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Dead By Daylight is not fun anymore for killers, here's why

(A lot of stuff to read, but trust me, you won't disagree) Yes, DBD is not fun anymore for killers as it has been before. Behavior is nerfing, nerfing and nerfing killers so that crying survivors are satisfied. Whatever killer you are playing nowadays, 4 survivor SWF team with insane coordination, perks, map knowledge and mechanics knowledge overall will beat you.

I've started playing this game back in 2018 when Hillbilly's chainsaw did not have a cooldown, Nurse didn't have charges and MOST importantly, Deathslinger's super-ultra fun mechanics wasn't nerfed (now he cannot shoot real fast which makes him F tier).

Because Behavior understands that this game lives and survives due to streamers and 4 SWF teams that are enjoying the game. To make matters worse, 4 SWF teams are getting so bored with the mundane gameplay Behavior hasn't changed since release, and they just go and bully new players. I've been to all ranks, starting from 20 to 1 (old system) and from what I can tell, playing before as killer was way easier.

There's no wonder why survivor queues are taking so long, as almost nobody wants his day spoiled. This game is absolutely not newbie-friendly, especially as a killer. The only thing BHVR does is releasing new chapters, new skins. That's it. It works, why would they change something?

DBD is my eyes is dead. The gameplay hasn't changed since release which is about 4-5 years of "eating" the same stuff developers are putting into you. I want to love this game, but I can't. I always try to get back to it, but every time I do, it disappoints me even worse. Extreme toxicity, hostility and obsession to ruin your fun even comes to survivors putting SPOILERS of MANGA or other movies so that killers are SPOILED and in the end they just do the little squats at the gates (thank goodness I read manga).

The community of this game understands the issue with it, but no one wants to do anything about it, since survivors are having fun. This game needs an overhaul.

Recently I've been playing with basement trapper build, trying to have fun, but to my surprise, Dead Hard seems to be buffed for survivors and they survive after taking a hit (even if they moan, they don't go down) P.S. Yes, I know it is probably a dedicated server issue, but they don't want to fix it, cuz survivors are having fun.

I think I would recommend playing this game in 4 SWF party as it's intended, bullying the baby killer and insulting him in the end game chat. If I start mentioning matchmaking issues... oh boy, it will take eons to talk how bad they are.


  • Faishun
    Faishun Member Posts: 38

    I would advise to play the game only with your friends which is kind of fun, after you drink beer or something and don't take anything seriously. Or best option would be to study something useful. This is not worth your nerves (if you are a killer)

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    I have fun.

    The game can be really, really frustrating sometimes and how nasty survivors can be doesn't help matters at all. Plus - frigging every time I get a good start someone rage DCs and ruins the game.

    You have to make your own fun I find. I like to play odd, idiosyncratic builds and set my own goals. I also try to keep postgame turned off right now.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    "Playing as the killer was easier"

    *LAUGHS IN: infinites, instant keys with 4 man escapes, no bloodlust with super safe pallets, killershack with 2 windows, very slow vault speed, instaheals, healing midchase, exhaustion depletion mid chase and more bullshit i don't and i wish to not remember or know about*

    Nurse deserved a nerf and frankly... she is still extremally powerful, only harder.

    With deathslinger the problem was he was unfun to play against with quick fire, the problem is, he was nerfed also with terror radius and got nothing to compensate.

    While i agree that game has a lot of unfun mechanics and gimmicks i can't aggree that it's survivor sided. I have to give a point to the devs that they are actually somewhat are balancing this game for average 2 man escape, the problem is they do not balance it to be fun.

  • Faishun
    Faishun Member Posts: 38

    I think I have a high "mmr" or whatever that is on some killers like Nurse or Huntress and running some funny builds simply doesn't work. It already seems like a job where you have to eliminate 4 issues, using all of your skills

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Take it easy then. Play chill, you'll lose a couple of games and eventually you'll find a decent spot. That's how it played out for me - mostly.

  • tenoresax
    tenoresax Member Posts: 796

    I barely even have fun when winning at this point, regardless if I get nothing but 4ks or 0ks I've usually had enough of the game after about 3 or 4 matches every week or so.

  • Faishun
    Faishun Member Posts: 38

    I guess having 4 minds over 1 is definitely not fun. And sadly, SWF disable option wouldn't work (1 hour to find a match mb), cuz it's a real hell when you soloq as a survivor

  • MyPagio
    MyPagio Member Posts: 20

    I don't know what happened at the first month of the new MMR that people mention that it was really good. I wasn't playing then.

    I'm a new player (main killer) and i really struggle in games to get at least 1 hook.

    The main problem with the new MMR system is that IT IS NOT BALANCED.

    I play huntress 10 lvl with brown perks and i face survivors with full purple perks that they just are moking me.

    It is so unbalanced. I have one good game killing 2 survivors and then 20 games that i have 1-2 hooks.

    It's definately not beginner friendly and it doesn't help beginners learn and undrstand the game. I you can't experiment with your perk build you will never learn it.

    I suppose the old system was more balanced because in 10 lvl you face opponents which as close to you 10-15 lvl. You didn't have to face experienced opponents at 50 lvl.

    That's not fair.

    I don't know what is going on with the game but i believe this is the main reason that i will quit.

    In every game in the world level matching is the best. Here this doesn't work...

    That's really bad because it is a really good game but at this point it is not fun.

    Noone has fun losing all the time and gets moked by survivors all the time.

  • Faishun
    Faishun Member Posts: 38

    Yeah, exactly, that's what I'm saying. There are almost no beginners in the game cuz beginners quit. No fun, no nothing. It's sad to see that this game is not evolving

  • Kurri
    Kurri Member Posts: 1,599

    You know what I can equate to what's been happening to Dead by Daylight.


  • Faishun
    Faishun Member Posts: 38

    Deathgarden had good potential, sad that it died. I've been playing it and actually enjoying hunter role

  • Thisgametho
    Thisgametho Member Posts: 13

    I dont really play as killer, just survivor with 1 other friend. So a 2 SWF. And just wanted to let you know that survivors are not having fun either. I agree that this game is dead.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033
    edited June 2022

    I disagree. I've been playing for years and they've made tons of changes. Some good some bad, but that's video games for you. I will say that it does get unfun, but that's more from playing it constantly for long periods. Not unlike pretty much every other online multiplayer game ever lol

    The only thing I will agree on is that the main mechanics and objectives of the game haven't changed since release. But neither has Halo, world of Warcraft, league of legends, Diablo, every call of duty and every MMO almost ever. And all of those can be very rage inducing and unfun at times, yet still have millions of players lol. Especially in players that play it more than anything else

    My point is, take a break, play something completely different for a few months, then come back.

  • Advorsus
    Advorsus Member Posts: 1,033

    For example, I started playing elite dangerous for like a month. It was my main game and is all about flying in space lol completely different

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    No need to necro a 6 month old thread.

    This discussion has been closed.

  • tyantlmumagjiaonuha
    tyantlmumagjiaonuha Member Posts: 550

    Few rest later.DH will get buff,BT is based kit for survivor...why?