Breaking down why people hate playing killer.

Keeping it simple of course. I could dive into it hard but for the sake of conversation I won't.

People feel the handicap as the killer much harder than they feel any handicaps as survivor.

Most killers struggle terribly trying to catch up to any survivor they see from a distance. It's a walking simulation. Bridging the gap is an atrocity for most.

You've been there a 100 times. You see a survivor, they see you, they run, and you attempt to catch up close enough for the chase to initiate. When it does, half the time they'll jump a window, or go around a loop, and you'll lose the chase music while still in chase, hell while still behind them sometimes. So bye bloodlust.

When you finally do get there, you smack em, and the rocket away and it starts over again. You feel sluggish, slow, and powerless.

When the match starts the killer is at his weakest. All pallets are up, all gens are up. Unfortunately this is the critical time in the game where you must apply proper pressure or you'll lose the game early.

If you go against 4 people, you need to get lucky and find the one who isn't that good at looping first in order to get them hooked and survivors off gens to save.

This is where luck comes into play and dictates the results of the game.

If the first person you find can loop, you'll waste to much time and lose the game. So you break the chase, and leave that area of the map to find someone else

If the second person also can loop then you're right back where you started, wasting time downing.

Alot of matches play out where you have 1,2, maybe 3 hooks by the time 3 almost 4 gens are done.

This is because you have a hard time downing the survivors you find early in the game. Luck has alot to do with it.

You are set up pretty early on to either snowball or throw depending on chase.

Unfortunately you have to run corrupt or gen perks to give you slightly better odds.

It just feels so clunky, and it can be such a chore breaking pallet after pallet trying to get a few people on hooks early.

I think it really intimidates, frustrates, and becomes unfun quickly. You kinda throw your hands up when 3 or 4 gens pop in under 5 minutes and you have so little hooks early on compared to how many gens they get early.

Seems that most kills or snowballs happen by Chance at the end of the game either by luck, or mistakes of the survivors and those kills don't feel rewarding. Killers enjoy the Chase. Unfortunately chasing costs gens faster.

So you end up stomped and feeling frustrated, or you capitalize on their mistakes, and the kills feel lackluster and unfun to get that way.

It's a Rollercoaster of emotion playing the killer role. And I think most just avoid it. Or they play some. Have a few bad matches, and swap over bc it's just not that fun how fast you get put into the situation where you are down to 1 or 2 gens and all 4 are still alive. Your odds are just massively against you and you can feel it.


  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Thats what bad players would say.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603

    I mean, you are playing alone against a team of 4, have the potential of seeing situations outside of your control, and are facing against (there is one particular Forum member who would really dislike this comment) what is rightfully considered to be the most toxic side.

    While playing killer is a very fun experience and there is way more to it than what I just described, some people can't or aren't willing to deal with its disadvantages.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033
    edited January 2022

    This is where I feel Friday the 13th actually outshined DBD. It's gameplay at it's core was pretty solid. When playing Jason you actually felt pretty strong, you felt like you had constant pressure, and you could actually be scary for teens to go up against. But at the same time, as a teen, you didn't feel completely helpless. There were multiple ways to escape, different playstyles, and a lot of team work involved, especially if you wanted to kill Jason. It wasn't just one person looping endlessly while 3 just hugged gens for 4 minutes.

  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    Ok small correction, Jason feels strong now but in one of the final patches is when they made him unstun-able in rage. Before that bully squads could just walk all over Jason, especially if you played part 2/9.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    For me, DH.

    That simple tbh, if played at rank 1 and now high mmr for 5 years and honestly DH is the most unfun and unfair thing.

    Having a perk that can correct mistakes, multiple times per survivor for each survivor is too much. I dont mind people playing well but DH is just free mistake correcting perk at loops.

    I got bored of being outplayed by a perk and not skill. Other than that the games not that bad

  • xxshyguyxx
    xxshyguyxx Member Posts: 312

    I don't understand why survivors that drop party streamers, like swfs where you see 3 or 4 streamers drop go into matches playing disgusting and bully the killer.

    Just had a match where 3 had flashlights 4 streamers dropped, my first down I picked up the Nancy, and all I see are teabagging clicking, beams from multiple directions trying to stun me and and then swarming me and the hook and still teabaghing....

    Then get mad they all lose their streamers when the killer says nah... I'm out...

    Nobody wants to be subjected to that bull crap all game. Playing killer as a whole is gross. This game is gross. Killers need to be feared. There not. That's why you see survivors pop gens in front of them, and bully and gang up.... I wish we could see the DC stats of killers per survivor

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 772

    Went against a bully squad 2 nights ago. I haven't played killer since. I played 2 survivor games last night and escaped with relative ease. Playing killer plain sucks right now. Going against that made me feel dread even turning the game on the past couple days.

  • Journeywalker
    Journeywalker Member Posts: 41

    By the internet law of unaccountability, everyone is an #########, so killers have to go up against more ######### at once. Furthermore, killers have been put in this terrible place where their most effective tools are shamed and labeled “toxic.” Meanwhile, survivors’ bullying and needlessly prolonging a game are things “you just have to get used to.”

  • ThanksForDaily
    ThanksForDaily Member Posts: 1,304

    VHS, Propnight are available.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited January 2022

    I daydream of the patch where Iron Will, Dead Hard, and Circle of Bullshit are all nerfed

    I'm so fed up with killer, but I'm so close to having all killers at p3 L50 all perks and I'm falling victim to the sunk cost fallacy hard. I'll go AFK during matches now if the game is complete #########. For example:

    Sabo squads with WGLF and CoH. If I can't hook anyone, AFK

    Bodyblock SWFs with CoH. AFK

    Everyone's a god looper with 5k hours and every map memorized and 3 gens done before even 1 hook? AFK

  • KolbyKolbyKolby
    KolbyKolbyKolby Member Posts: 623

    I don't think killer is harder by any means, and I usually get 3-4ks across the board really consistently. The reason I don't play killer as much as survivor lately is simply that winning a chase as survivor is more fun than winning a chase as killer for me. No clicking, or teabagging, or strong loops are dissuading me. The mechanic is just more fun to be prey than to be predator.