omg did i just see an auto-save feature?

i dont know if its something i clicked or not but every couple of words the forums seem to now autosave a draft and now i dont have to worry about accidentally deleting all of my work through hitting f5 one time
Oh yea, every time I say a letter it says "Draft saved at X:XX"
Its distracting, though IMO.
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idk if its the reason my phone was acting weird or not but im happy for it because i needed some form of protection
there was this one time i was midway through a summary and accidentally hit refresh...
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And just as I say it's distracting:
Its see-through.
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Still broke my phone up to an hour ago.
I know I got confirmation earlier
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So unfortunately you can not reload your page during summaries :(
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I'm hesitant to say it's fixed until I get full confirmation from the hosting company - I think the whole "draft saved" message has gone, but I am not sure about the issue mobile users were having....
Drafts do have an auto save feature on them, that we have switched off on the forum, has been for quite some time....not sure if people are going to want this switched back on or not, will need to have your input on this.
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It depends- I like the concept behind the feature, but if there's a popup every 3 seconds then I can see that getting very annoying after a while. Also if it keeps bricking my phone then absolutely not regardless- I can hit Save Draft without needing to kill any small amounts of joy I held for typing on a phone.
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The auto save feature itself doesn't pop up every few seconds in the same way as this one did, and I think it's fine on mobile as well. I could do a temp test and turn it on for the rest of the week for example and see how it goes. I'll have a look at it when in work tomorrow (or late today actually due to the time now lol).