Can we all agree NO MATTER what exit the Blood points gained should be equal?

I'm saying this as a killer with no tracking perk.
I'm tired and sick from the last survivor trying really really hard to gain some edge on gaining blood points by searching for the hatch for 5-10 minutes on big maps.
Can we just make blood points gains equal so our least problem would be chasing the tea-bagging survivors out of exits?


  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @kone19 said:
    So many of you act like the last survivor knows where the hatch is. Vast majority of the time I can’t find it. It’s far from a free win. Not only does the killer already make a decent profit off the three kills it is preventable and the killer has free reign to keep an eye out for the hatch while survivors risk their lives searching. The hatch opening requires some progress. The killer has to put in the effort but that doesn’t mean they are entitled to a tilt every time. The hatch is a runner and mechanic that keeps the hope alive for a survivor to keep playing. Sure some people may abuse it but that’s a vast minority in my experience. The killer has a massive advantage against a survivor that is in the position to need the hatch to have a decent chance of living. 

    In my eyes its simply the killer gets a healthy reward for 3 kills and the survivor that finds a hatch gets the hope that keeps them playing in otherwise hopeless games. Is it a perfect system no. But a killer isn’t entitled to the last kill and a survivor has to work for that last chance. Many of you act like it’s just handed to survivors.

    Also to get really out of the box on this the horror genre is built on a single survivor having a macguffin to win in the end. But all their friends and family are still dead 

    And you are acting like Survivors won't sandbag each other for the extra points. This is a problem for both sides that comes from the fact that the hatch gives more points.

  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    edited November 2018
    Vietfox said:
    Raccoon said:

    All escapes reward 5000 BP, as far as I am aware.

    Hatch gives 5000 + 2000
    5000 in Survival, 2000 in Objective.
    It makes no difference to Survivors who did most of the generators, but it’s a free 2k for the ones who hid around the map and did nothing to earn it.

    Bragging rights for either, apparently.
  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Yes, i propose 2 changes: Get rid of the bonus for the hatch, and base survival points on the number of survivors that actually survived instead of a fixed point system for your own survival.
    Might help with hookfarming.

  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Judgement said:
    Vietfox said:
    Raccoon said:

    All escapes reward 5000 BP, as far as I am aware.

    Hatch gives 5000 + 2000
    5000 in Survival, 2000 in Objective.
    It makes no difference to Survivors who did most of the generators, but it’s a free 2k for the ones who hid around the map and did nothing to earn it.

    Bragging rights for either, apparently.
    Idk how often you get paired with that kind of teammates, but i rarely see someone doing nothing waiting for the hatch. Anyway, if that is a common problem a good solution would be that the hatch only opens if there are at least 2 gens done AND that survivor earned a especific amount of bps, bps from unhooks would count only if they were safe unhooks, etc.
  • Judgement
    Judgement Member Posts: 955
    edited November 2018
    Vietfox said:
    Judgement said:
    Vietfox said:
    Raccoon said:

    All escapes reward 5000 BP, as far as I am aware.

    Hatch gives 5000 + 2000
    5000 in Survival, 2000 in Objective.
    It makes no difference to Survivors who did most of the generators, but it’s a free 2k for the ones who hid around the map and did nothing to earn it.

    Bragging rights for either, apparently.
    Idk how often you get paired with that kind of teammates, but i rarely see someone doing nothing waiting for the hatch. Anyway, if that is a common problem a good solution would be that the hatch only opens if there are at least 2 gens done AND that survivor earned a especific amount of bps, bps from unhooks would count only if they were safe unhooks, etc.
    If anything a hatch escape should give LESS bloodpoints than a gate escape. The fact that it grants more bloodpoints innately and can be opened when the team ultimately FAILS, is a bit much.
    I don’t mind that it rewards failure, there’s a lot of bull in this game that does that (ie, DS, NOED, SC), but failure’s rewards should not be desired over those of success.
    Halve the Survival points gained for escaping through the hatch, and remove the objective bonus. Make the hatch only reward 2500 bloodpoints. If you only make it through half the gens you need to complete in the trial and get an escape route as a result, you should only get half the reward of escaping through the gate.
  • Whateverthefuck
    Whateverthefuck Member Posts: 7

    @BigBubs said:
    Hurts you so much that they get extra 2k while you are getting probably twice the amount of BP than they do anyway?

    lol, don't take this game too personal fam. It's not about the BP i think you got it quite wrong. I just want same amount of BP for every exit, say no Hatch escape bonus. It's quite annoying to wait for a survivor to find the hatch. I mean if I find it prior to a survivor it just gets worse and to a point where the more stubborn player wins. Which drags a finished game even further.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
     kone19 said:
     The hatch opening requires some progress. 
    2 generators between 4 people. That's not really progress. I mean yeah, it technically is, but if 3 people are dead and only 2 generators are done, yall didnt get anything done.
  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited November 2018

    @Whateverthefuck said:

    @BigBubs said:
    Hurts you so much that they get extra 2k while you are getting probably twice the amount of BP than they do anyway?

    lol, don't take this game too personal fam. It's not about the BP i think you got it quite wrong. I just want same amount of BP for every exit, say no Hatch escape bonus. It's quite annoying to wait for a survivor to find the hatch. I mean if I find it prior to a survivor it just gets worse and to a point where the more stubborn player wins. Which drags a finished game even further.

    Annoying or not doesn't mean they have to change it to your liking.
    I don't have any issues with them looking for the hatch. It gives me a chance to maybe get them or at least get a chase going which would give me more points as well. And I don't get what you mean by take it personal, brah.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Hatch shouldn't exist in the first place.
    Especially if the gates are powered. Renders 2 endgame perks completely useless. 
    What's the point in taking Blood Warden and Remember Me, if the last survivor can simply escape without any effort?
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited November 2018

    @Tsulan said:
    Hatch shouldn't exist in the first place.
    Especially if the gates are powered. Renders 2 endgame perks completely useless. 
    What's the point in taking Blood Warden and Remember Me, if the last survivor can simply escape without any effort?

    Well you do have to remember the Where did they go achievement is a thing and can't easily be removed. Also they're not escaping without any effort unless they're actually standing the the thing already.

    The best way to balance it is if both gates are open and 3 people have made it out the hatch either gets locked within 5 seconds. ( This prevent someone from tea bagging as the killer gets close and also makes them leave asap)

    The other option is that if everyone got out already the hatch automatically closes and then survivor has to exit via one of the 2 exit gates. But in both options both gates must be powered and 1 is opened fully.

    If 1-3 get out via the hatch the other survivor then has 15 seconds to get out through the hatch before the hatch automatically closes.

    Lastly the hatch belongs in the game since it's part of the lore and the entity feeds off the survivors hopes of an escape. No hatch means all the times you all complain about the last survivor not looking for the hatch/not leaving are about to get worse.

    Because I can guarantee you that with hatch removal people are going to hide and evade you forever and keep doing so.

    Edit: as far as BP goes for it, the bonus should only be for if you get out via a key. If you hop in you only get the 5k for survival, not an additional 2k for escaping.

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    Personally, I think the hatch should be an "emergency escape". A way to keep items and add ons if you cannot complete the main objective.  Half bloodpoints for this emergency escape. Survivor main.
  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186
    I think that the last survivor who stays in a game and do nothing (no gens) just walking around the map for 10 minutes (It happened to me MANY times) should start glowing red or something...It's annoying as hell when I want to play another matches
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    alright, yea, if the gates are opened there should be incentives to getting out instead of looking for the hatch....

    but if everyone else got themselves killed, the last survivor shouldn't be punished for a bad team. 

    I run into this situation a lot actually where I will running around getting gens done and my team are off somewhere circle-jerking or gods know what... they end up dying and I'm stuck alone, with the killer, blindly fumbling around as quietly as possible, desperately hunting for that damn hatch.

    and most times the easiest way to find it is to find the killer who is probably camping it. then a quick mindgame to lead them away (flubbing a gen skillcheck) and I might get out. 

    as to the OP, I don't care about the bonus points, take them... I just want to not get impaled.