To Patrick lead game designer (MMR)

JCZ Member Posts: 57

I watched the entire Q and A from today and I agreed and understood a lot of what you said except one thing, MMR.

MMR should not be based on kills to escapes. There are many reasons for it such as players like me just don't care about escaping, we just want to have fun running the killer for as long as we can. Sometimes, before and after MMR, I'd give the killer the kill or sacrifice myself for my teammate. Or I might just get tunneled for running the killer too long, which I'm fine with. Other than the fact that I got chased for 5 gens straight, 3 teammates held M1, and I would be the only one going down in MMR even if it is a small percentage.

MMR should be based on chase time, how long a single survivor is in chase, and how long a killer spends chasing that certain survivor. If the survivor gets chased all game and dies, their MMR goes up. If my teammate gets chased for 5 gens and I don't get chased at all, my MMR should stay the same. If every chase I have for one game is less than a certain time, my MMR should go down.

For killer it should be based on chase time with each survivor, averaging it at the end. Seeing if the killers injure and down time are above or below a certain number matched with their MMR.