I think we should all agree...

If 4 survivors are trying to annoy the killer with Boil Over/Exponential/Unbreakable/Tenacity/Power Struggle/Flip Flop/Breakout/No Mither and ruin the killer's match experience with map offerings,if they get slugged and let bleed out for 4 minutes,its their own fault.
You do wrong,you get wronged too,its fair.
do whatever you gotta do.
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It's what I'd do
If they want to cry about it, it'll fall on deaf ears. Lie there and think about why you're on a timeout.
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Why even play against that, just AFK and let them get no points and then go back in the 15 minute queue
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Y'all are too easily triggered... Iet the players use what they want. The patch has only been out for a few hours lol. Chill. Chill.
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Yes but much like every other patch it is biased as hell.
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Have you seen the nerf for COH? It was a joke all it did was reduce it by a couple of seconds.
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How do you even fit all those perks in a single loadout?.
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Yeah, crazy survivor patch. A bunch of minor perk buffs that still won't see them used and one perk buffed to maybe be annoying in some situations.
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You forget that often times the other side has just as annoying builds too.
So for that reason alone, I do not agree. Does it suck? Yeah. Should you get over it and move on to the next match? Yes you should.
Because if you are not whinning about those gimmicky perks, you are whinning about the DS/UB/BT/COH/DH meta. It's as if survivors just shouldn't use perks at all.
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Preach it sis 🙌
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Slugging is the exact counter to that scenario, so yeah, everything checks out.
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oh yeah 100%
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Except for when you have a kill by any means challenge. Bleeding them out is not any means... I guess?
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Really so the nerf to add ons for some killers like clown pig and Nemesis should be on equal terms with COH "nerf" and boil over buff?
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Guess you haven't noticed DMS is already becoming meta.
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It's only good for certain killers though so tbh as much as that is a buff since most killers aren't not viable in all of the mmr brackets it can only be beneficial to some mains and not the whole side unlike anything survivor gets.
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Survivors got a single perk that people will play for a week of two until the novelty wears off. Killers got a perk that's pretty busted on some killers, and solid on every killer when combined with Pain Resonance.
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One thing I struggle to understand sometimes is the knee-jerk backlash whenever a perk on either side is buffed into being a perk that has an impact on the game. Both sides deserve good and strong perks that when used can impact the match - that's the whole point of perks in the first place
Boil over and DMS are classic examples, people all the time go on about the stale meta but when you start to see changes (some) people demand changes and decry them as too unbalanced and so on.
Just want to clarify i'm not saying discussing changes to perks and concerns is bad, but rather I don't understand why people can seemingly both call the meta stale but then don't like it when other perks come along that can compete. Not replace, compete.
I guess some people just want the meta perks on both sides nerfed, rather than what I think is better - buffing things instead so the meta perks aren't overwhelmingly strong compared to the others
As someone who plays a lot - seeing boil over, dead mans switch, pain resonance, no way out etc It's a welcome sight even if the effects can be annoying or irritating for some or many.
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Except it's wasn't just boil over its the COH nerf that wasn't a real nerf and more. yes killers got one perk but you still have to deal with brain dead perks and mechanics that made playing survivor easier when everything is shown.
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Yes but buffing the perks should be a side upgrade and not something that makes the game easy mode such as IMO dead hard is the most brain dead easy mode perk that exist now. Also the other problem is that right now only 2 killers can be viable in all mmr brackets meaning that certain playstyle hit a ceiling because unlike survivors who are the same mechanically and just a pallette swap of each other killers have certain base kits to consider which right now most are not up to par so it could potentially lead to a situation where it's "meta perks VS blight or nurse "
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CoH got a small nerf to see if it helps. If it doesn't, they can go further. I prefer they try small moves rather than instantly nerfing things to the ground.
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Oh its so great, im now a survivor main and just find spots to annoy killers with my buddies.
Best perk buff in a long time.
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You call Dead Hard braindead easy mode but (IMO) you don't automatically win because you have it. It's def one of the strongest perks in the game and far outweighs most due to what it gives. It doesn't help it's also extremely frustrating to face, that I understand wholeheartedly
it begs the question though, if/when DH gets nerfed - what then?
Is Decisive Strike still a problem?
Is Borrowed Time still a problem?
And ofc this applies to the killer side too - I'm just using those 2 as examples bc they're contentious I think
NGL tho, something I just thought about - many of the strong survivor perks are free from the get-go and a lot of the strong killer perks are all either locked behind DLC or you need to grind em with shards.
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Ds would still be an issue yes same with bt however I have never had as many people saved and able to have a safe chance of escaping the trial as DH does. I had a match today where it was egc and I was in the way of them getting to the little bm area right infront of the exit and they were injured however thanks to that perk they got passed me and I just ignored them afterwards cause I am not playing this game to stroke toddler egos.
That setup comes up constantly one way or another and the fact that it is a safety net is why I said is brain dead you can be the biggest Idiot walking into walls or doing mistake after mistake but if they are fully healed or injured and the gate opens you might as well just give up and putz around until they leave so yes because of how it's made and can be abused more now thanks to hit validation yes it is a use and win perk for the most part.
Now take the most problematic killer perk NOED it gives a speed boost and exposed however you need to hit them and it's a hex perk so if you ######### up it's gone yes some people camping can benefit from it if the team is altruistic but if not it is useless.
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Except for the COH "nerf" it didn't help because of the boon mechanic as a whole which the devs say is fine even though it's not.
Also then if that was the case it also shows bias cause survivor perks lately have been getting slaps on the wrist but killers like slinger got gutted with no compensation so why should the trickle down nerfs justify them from being survivor biased?
Even the buffs for killers doesn't help cause look at who they buff which from I remember was trapper ,nurse ,hag (who I think got nerfed afterwards ) and wraith.
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Could I ask you to explain why you think DS and BT are problems? This isn't sarcasm, I wanna hear your opinion because I personally feel like they're in good spots right now. They both more-or-less work the way I think they should.
Like they are 'safety nets' in a way, but they're also the two perks that help counter oppressive killer playstyles (camping and tunnelling). Also again to clarify i'm not saying these 2 playstyles are bad or toxic, just that the perks exist to help counter them. Hopefully you get what I mean.
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Mainly cause it encourages hook rushes which should be punished but they can be saved easily because of them. I know they are for anti camping and tunneling however why does it encourage tactics that encouraged camping then. It's more the game allows abuse that shouldn't happen due to players doing things that were why the perks were made.
If it was something like they do protection but if you body block right next to the hook it deactivates to show it was a risky tactic same with ds if you hook rush with more than 2 standing survivors in close vicinity or sprint for more than 5 seconds or hide in a locker it should deactivate cause it allows people to just run all the time with no repercussions or in one case I had run into a locker and easily be seen but still safe.
To be honest those two need tweaks but DH and boons are the only real "safety nets" I would consider being called that DH needs a complete rework and boons need to be closer to hex totems mainly make them single use placable perks.
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They said working as intended, not fine. Granted I think boons need changed. I agree Slinger was over nerfed. I don't think it implies an inherent bias. The main thing complained about with Slinger was him being able to fake his gun so easily. Which they did fix, but ended up going too far.
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I mean it's not that we are slugging out of malice. You literaly can't bring them to a hook.
Regardless of how you feel about the perks if you make it impossible to hook you you shouldn't complain that you aren't being hooked.
That everybody has annoying perks is not really relevant to what they are saying
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Unless they have Soulguard and can get up an infinite amount of times.
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No, you don't get to waste my time.
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So you want killers to just accept these perks and not play around them?
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It honestly doesn’t matter why you slug. I’ve seen killers slug where it totally made sense and other times because they just… felt like it. 3 players down on the ground suddenly the one player picked everyone up, no hooks. In other words, yes they played around it even though it was annoying.
I wasn’t referring to slugging because someone brought hook builds or BO. If they do that then by all means, slug away.
Also, it is relative, because in theory you would have to pretty much bring the required perks/items to pull it off. Boil Over alone isn’t doing much. Which is the same annoying effect that something like slow down perks have. Nobody wants to heal over and over and over against Legion but nobody wants to deal with Thana throughout the match either.
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"If they do that then by all means, slug away."
So in other words you are not disagreeing with what the op is saying