Why doesn't Counterforce have a totem counter?

IMO, Counterforce has 2 main weaknesses that prevent it from being more popular

1) It's aura reading effect is short and inconvenient. The aura of the farthest totem being revealed combined with a rather short aura reading duration mean that you will quite often be unable to even see the aura of the totem that is being revealed.

2) (I could be wrong about this one as I don't have the means to test it) From what I can tell, the cleansing speed bonus is based on how many totems you have done as an individual, not how many have been cleansed by your entire team.

I feel as though a good change to Counterforce would be add a totem counter instead of an aura reading ability, similar to Small Game, with each token granting you a 20% cleansing speed bonus. This would mean that totems being cleansed by your teammates wouldn't lessen the effects of your Counterforce.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    The Devs (Bad Word) the whole Totem thing

    They made perks that focused on Totems only to release Boons

    Also COH is too strong at the moment... and honestly I don't know what I'd do to change that

    If the Devs went a little longer on making Boons a thing then we'd see an actual difference