Deathslinger needed buffs if anything

Maybe with some nerfs to compensate, but he was definitely not too strong at all. Just like wraith he was nerfed for no reason. Deathslinger lacks map pressure which is what kills him when playing against good survivors.
Since he was nerfed, he sits alongside wraith and hillbilly as more killers that used to be fun to play. This is actually so sad.
Here's a quick rough concept for an ability to help him with map pressure. He is all about revenge right? So making him have an ability with that kept in mind should look like this: when a survivor breaks away from a harpoon and is inflicted with deep wound, provide (effect) the next time that specific survivor is chased.
I actually miss deathslinger despite his boring counterplay
I like Deathslinger. I don't like being told to play Huntress everytime I make or see a Deathslinger thread though.
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The thing is the Nerf to his quick scoping is fine what didn't make sense is that they increased his TR "To match other ranged Killers". The whole point of his smaller TR is that he's not a Long Range killer like Huntress or Trickster, he is mid ranged and requires a more pinpoint shot. Also he's a dang bounty hunter who's job is to track down and get close to targets without them knowing, I love that aspect about him because you could be walking down a hall and then you turn and he is lining up a shot.