Why I am personally excited about the Ringu chapter

I started playing this game right before pyramid head was released. I never got a chance to play old Freddy, but after watching gameplay, I personally believe he was the most unique killer ever made. In the ringu movie and novel, Sadoko has no weapon, and only kills characters through a curse (or virus in the book) that takes their life after 7 days. I think Sadoko is going to be a killer in the vein of old Freddy and plague, with a very different play style that doesn’t revolve around getting chases and downs immediately, but instead focuses on building pressure with her power before engaging in traditional chases. This is all speculation, but I don’t see how Sadoko could be implemented like the other killers in this game when she is so unique in her original lore. Regardless of whether she is strong or weak, I think it’s possible we are going to get a very interesting killer that will satisfy the desires of many people who want unique killers that play very differently.
Yeah i'm hoping for something like that too.
She seems to be a perfect fit for that kind of gamestyle
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I’m definitely more excited by the Ring IP than I am Silent Hill and Resident Evil since I never played either of those games and their movies were … ok? 🤷♂️
And yeah, mechanically I’m really curious to see what they come up with. Personally I’m hoping for something maybe like this
- The map has a bunch of televisions in places where Jigsaw boxes can appear. Sadako can teleport through the televisions similar to how Freddy teleports to gens.
- Survivors who have Sadako in their line of sight slowly become Cursed over time. The longer you look at her the worse the effects get. It could be anything ranging from Hindered movement to Blindness or Hallucinations or even Exposed if you watch her long enough. The Curses grow worse and last until the survivor interacts with the VCRs at the TV sets which removes it. Basically I love the idea of a killer you actively want to avoid looking at while running away or doing gens, etc.
- Finally her Power button might allow her to actively do something useful against people who are Cursed, such as maybe seeing their auras or slowing them down, or maybe even causing them to see illusions or blur their vision or impact the environment in some way. This is pretty open ended, other than I’m sure the devs will want her to be able to do something fun and thematic with her Power button.
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I'm very excited too! I'm hoping we get a fun and unique killer.
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Don’t use the Silent Hill movie to generalize the Silent Hill franchise, just don’t.
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I mean I want to be excited, but the last few chapters has been..... you know.
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Can't wait for her to turn out to be yet another killer with minor map pressure and anti-loop.
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I would be fine with it if they don’t copy and paste her power directly from Spirit.
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I’m worried about that too.
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Her power in the movies doesn’t really line up with Spirt. Then again she doesn’t really attack at all, she just appears, so they’ll have to make some changes to her.
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No don't worry, they'll just copy and paste another killer.
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I personally hope she's nothing like him, was never a fan of old freddy.
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That would be cool.
Looping often requires you to look back to see what the killer is doing. Having looking back at the killer have some effect is a pretty sweet idea
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I doubt she'll be that unique. It'll just be other powers twisted into something that seems unique.
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I'm not, I said I've never played the games so that's why I wasn't that excited by the IP.
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I honestly wish theyd fix stuff before throwing more firecrackers into the fire so im not excited yet unfortunately
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Lol... What about Resident Evil? You think those are accurate and reflective of the franchise. Don't, just don't.
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I haven’t watched the RE movies or played any of the games so I’m staying nuetral on that.
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Scott "Objectively Right" Jund told me the chapter isn't worth getting excited over.
Sorry bro.
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Regarding that video, Scott makes a lot of very valid points, from the comparative popularity of Ringu compared to Halloween, RE and such; the weariness towards the direction and baffling ideas of the game; and the plethora of new and exciting games coming out, amongst other reasons.
I don't think it came across as a video saying this chapter won't be anything exciting, because it could still be a great chapter, but in relation to the hype people had when Silent Hill or RE came out (the increase in players shows how eager people were for the launch month at least) it doesn't carry the same weight.
In some ways though, it may be good for DBD to take a low profile for a while, so long as they use that to really get to the crux and work hard on fixing the problems they are facing. There are repeated themes being asked to be looked at, and they need this time to deal with them.
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Yeah, I suggested it to for a Medusa killer. 🙂
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wE NeED mOrE AnTi-LoOp KiLlErS.