FnaF chapter concept

Gamerzilla2018 Member Posts: 99
edited January 2022 in Creations

Welcome to dead by daylight in the realm of the entity fear of death is common for survivors to fear death but in this realm death is never the end

New map Faz maina: Fazbear entertainment had many skeletons in there closet both figuratively and literally so the entity has combined these restaurants into one map with animatronics roaming there halls

New Killer the Machine: A twisted and mangled corpse trapped in a animatronic suit this corpse has found new life in the realm of the entity

The machine power is Remnant trespasser: The machine is capable of entering into an invisibility state while in this state he can absorb Remnant from survivors which he can use to summon phantom animatronics to target generators and hooks any survivor receive the oblivious status effect and there aura is revealed to you. if a survivor shines a flashlight on you while invisible you are forced out of this state if the flashlight is too far away static appears to show the machines location

The machine comes with 3 perks

Maniac Mechanic: Your knowledge of machines helps you greatly in the entities realm

Every time you damage a generator that generators progress is completely reset and its blocked by the entity until a survivor is hooked

"She can dance she can sing she can shoot balloons right from her fingertips" Michael Afton

I always come back: Unlike many beasts of the fog you are not a being of flesh and blood rather you are made of Fabric and metal.

Pallets do not stun you and walking through them break them immediately

"I always come back!" William Afton

Hex Fear me follow me: You have found away to trick survivors into fearing you and following you

Instead of the exit gates being powered the last gen can never be finished and survivors suffer the oblivious status effect until the totem is cleansed.

"I can taste the fear in your breath" William Afton

New survivor Vanesa

A young intelligent woman Vanessa was a beta tester until she fell under the control of glitchtrap after being freed by a young boy and a animatronic a strange fog covered her vision and she arrived in the realm of the entity

Twin sided: Your experience as a killer has taught you where killers like to hit

You are able to heal your self at 2x faster and other survivors 3x faster

" I feel that you are broken" Glamrock Freddy

Company policy: Your use of the flashlight in the real world has helped you greatly in the realm of the entity

Anytime you bring or pick up a flashlight is upgraded to an iridescent tier the flashlight not only has insta blind but also slows the killer for a moment

Blood mechanic: The Rabbit has taught you many things

You are able to repair generators 5x faster than ordinary survivors

"Please be aware to conserve power because hey I don't wanna work" Phone guy FnaF 1

Survive the night and form theories in the Fnaf chapter concept for dead by daylight

Post edited by Rizzo on
