If CoH continues to be used frequently, can Sloppy Butcher become meta?
I've been thinking about this since the nerf announcement, what do you guys think about it?
I guess forced pennance just doesn’t exist anymore does it.
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It'd need a bit of a buff, I think. The current Mangled effect isn't really strong enough to overcome how fast healing can get in the current state of the game, but it'd certainly do a little more to help now the effects of CoH are set to be scaled back.
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Healing speed debuffs are countered and rendered irrelevant because of CoH not the other way around.
As long as CoH works as it currently works healing speed downs won't ever matter.
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Even that really wouldnt be enough. Not only does CoH massivley outclass Sloppy in values, Sloppy butcher takes up 1 of the killer's 4 perk slots. CoH takes up 1 of the Survivors 16 perk slots.
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Sloppy was largely useless before CoH drop. Large maps make it hard to really interrupt survivors healing as a few extra seconds healing is not a big enough deal as long as the heal is completed. Not to mention this is a perk slot we are talking about. Killers have a lot of good perks for slowing down the game that vastly out weight 4 seconds on each heal.
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I guess, but CoH isn't a problem for Legion 💪 (except for when it is)
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I was using it the other day. It’s surprising how often it triggers.
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Nope the nerf to CoH is not enough for the perk to be balance or making sloppy meta. Sadly for as long boon perk are a unlimited rescourse and killer cant destroy them unless CoH have the same healing speed as self care the perk is always going to be broken
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Any perk that affects healing speeds (or prevents them entirely, such as Forced Penance) would have a more sizeable impact.
As to how impactful it will be, the best thing to do is try it for yourself when the change becomes live. Best way to see what personally works best for you.