Tips/Builds for Artist

Chimp Applicant Posts: 384

I just got her with shards, So I would like to know Some tips and/or builds


  • ActualPainedFrog
    ActualPainedFrog Applicant Posts: 279

    Your first step is learning to address her as "Crow mommy."

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,957

    The step above is not obligatory.

  • Gaala
    Gaala Member Posts: 51
    edited January 2022

    I puts my build on it, cause i'm actually maining her now. It's pretty solid, but i think there is something better. The killer meta is still good on her (Undying / Ruin / Tinkerer) for the ability to protect totem even on distance.

    BBQ, Scourge Hook : Pain Resonance, Scourge Hook : Gift of Pain, Hex : Plaything.

    The main point of this build is to focus only on hook. More hook = More gen regress and More time healing (with a malus after they heal). Plus Plaything that help you sneak survivor + give survivor something to do other than gens (genrush op).

    The best tips i can give are the following :

    At the start of the match, use all the crow you have on the 3 most promising generator, high chance to find someone. If multiple, pick the closer one, of course.

    Don't trap a loop in front of the windows / pallets, instead do it to the side. For example, on shack, you don't have to use the crow in front of the windows, instead you will place the trap on the outer edge of the shack that face the windows and use it when the survivor vault.

    When chasing a survivor, put a swarm on them. Doesn't matter that you will not damage them. Once they are in a swarm, they need to repel them, giving you a chance to down a survivor with normal hit, if they continue repelling and don't vault / drop pallet you can hit them normally, or if they do one of the previous action they need to start again repelling, giving you time to summon more crow and damage them.

    Use the crow to block path and force survivor on less loopable area. If they don't, swarm them and see above.

    If you see a survivor repairing a gen / cleansing a totem with bbq, don't use all your crow. Use only one, so your cooldown is low. After he's swarmed he will start running. Shoot then all 3 crow on the location he will probably running (shotgun style).

    Don't use always all the crow, specially if you only want to swarm. Max 2 if you want it. And if you are not sure that the crow will hit him, don't try. Let the crow disappear and restart after the cooldown.

    As now this is all the thing i can think about. After all, you need to have a lot of map awareness to make the best of crow that you set. You could swarm a survivor with the first crow that you set that have a weird angle cause the survivor, running away, ended up in the line of it. Hope this will help you.

    Edit : Forgot something. Instead of checking locker, specially if multiple (i'm looking at you, loop with 5 locker one beside another) to see if there is a survivor inside, use a crow on them. If there is someone inside, the killer instinct will trigger, giving you the exact location. Still, watch out for Head On.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    you can sometimes lineup a shot to hit multiple gens with one crow.

    tinkerer/pain resonance/jolt are used a lot on mine.

    someone mentioned that a two crows lined up 6 seconds apart are far enough apart to down a distant survivor. Say you have tinkerer and you’re aware someone is there. Pop them.

    your sniper skills are clutch with her. If you have good timing, you’re golden.

  • Holkapolka
    Holkapolka Member Posts: 44

    I use Survilence, Ruin, Undying and SH Pain Resonance

  • Pizzasauce
    Pizzasauce Member Posts: 940
    edited January 2022

    I just watched Otz's sweatiest build for every killer video he did, here's what he had for the Artist: Ruin/Tinkerer/CI/PainResonance

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 973

    Build i enjoy using BBQ, Ruin, STBFL, and Iron Maiden.

    STBFL cause holding W biggest counter to her and this helps counter the W holds.

    Iron Maiden cause some players will just jump in lockers to get rid of the crows only to be 1 shot moments later if your nearby.

    I'll prob switch Ruin/Iron Maiden for scourge hook mini pop (w/e it's called) and dead man's switch once the changes go live.