Can we just buff Flashbangs?

I'll be honest they don't really need a buff but I'd just really like them to be given 1 tiny buff.
Just let me collect flashbangs similar to Stake Out please. Let me finish a gen with 2 flashbangs saved up without having to let go.
I will get rid of 1 meta perk from my build if this buff happens (probably BT). I think this is a fair trade.
us stockpiling flashbangs and then constantly getting saves on each other in that one spot on thompson house so true
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I honestly don't see a problem with this.
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Yeah why not.
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We can get saves anywhere lol just think of the 4 locker area on Red Forrest.. with a flashbang outside of each of them.. what a beautiful sight.
Shouldn't be too difficult to change either (coding wise). I would even ask for it to only take 25% progression on a gen to charge them but I know I'd be pushing my luck.
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I agree with that, giving the perk a stack of 2 so you can just fully repair a gen and craft 2 later. Would be a great quality of life change.
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Exactly lol
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Quadruple head on into 16 chain stun into 15 spins into 23 flashlights.
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Exactly it'd be amazing 😂😂
(That was only a joke for anyone reading this)
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I use lightborne. Have all the flashbacks you want.
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and of course, you will always have that one guy who will spoil everyone having fun! (whisper: "I also use lightborn every now and then")
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I think that’s a fair buff.
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I mean, I have no idea how spammable or rediculous this could make things, but I am always for buffing off-meta perks to make them more fun.
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I was also going for a sunglasses kinda comment... I feel like that may have failed XD.
Guess I'll have to.... Deal With It.
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what if… throw flashbang from distance + 2 flashbangs itself. With tactical vest as new item = 4 FB
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And new add-on boobytrap wire, so you can now boobytrap doorways and stuff. Smhmyhead
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Buff blast mine too. Make it so if your working with someone else on a gen, blast mine activates faster
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I personally prefer the ability to throw the flashbang like diversion.
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Very much so especially if people use bnp in conjunction with it.
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For real though, the BNP meta is sometimes rediculous. In my last game I had one successful chase, then defended the trade, and by the time I hooked the trader I blinked and the third gen popped. This speed is INSANE!!!
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The only good thing about the bnp meta is that unlike perks they are one time use items.
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I wouldn't be against this.
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Blast mines main problem is that kicking gens is only ever done by killers running pop, and there are so many alternatives now that i rarely see it these days. Give the ability to blastmine fallen pallets, breakable walls and lockers pls
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Ohhhh damn now that’s cool. It’s still a good perk that give you a ton of options. I love seeing the trap explode when a killer kicks it. I always try to record using my favorite perk
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That ghostface must have felt a bit of a fool aha. yeah I love it, its great fun, but every time i put it on, its ruin or pain resonance and no gens are even kicked, sad times :(
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Well the ghostface was trying to defend two gens at once. My blastmine made him waste time allowing us to finish the last gen. But yes sometimes it’s doesn’t work when killers use perks like ruin or jolt or pain resonance but when it works it’s awesome
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I don't like reviving dead threads but I didn't want to create a new thread.
Please buff flashbangs for the 6th anniversary chapter. Just let me collect flashbangs similar to Stake Out. Maybe even let it only take 25% to charge up.
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I end up giving them to other players as I'll have 1 in hand and another stockpiled.
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As I was reading i was like who necro'd this thread. Then I was glad it was because there were so many silly fun ideas. My favorite was the tactical vest so you could carry four flash bangs.
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I'd do the same 😂 personally just want flashbangs to be better so I can run them more often lol
Yea it's something I hate seeing lol people just bringing back old threads for no reason.
The only reason I did it here was because I didn't want to create a new discussion. I just want flashbangs to get some buffs for the 6th year anniversary lol
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I don't know if there's any way you can buff flashbangs themselves but it'd be really nice if you could build up stacks and hold up to 3 stacks, use a stack to make a flashbang.
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Yeah sure, Flashbang is fun and this is a fair change. On an unrelated note, remove infinite locker save locations with double saveable lockers next to each other please.
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If your suggestion isn't used (which I hope it is), even lowering the percentage down to 40% or 45% would be nice. So you can actually get 2 flashbangs from one solo gen and it's not close enough to 50% to worry about hitting great skillchecks.
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That's what I want with it being like stake out. Honestly would make the perk feel so much
Flashbangs are the most fun thing in the game 👍👍
Exactly. Just irritating having to run to a locker, then run back only to have it be 99%..