually fun

I am shameless.

I am shameless.

Excuse me while I laugh off your enraged snarls. There's just something magical about going into a game, bringing in Ruin and Franklins and some other perk that gets put in the backseat all game. They're running mad like chickens, the gens regressing like my self-esteem, and they're helpless as Bubba's delicious size 42 dumptruck ass mows them down into the mud.

Franklin's Demise follows up with a nice kick in the teeth for good measure.

The smart ones get it. They loop and run for windows, and give good chases. These are the only players I give the gift of a swift, mori-less death. The others? Obliteration. Welcome to my basement, please make yourself comfy you're gonna be down here for a while. And I love it when there's only one left, the hatch closed long ago. They've decided to give up, I don't blame them. They're in the healthy state, so might as well give one last fun chase?


NOED rears its ugly mug, smacking Dwight's lunch tray from his hands into the dirt then kicking him in the groin.

I would be lying if I didn't say I enjoyed every single minute of this. No I do not care about what perks killers should be shamed for bringing. You come in with your BTs and Dead Hards and Head Ons, but when I bring something like that suddenly I should disown myself from life. So forgive me for getting a sheer thrill from watching survivors furiously type their hatemail and list 13 reasons why I'm worthless at life.

I don't want to play the way survivors want, that's giving them the game is it? I'm here to diarrhea in your cereal and run all the faucets in your house while you watch. You're gonna bring DS? Fine. Bring it. I'll eat that like a champ, because nothing will stop me from having fun. That's why we play video games right?

We're having fun.


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

    People should always use perks and playstyles they want imo, as long as we dont bm or insult other people.

    I know some people consider bm'ing fine as well but I don't. I draw the line there and see it as rude and disrespectful in most cases.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Don´t be ashamed - play how you want - survs also don´t care if you are having fun.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    What purpose does noed really serve? Bubbas already 2fast4u and is too dangerous to rescue against

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    I thought I would hate this thread because obvi troll material, but OP is actually a well written troll post. 12/10. I’ll bring scooby snacks on my next read.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209
  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    Yeah, I like bubba.

  • Interocitor
    Interocitor Member Posts: 154

    Thank you for your service. When I play survivor I have to make due with camping Huntress and Trickster. Bubba is better, only seen him once in my last 100 survivor games which is kind of crazy, but thankfully he did camp

    I'm still disappointed Franklin from TCM isn't a survivor, but at least he has a perk named after him

  • BlighTown
    BlighTown Member Posts: 153

    Just to throw a bowl filled with salt into the survivor's gaping wounds.

  • BlighTown
    BlighTown Member Posts: 153

    You did a fine job. Don't feel bad about it because what you did was legendary.