New Survivor - Daisy Mak

MercyMainBTW Member Posts: 1
edited November 2018 in Creations
So first if all I want to say first of all this would need a lot of tweeks so my character is named Daisy Mak and her perks are:

What are you doing? - If you spot the killer over a 40 meter range this perk is activated so the next generator you touch automatically completes 10/20/30%.
*Only activates 1 time per match 

If you mess with mine I'll mess with yours - This perk you have at the beginning of the match and you can activate it on 1 hook after it is activated it cannot be sabotaged and anyone that is put on this hook will have a 15/30/45% of getting off the hook by attempt escaping.

I'll slap your face - So to activate this perk you need to have been in the killers terror radius for 100/90/80 seconds. After this the next time the killers red stain is on you it will activate your character will run up to the killer and slap him stunning him for 3 seconds(It would be a animation so the killer couldn't hit survivor in this period of time).

Thank you for listening(well reading)my idea and hopefully you consider this character and as always it would be nice to leave feedback so I can work on it and make it better. So thank you and have a good day


  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    its hilarious but also grossly overpowered still slap your face sounds like a riot but i just see sfw groups abusing the hell out of it thanks for the laugh though those are rare these days