Killers who pay for cosmetics

Why? The only thing you'll ever see is your weapon, hand, and somtimes your arms
Because we need that drip, obviously.
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But what is drip for, If one cannot see it
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One can always FEEL it.
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You see it in the Lobby while queuing up (which can take a while depending on the time of the day) and in the Postgame-Screen.
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Gots to look good while we be killin' you.
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It's my money to burn.
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Spirit mains are currently feasting as the intro screen highlights her ass
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If you're Spirit or Hag, you get to look at yourself regularly.
If you're anyone else... you get the satisfaction of knowing you're killing them with swag.
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Dont forget Doc!
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I mean, everyone buy clothes in real life even if we can only look at our hands, torso and legs, same thing in DbD. We just want to be stylish as we chase survivors.
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True! There's also Twins (though... actually good Twins cosmetics, the jury's still out on that one.)
Pinhead can stop to admire himself mid-match, but it probably won't happen during normal gameplay.
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I can see Spirit's hands.
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A vast mayority of the time you aren't looking at yourself irl too so why do you buy fancy clothes then?
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Also, I can look at Spirit's husk in my power.
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Because if I enjoy something may as well look good doing it, sadly I stopped buying stuff as my interest decreased.
But I usually try make my killers look better than default (more horror).
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Hag, Spirit, Twins and Moris. You see yourself more often than you think
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In order to be iconic, one must look iconic.
And as a killer, I am as iconic as they come.
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because games are mostly played by little kids. I never use/buy skins on any game.
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I bought every Silent Hill skin from being a huge fan boy, including all the Robbie palette swaps. I refuse to buy anymore with the way the game is now. I know I don't matter tho, there are 4 toxic Neas buying skins like crazy as I type this
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Because I still know I look cool and I like seeing myself on the menu. And on certain killers I have become a completionist. The entire RE chapter I forced myself to buy every single cosmetic which I do have them all until another one comes out.
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nobody mentioned moris?
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Because I wanna kill in style.
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I want survivors to be able to say, "This killer sure beat us bad and made us look like babies, but damn is he fresh"
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Because they looks cool af lmao
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I've had several occasions where after a game with a twitchie where I'd go to their chat to say gg and they'd tell me they love my outfit.
Edit: This one in particular. Doesn't the blighted head just go so well with the biohazard trashbag dress thing? Pretty cool eh?
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Why can't killers spend money on their favorite characters? They're allowed to
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Dang, that's deep, lol
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Good for you...but people are allowed to
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That dripster skin too good.
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I look good that is all.
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Santa Clown is absolutely vile to look at and I don't have to look at him. You do.
I genuinely find survivors don't look at me as much if I have that rancid gut bouncing behind them.
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This is a dumb question like "Why people get tattoo on their back?"
It's just what we want kid.
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For the same reason people get fashionable haircuts/clothes/shoes/facial hair styling/tattoos/glasses/accessories/etc that they don’t look at constantly. You don’t need to look at yourself constantly to know what you look like. It’s about knowing you look like that/knowing others see you look like that.
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People like to say the default Cosmetics are "noobie" so players are going to buy cosmetics
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My killers are all either turbo gross (Plague with the maggot skin) or pretty cool lookin'.
I like to roleplay and it just feels better if I've got some blood or something else dripping. The Entity compels me, and my original outfit gets sundered as the trials wear on. The slasher puts on materials he or she finds and continues the hunt.
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There's an intimidation factor, I think.
Also - Hag's Blighted skin is so damn cool it would be a shame not to share it.
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The hands are the biggest reason I'll get a killer cosmetic. I don't care that much how the rest of the skin looks as long as the hands are cool.
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I want my survivors to have something nice to look at. Seeing killers only in defaults all the time would be boring. Like sure it might be another Blight in a row but this one's got a cute little top hat 👀
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Respect the drip... Karen...
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I like to look good and I want to support the game, no income = no game.
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Because I wamt to look good while being looped for several gens and tbagged at the gates.
Its my money and it makes me happy to own good skins
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You can see it in the lobby, at the beginning of a match, and at the end game screen.
Plus you can't beat that feeling of knowing you look good.
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I... Um... You know? Because... Yeah.
It makes me feel pretty.
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So I can look cool to others while they tbag and click at me.
Not a kid but I like cosmetics in games. I don't spend tons but here and there, it makes me play the game more. It gets boring really quick if everything looks the same all the time.
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I have a theory that if I make plague look as attractive as possible it will distract survivors enough for them to mess up and give me easier chases.
I have no idea if it works but I like to think it does.
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So I can kill survivors with ✨style✨
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Hentai lol
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I prefer winter skin of spirit and cummodoggo skin