I don't understand the devs philosophy on nerfing The Twins' add ons.
At this point it seems like they just do not care about this killer to even entertain the idea that perhaps they are not as good as they think. It reminds me of that terrible boss that only focuses on quantity, rather than getting the full details of why the quality sucks.
Toy Sword was already an underwhelming add on to begin with, and to even come close to comparing it to something like Alchemist Ring, is just baffling to me. Even (I) who doesn't play Blight understand how strong it is.
A cool- concept killer that just wasn't fully realized just basically given the middle finger. What a waste. I am one of the few people who played them and even went out of my way to not play (scummy) like others do, and quite enjoyed them even when I lost. Don't think I can do it anymore
For me this is why MMR will hurt the game in the long run. Because they make decisions solely based on kills without the need to worry about the "in between".
Sorry for your loss but nerf is justified and twins is absolutely unfun to play against
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Nobody is even talking about unfun to play against. I don't think you understand the difference between unfun and unbalanced.
They are not unbalanced.
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I dont think the devs themselves understand half the changes they make either.
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I have tried my best to support their ideas but after that Q&A, I literally raised my eyebrow when they pretty much deflected by bringing up Alchemist Ring (Blight) in relation to the Toy Sword question.
Notice how they never explain, "This addon/perk was doing this and that and therefore..." It is always "This killer is over-performing at high MMR" Because I think if they did, it would show they understand and know their own game. It's always a vague answer no matter what. Like I would really like to know what about Toy Sword made it unbalanced? Is it because it is used more than often, because that isn't reason enough to nerf something, especially an add on IMO.
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They are indeed unbalanced and data proves it. It seems like you don't understand something if you think dbd should cater only to your tastes and ignore everything else including actual data
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Yeah ignoring the data, coming from someone who's first answer was basically "Good they are unfun to go against anyway".
I am sure you love things that get nerfed simply because you think they are unfun. I don't.
If you want data, take it from their own mouth. They said they are over-performing at HIGH MMR. If they aren't balancing around High MMR, then they should leave it alone. Because that would mean they are balanced otherwise.
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These twins changes have conclusively shown me the devs have no idea how the game works at high level. Sure twins might be able to snowball but what about the 10 other things that counter them
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Honestly after watching the stream and seeing their comments on Twins and SBMM, I think the best call for action rn is to fire Patrick Harris from his lead position. That man has no idea what he's talking about
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Dude you good? the dev literally said they are nerfing twins because of data and high killrate with certain addons not because they are unfun to play against. "Unfun to play against" is just cherry on top, it shows that unbalanced and unfun to play against often come together. Spirit, Twins... Killers heckin love when killer doesn't have reliable counterplay
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Again, nobody is talking about how much you find Twins unfun to go against. You brought that bias into a thread that has to do with the balance of Twins.
It's not my problem what you are bad at surviving and have a hard time with Twins and therefore you find them unfun.
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Literally nobody likes to play against twins and data also shows that majority of survivors are "bad at surviving" against twins because how boosted and unbalanced that killer is. BHVR got it right
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Oh no, I am not talking about the majority of survivors. I was directing it at you.
Other survivors know how to play against twins.
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The devs care about fun. So thats all that matters in this regard.
If enough people complain about a certain killer not being fun to face, the devs will nuke him.
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Mind showing one?
yes, you are directing at me bc you don't have any actual viable arguments so you switched to personal insults. Classic
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And your argument is what? How much you find Twins "unfun"?
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Nerfing them isn't going to make them any more fun to face. lol
Anyway, the nerf makes no sense. The reason "high MMR" Twins win all the time is because they are so rare no one knows how to really play against the Twins.
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Exactly. The reason why people find them unfun to face was never because of Toy Sword, it was because of the way they place Victor by the hook and wait to switch until someone goes in for the save.
Something which they will still be able to do.
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Yup. Twins are insanely powerful campers since they can sit by hook while also pressuring gens. Once a player "masters" this they gain a huge advantage when so many players still don't full grasp what they are up against until they realize their regular tricks just don't work, and by then it is too late.
They came out over a year ago and so many players still fall victim to basic plays due to a complete lack the knowledge and practice. Since the Twins are only encountered like 1 out of every 100 games for many players its hard to expect them to adapt every time they show up.
Toy Sword doesn't address any of this.
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The dev's logic is as follows:
Killer Nerfs: Use any BS you can to sledgehammer Killer's into uselessness.
Survivor Nerfs: The lightest touch possible. More of a 'I hope this shuts Killers up' token action than any real nerfs.
I'm not a 'Devs are Survivor-sided' type person but after the utter non-nerf the 'CoH Nerf' was...
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Sound like twins really got you down. Here are the counter to the twin's gameplay: don't go alone,dodge victor's leap,kick Victor after using dead hard and also you can hold Victor hostage. For more salt you can run COH and other perks to avoid a slug by the twins. I rather go against them then a sweaty nurse or blight.
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Just for reference here’s what they actually said about nerfing add-ons and the Twins
@hikarun (Japanese) - "Why do you nerf some add-ons for unpopular or weak killers?"
Players at different skill rates perform very differently using different killers. Twins are a great example of this- at low and mid MMR, they're terrible, while at high MMR they're absolute monsters. Some of the highest kill rates in the game come from Twins, so further buffing them doesn't make too much sense, since while it bolsters their performance at low to mid MMR, at high MMR it would make them even stronger, which then wouldn't make sense. Nerfing them may seem cruel, but the add-ons were influencing their ability more than they were comfortable with.
Also it's worth noting they did buff some add-ons this patch, too.
Also, all add-on changes this patch took no programmer bandwith- they were number changes that could be done by the designers themselves, instead of needing to recode something. Things like Alchemist's Ring get brought up a lot, and the reason this wasn't included was because it would need a programming change, which the programmers didn't have the bandwith to deal with. Things are still on the radar.
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There are so few twins players that their data doesn't have enough of a sample size to be accurate.
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The addons they buffed are irrelevant.
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I lost faith in the devs since patch 1.9.2 That was the all time "######### were you thinking?" decision for me. Ever since I gave up on this game.