What build do you use on your killers?

Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

Just for fun and because I'm an extremely curious person. What builds do you on your killers, at least on the killers you play. These are the build I use.


Corrupt, Haunted, BBQ, and Agitation


POP, BBQ, Surge, and Sloppy


Lethal Pursuer, Shadowborn, BBQ, and Corrupt


Sloppy, BBQ, Corrupt, and Plaything


Monitor, Surge, Corrupt, and BBQ


Grim Embrace, Sloppy, Agitation, and Surge


Distressing, BBQ, POP, and Surge


BBQ, Corrupt, Iron Maiden, and Lethal Pursuer


Lethal Pursuer, Corrupt, BBQ, and POP


BBQ, Tinkerer, Haunted, and Sloppy


POP, BBQ, Sloppy, and Dead Lock


STBFL, Corrupt, Whispers, and Monitor


Corrupt, BBQ, Sloppy, and POP


Corrupt, Thana, BBQ, and POP


Corrupt, Dying Lights, BBQ, and Monitor

Ghost Face:

Sloppy, Nurse's, BBQ, and Surge


Corrupt, BBQ, Gift of Pain, and STBFL


Sloppy, Corrupt, POP, and BBQ


STBFL, BBQ, Surge, and Corrupt

Triangle Head:

Monitor, Sloppy, I'm all ears, and Surge


Lethal Pursuer, Shadowborn, BBQ, and Corrupt


BBQ, No Way Out, POP, and Dearstalker


Iron Maiden, Shadowborn, BBQ, and Ruin


Devour, Infectious, STBFL, and BBQ


I only have his 3 teachables lmao


Grim Embrace, POP, Pain Resonance, and BBQ

I love BBQ btw .-.


  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I use an endgame build on spirit consisting of fire up, noed, bloodwarden, and rancor

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    Corrupt/Pop/Agitation/BBQ on everyone

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961


    Pain resonance / Pop / Pentimento / Plaything - Will switch pop out for dead man's switch come mid chapter if it comes out of ptb as is.

    I'm all ears / Ruin / Undying / BBQ - Aura build


    Corrupt, Pain resonance, Ruin, Pentimento

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    For most killers I have like 3 fixed perks then like to play around with the 4th.


    Shadowborn, Lethal Pursuer, Agitation, 4th perk varies.


    Corrupt, Deadlock, Brutal Strength, 4th perk varies.


    Pop, Corrupt, Starstruck, STBFL


    Corrupt, Deadlock, Fearmonger, Forced Penance


    Corrupt, Agitation, BBQ, 4th perk varies.


    Spirit Fury, Enduring, Bamboozle, Shadowborn


    Shadowborn, Iron Maiden, BBQ, 4th perk varies


    Corrupt, Spirit Fury, STBFL, 4th perk varies

  • SudoK7
    SudoK7 Member Posts: 68


    Deerstalker, Corrupt, BBQ, Scourge PR.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited January 2022

    Most of my killers tend to get a similar build: BBQ, STBFL, PGTW, SH:PR.

    Hillbilly uses Enduring over STBFL. Cannibal uses Bamboozle over STBFL. Spirit uses Hex: Ruin over Pop. Artist uses Franklins Demise over STBFL. Deathslinger uses M&A over Pop. Oni IF over STBFL. Et cetera.

    Probably my most unique build is Nurse. BBQ, Starstruck, Agitation, SH:PR. Even this is only two perks off my universal build above.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Lately I shook up my Plague build. Corrupt, BBQ, Plaything, Pain Resonance.

    I'm finding Plaything is very good on her. Inherent slowdown of Plaything aside, survivors tend to scatter and hide as soon as they hear your TR when you have Corrupt Purge. Oblivious makes for some very easy catches.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785


    Fun build: Lethal, Enduring, Spirit Fury, STBFL

    Winning build: Lethal, Ruin, Undying, Whispers


    Fun build: Bamboozle, Fire Up, Brutal Strength, PWYF (With invigoration duration add ons)

    Winning build: PGTW, STBFL, Devour Hope, BBQ


    Lethal, Iron Maiden, BBQ, I’m all ears

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    My builds are kind of all over the place because I prestige my killers to reset everything and see what I get on the next go round. So none of them use meta builds. But currently my loadouts are

    • Trapper - Ruin, Spies from the Shadows, I’m All Ears, Hex: No Escape From Death
    • Wraith - Hex: The Third Seal, Bloodhound, Whispers, Hex: Devour Hope
    • Hillbilly - Spies from the Shadows, Lightborn, Hex: Blood Favor, Hex: Undying
    • Nurse - I never play Nurse
    • Huntress - Hex: Huntress Lullaby, Overcharge, Pop Goes the Weasel, Thrilling Tremors
    • Shape - Whispers, Stridor, Save the Best for Last, Claustrophobia
    • Hag - Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Ruin, Hex: The Third Seal, Dying Light
    • Doctor - Overcharge, Distressing, Overwhelming Presence, Unnerving Presence
    • Leatherface - Bloodhound, Franklin’s Demise, Monitor and Abuse, Thanatophobia
    • Freddy - Sloppy Butcher, Jolt, Discordance, Bloodhound
    • Pig - Surveillance, Dragon’s Grip, Brutal Strength, Enduring
    • Clown - Pop Goes the Weasel, Stridor, Sloppy Butcher, Bloodhound
    • Spirit - Bloodhound, Spirit Fury, Predator, Save the Best for Last
    • Legion - Discordance, Stridor, Deerstalker, Bloodhound
    • Plague - Rancor, Surveillance, BBQ and Chili, Whispers
    • Ghost Face - Shadowborn, Whispers, Thrilling Tremors, Hex: Retribution
    • Demogorgon - Thanatophobia, Fearmonger, Save the Best for Last, Unrelenting
    • Oni - Zanshin Tactics, Make Your Choice, Corrupt Intervention, Tinkerer
    • Deathslinger - Shadowborn, Tinkerer, Hex: Ruin, Surveillance
    • Pyramid Head - Iron Maiden, Trail of Torment, Deathbound, Jolt
    • Blight - I’m All Ears, Hex: Blood Favor, Hex: Undying, A Nurse’s Calling
    • Twins - Deerstalker, Dying Light, Dead Man’s Switch, Hex: The Third Seal
    • Trickster - No Way Out, Hex: The Third Seal, Rancor, Blood Warden
    • Nemesis - Dragon’s Grip, Pop Goes the Weasel, Eruption, Trail of Torment
    • Pinhead - Deerstalker, Deadlock, Hex: Plaything, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain
    • Artist - Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance, Dark Devotion, Dying Light, Sloppy Butcher

    (Of all of them Nemesis is the funniest one, it’s the “I want to kick all the gens” build 😡 🥾)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I just don't like slugging much. I'd rather hook the survivor unless someone else is in plain sight or there's risk of a save.

    Infectious is obviously great on her - so is Discordance.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    I'm perfectly aware that slugging is incredibly good on Plague and that power burst killers (her, Oni, Myers) are practically made for it. I just prefer not to go out of my way to use it unless I'm losing and I need an edge. I also dislike winning matches where most/all survivors die on their first hook or at 4-5 gens - that isn't a fulfilling match to me.

    You don't need to convince me; I play the way I do for my own reasons.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I have 3 builds essentially, 4 if you count 'okay, this is an SWF, sweaty time' builds.

    For most M1 killers: STBFL+Surge+Pain Resonance+BBQ

    For M2 killers: Plaything+Pain Resonance+Discordance+BBQ

    For killers with a small TR: Monitor+Surge+STBFL+BBQ

    For sweaty games, replace BBQ with either Tinkerer, Devour Hope, Pop or Ruin.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I'm a creature of habit (and the meta), so there's not a lot of variety in my builds.

    Trapper -- Corrupt, STBFL, Sloppy, and PGTW

    Wraith -- Corrupt, PGTW, Make Your Choice, and BBQ (if it's working well, there's a TON of one-hit downs with MYC and constant hooking and popping of gens)

    Nurse -- Corrupt, Shadowborn, PGTW, BBQ,

    Billy -- I don't really play Billy, except for the occasional daily, and I don't have anywhere near all of the perks on him

    Myers -- Corrupt or Ruin, Pain Resonance, Monitor & Abuse, and a revolving 4th perk (Sloppy, Infectious Fright, BBQ, etc.) depending on my mood. If it's Tombstone time, then PR and the 4th slot are replaced with Brutal Strength and Play With Your Food.

    Hag -- Again, someone I play rarely. I tend to run Corrupt, Monitor, PGTW, and a random 4th

    Doctor -- This build is the one that varies the most. I've run the Starstruck/Agitation build to great success before (with double Calm add-ons), I've run Ruin/Undying with STBFL and BBQ (or Sloppy), I've run Corrupt/Pain Resonance with the latter two, and sometimes for fun, we'll go all in on Skill Check Doctor (Huntress Lullaby, Undying, Unnerving Presence). Assuming Dead Man's Switch makes it out of the PTB unscathed, it's going to find a home in a LOT of my Doctor builds.

    Huntress -- Corrupt, BBQ, Pain Resonance, and Hex: Blood Favor. Occasionally, I've run Iron Maiden on her, and when I'm feeling like a masochist, I'll run Ruin and just play a perk down after 20 seconds, lol.

    Bubba -- I NEVER play him, except for the occasional daily. My choice of perks on him are incredibly limited.

    Freddy -- I USED to run a dreaded Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer/BBQ build on him. Waiting on Dead Man's Switch to go live so I can play DMS, Pain Resonance, Deadlock, and a 4th perk. Should be fun.

    Pig -- My "main". I used to have a Ruin/Undying slowdown build, but again -- Boons + atrocious totem spawns changed all of that. I'm currently using a Corrupt, Pain Resonance, Brutal Strength, and Hex: Plaything build on her to great success. Plaything is a VERY underrated perk (I get so many unexpected downs from people with traps on their heads running right into me when they're Oblivious). I've got the Blindness add-on and the Exhausted with a RBT on add-on currently, though I'll switch those around depending on mood.

    Clown -- Boring build on a killer I rarely play. Ruin, PGTW, Sloppy, BBQ

    Spirit -- Again, I don't play her often, but I like a heavy totem build with her. Ruin, Undying, Devour Hope, and BBQ. They usually get one or two totems, but rarely all of them -- and when it's Devour that's left, games snowball VERY quickly.

    Legion -- Another killer with limited perks I don't play often. I think I'm running Ruin to go with Sloppy, Thana, and Hex: Blood Favor, but honestly, I need to put some BP into them at this point.

    Plague -- Corrupt, Pain Resonance, Thana, and BBQ. The biggest thing for her for me is the Seal add-on that lengthens infection time on objects. I've had a LOT of success with her lately, especially in the Boon meta.

    Ghostface -- Corrupt, Sloppy, Pain Resonance, and Nurse's Calling. I used to play a lot of GF, but not as much anymore.

    Demogorgon -- Corrupt, Pain Resonance, STBFL, and BBQ. Barb's Glasses and Black Heart are almost like extra perks.

    Oni -- Just starting to play him, so I barely have any perks on him currently.

    Deathslinger -- Ruin, Pain Resonance, STBFL, and BBQ. Will sometimes run Corrupt in place of Ruin.

    Pyramid Head -- Ruin, Pain Resonance, BBQ, and I'm All Ears. Again, Corrupt will replace Ruin more often than not now.

    Blight/Twins/Trickster -- Still learning these killers and/or have very few perks on them

    Nemesis -- Ruin, STBFL, Pain Resonance and BBQ.

    Pinhead -- Corrupt, Pain Resonance, Hoarder, and BBQ.

    Artist -- Still playing around with what might be best on her. Have BBQ for the BP right now, Plaything + Pentimento, and Pain Resonance. Dead Man's Switch could be part of a redone build at some point.

    In short, the pace of most games dictates (for me, at least) that Corrupt or Ruin is almost a necessity (though I've slowly yanked Ruin builds one-by-one from my killers). Pain Resonance has become an MVP perk for me and is arguably one of the best killer perks released in forever. The builds I have BBQ still on, many would be replaced by something else if not for the insane grind of the Bloodweb. There's not a ton of variety above, except for certain killers where certain perks fit their playstyle perfectly (M&A on Myers, STBFL on Demo, etc,). I will be using Dead Man's Switch on some of these builds in the future, and I'd like to work Plaything into more builds as well -- the latter is so much fun and surprisingly effective.