Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Franklin's Demise

I'm going to start this off by saying that while I'm new to the forums, I'm not new to the game. I have almost 300 hours, and I've played off-and-on for about four years at this point in time.

I believe that it's an unnecessarily toxic perk that, while mildly beneficial to the killer, doesn't nearly warrant the shear rage felt at losing any item you were planning to use. Survivor items in general are a lot less powerful than killer add-ons (possibly excluding flashlights, but those already have the specific counter of lightborn that killers could run instead with a lot less toxicity) due to the limited nature of them. I've thought this across all iterations of the perk, and even with the most recent changes to it I still think it's a terrible thing.

Also, most of the reasons that I've seen people defend the perk in past threads are no longer applicable. A few of these are:

1) No white ward alternative for killer add-ons -- this hasn't been the case ever since the induction of the black ward. The equality of this black ward/white ward between killers and survivors is negated by the fact that killers have a way to get rid of survivor item and add-ons but survivors lack the possibility to remove killer add-ons.

2) Survive with friends early hatch escape -- this power got removed with the latest hatch nerf, which honestly made that ability of the keys almost worthless (or at minimum, a lot more situational than it was before). This hard nerf to the key and hatch makes it a lot less important/valuable but a lot more toxic for killers to hunt down key users.

3) The claim that add-ons (specifically white ward) shouldn't go through perks. Michael's iridescent add-on (that I can't for the life of me remember the name of) that allows insta-kills at tier 3 goes through borrowed time. There is no consistency with the add-ons not going through perks idea, and therefore shouldn't be a considered possibility.

Another argument that people often say is that, if you're so afraid of losing your items then don't use them. I think that's exceptionally stupid. Going back to point 2 mentioned earlier, there's no option for survivors to do the same to killer add-ons. Items are meant to be used to add extra spice to the game outside of the regular perks used, and give the survivor side a better chance in an arguably already killer-sided game (excluding survive with friends -- the extra level of communication makes any survive with friends lobby survivor-sided and I'll never deny the struggle any killer has against a mic'd group).

I won't deny that having the perk in the game is a good thing. My two ideas for the perk are to either 1) add a survivor perk that negates killer add-ons (I will admit I do see balance issues with this in the sense that killer add-ons are much more powerful than survivor perks, so if this were the case it'd have to be a very short duration of blocking killer add-ons) or 2) make it so that items lost to Franklin's just return to the players inventory after the match (again with balancing, I think this would have to just be whatever item a player brought into the match and to not work if they survive with some other item. I also think we'd have to revert back to the version of Franklin's where items just get eaten by the entity at the end of the timer).

Ultimately, the second idea there is my personal favorite, because I think the effects of one player should not last after the game onto another (unless it's general baby rage from getting beat too hard), but I'm one of many idiots who still play this game. Thoughts?


  • DoritoHead
    DoritoHead Member Posts: 3,546

    The advantage of having items as survivor is that there are 4 of you. One survivor running a green toolbox might not win a game, but all four survivors with green toolboxes can make short work of a generator. That's a big deal.

    When a killer uses franklin's on you, it's not like the item is gone forever. You can get it back. You can also find other items in toolboxes. As for the thing for survivors to negate killer addons, killer addons are so varied that it wouldn't be realistic to try to give survivors the ability to limit them, without it being horrendously bad or horrendously broken.

    That being said, I like the suggestion of keeping the item after the match if it gets eaten by franklin's. It's convenient for survivors and saves BP, while not actually ever effecting the match.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Just add a survivor item that when charged with enough teabags while in LoS of a killer, it drops their add ons near the last gen you tapped.

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910
    edited January 2022

    There are strong items. Franklin’s exists to counter those. It’s a hyper niche perk that would replace a perk slot that could’ve been used for a much more meta and generally stronger perk. I don’t get the issue. Get over it?

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    Franklin's is fine. It's 1 Killer Vs 4 Survivors. The killer has to equal the power of 4 Survivors or he starts with literally 0 chance. That's also why Killing helps him; it goes from Killer (4) vs Survivors (4), to Killer (4) vs Survivors (1).

    Franklin's is fine. You're not losing anything you can't rebuy.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Unless it is one of those tricked out event flashlights.

  • AngyKiller
    AngyKiller Member Posts: 1,838

    True, but I keep those out of fear of losing them.

    Eh, I would not be adverse to them reappearing in your inv afterwards, if you have one. I don't THINK they do much more than a normal flashy? Fact check me on that; I don't use flashlights because I can't FL-Save to save anyone's life. 😁

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Stop being toxic towards his suggestion. The perk is not fine, it is toxic. And calling words overused is also a form of toxicity. That is a triple whammy for you, good sir.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I feel shamed and defeated. I shall stick my nose in the corner. Well played.

  • FixtionuL
    FixtionuL Member Posts: 54

    I'll say that I think Frankins is perfectly acceptable to use when there are 3-4 survivors bringing items no matter what the item is. 1-2 items probably isn't strong enough to merit Franklin's.

    Also in my opinion, I think all items are strong to a varying degree. Even a brown medkit heals a full health state that might be very important. Maps allow info, flashlights for saves and escapes, toolboxes for faster gens and sabotaging, etc.

    Getting 1 use out an item hurts a killer no matter what. Also survivors don't need items to be able to beat killers right now, it just applies even more pressure to killers

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I once had a extremely good survivor, who looped like a young God and sported a fancy event medkit. Franklin lead to his demise, because he wouldn't want to lose it and several times looped back to try to pick it up.

    Eventually this got the better of him, and with him hooked, the team crumbled.

    He would try again to get the box back, but I anticipated it and this was his last mistake.

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    The defense for Franklin's Demise is simple.

    You have an item. And I don't want you to have it anymore.


    There. Defense over.

    If you are that mad about it, maybe you are crutching on your items a little too hard.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    People complain about franklins now.. whats next..shadowborn?

    Franklins is a good perk when i see lobby full of medkits or flashlights. Its only used on those situations anyways.

    If you get attached that much to your beamer then i dont know what to tell you.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    There is no toxic perk in this game

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I am with you on every thing you said except one thing. The introduction 300hrs playtime in one game is much for some of us I have 260 over the last 4 years and most of it was before my child was born and that isn't meant to attack you but I don't need 2k hours to understand if something is to strong or to weak that's just gatekeeping.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2022

    It was meant to be a comical gab at the OP. I thought the "Wait a while, you're young yet" made that clear, but I probably shoulda added a /s as well. Often times commenters mock complainer posts like this for the "newb" aspects, including the hours they have in the game and how new to the forums they are. I wasn't trying to do the same here as much as I was making my own mockery of that mentality, while giving the op a little light hearted and sarcastic jab in the ribs, before I would start actually getting down the the brass tacks of the matter. No gatekeeping meant, just a poke of fun to lighten the mood. Sorry if it came off differently.

    edit: I just changed it to further reflect that.

  • Roarbear2007
    Roarbear2007 Member Posts: 70


    see a survivor with key in lobby take off least powerful perk put on franklin's demise find survivor wackam hookum stan on key till it disappears profit. ngl denying some one hatch feels good even if you only get one kill three escapes :)

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Oh nah don't be sorry all good reading it again later I kinda got that you probably meant it ironically you just find to many gatekeepers in this community sadly.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited January 2022

    Thanx much, I'm glad you understand.

    Also OP @unpossible_ I never meant for my first comment to viciously tear into you in any way. Admittedly now that I read it a day later, I can see why you may think that. TBH while i did get serious in my comment, I didn't mean to come across as outright attacking you or your ideas as much as I meant to simply educate on FD's History, current usage among killers, and where I feel the majority of them stand in regards to its usefulness vs. other perks.

    Believe me I know how stressful and unfair it can seem to come up against a mechanic/perk in this game without expecting it, and to be fair, that may be what makes FD kind of useful... being that no one ever expects it. However, that's absolutely no reason to rage against it to the point that you suggest such things as negating killers add-ons or nerfing an already inferior perk to being a complete waste of a perk slot. Half the fun in this game is discovering new strategies and synergies with the mechanics the game provides in order to get an unexpected edge over your competition. If equipping a Trash Tier perk allows you to do so, then I'm all for it... as should you be.

    Let's at the least call a truce, and debate each other equally as players of the game we both love. I won't BS you or take any side as I feel doing so is pointless, regardless, I apologize for my MASSIVE comment that likely came across as a harsh rant against you personally, which I actually intended to be a rebuttal with some comedic elements in play, and had no ill intent or attacking nature behind it.

    The Suggestions bit, did rub me the wrong way a bit tbh, but I feel that I was saying what anyone else would have without going overboard like some less level headed commenters would. Yeah it may seem mean, but honestly, you realize how ridiculous your suggestions sounded right?

    No hostility, just asking that you consider the overall consequences of said suggestions, and make sure they are palatable to the average player of this game, before you decide to post them (Lord knows, I made that mistake myself too many times when I first started out, and I don't want you to suffer the same embarrassment in the long run).

    I plead you read my original comment again but not as someone attacking you, but someone trying to help you understand both sides regarding the standing of FD rationally. While I did get a bit testy with your suggestions, I feel that you will have the common sense to take it in consideration before replying, and I look forward to hearing from you and seeing how you develop in these forums.