Unusually High Survivor Queues During this Event?

I’m talking around the clock, not just evening/night time anymore.
Anyone else experiencing this?
edit: forgot to add, NA West, PST.
platform: PC/Steam
I had long queues yesterday at around 8PM CET.
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Probably because there’s nothing for killers in this event. Plus the whole boil over RPD situation
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Wait, what? Could you fill me in on "nothing for killers?" Part?
I haven't played for the last 2 months and was about to reinstall for the event.
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Well you get the event offerings plus the cosmetics but that’s it. Survivors get a toolbox and firecrackers to use
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Clown nerf, Nemesis nerf, Twins nerf, Pig slight buff, Dead Man Switch meta.
Also, boil over is a nightmare and the BP gains for the Event are super good for Survivor but pretty meh for Killer. I've gotten 90K BP as Survivor iirc
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The one queue I timed was 13 minutes and 11 seconds long
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And it's relatively easy, fast and stress-free to get a lot of bloodpoints as Survivor in this event. If you just want to casually farm some points then Survivor is the better choice (emphasis on casually).
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I did one game yesterday to try the event and took around 10m to join a lobby, killers are leaving or switching to survivor and that's what the devs want apparently cuz for them sbmm is working fine and coh just required a small nerf
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Meanwhile my killer queue was the usual 15s. I wonder why....
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Ah okay the usual crap.
Yeah i read the patch notes 😑.
But didn't watch the stuff about the event.so yeah, the usual crap except without the crown fiasco.
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Nope. Playing atm (eu) and it is instant like usual during the day for surv.
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And usually Survivor BP-Gain is more than "meh", while Killers easily get way more.
And how did you get 90k BPs as Survivor? The highest I got was 55k BPs. Or did you include the 20k BPs for the Beta as well?
I did not notice any difference. At least yesterday evening, Survivor Queues were around normal. I guess it can happen that they are longer, because Survivors can get Items out of their Bloodwebs, meaning that some players might play more Survivor to farm some Items.
And, another possible reason might be the Beta-Tab. Players want to test it and players want to get the 200k BPs for testing it.
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That's not exactly true. You can gain massive bloodpoints as long as others drop envelopes as well.
If you really want massive gains play Bubba with his limiter, BBQ, and rack of 3 digits per match.
You'll lose the match but you'll get way more points then they do as long as you get multiple saw hits, and a handful of hooks. It's pretty funny.
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Survivors queues have been getting longer and longer for a while. It takes me around 7-10 minutes to get into a lobby as a Survivor CET around the clock
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Yea, my queues were longer than usual. Usually they get longer after 7PM but yesterday it was all day. It’s usually near instant for me but it took up to 5 minutes yesterday.
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EU is normal. Killer queues after like 4pm are nigh-instant while survivor takes 5-10 minutes, but this morning they were pretty quick.
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I had to dodge 3 RPDs offerings last night so I really don't feel like playing killer today. Will probably just stay on SWF.
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Actually no. My survivor queue has been starting at 30 seconds this morning and is currently around 2 minutes for me.
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Actually yes. That was like for me 2 hours ago.
Unless you were sitting next to me and saw different.
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0-1 min isn´t instant ;)
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It is for me.
Killer is not any different at night 0-1min except in the morning when I can't actually find a killer game at all.
I know it doesn't fit the narrative that no one plays killer and that is the only reason you replied to me. We all know how you think.
I will leave it at that since I really dislike talking to you. No offence.
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Instant is when you click ready and you instantly get pulled into a lobby.
Waiting 30 seconds or 1 minute isn´t instant. At least not for me. I doubt that you know how i think, since you don´t know me at all. Just because i don´t have the usual survivor main mindset of "everything killers do is evil" doesn´t mean that i´m not a survivor main.
So please don´t try to make this a "killer vs survivor" thingy.
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I picked up an envelope that gave me a 25K BP bonus.
Also, yes, Survivor BP is usually pretty pathetic, which is why some people tried to play Killer for BP. Now? Zero reason to play Killer at all in this update. That, in turn, makes Survivor queue times way worse.
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Well, yeah. Even I want to play more survivor. Finally you get a reasonable amount of BP. Killer gains more if you are up against babies, but matchmaking got so shoddy that I do not even know any more. My high mmr killers got WAY easier and my low mmr ones are getting Ttv squads now. Like, what? Either way, it is a mixed bag of how many unique hooks I am getting compared to just passively getting BP from rushed gens. I could just mess them up as Bubba, but that defeats the point.
The ONLY reason survivor is making "less" BP at the moment is the queue time.
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At least it helps show how appealing the killer role is right now to the most of the playerbase. My survivor queues are getting worse and my killer queues are instant to almost instant.
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Because more people are switching to survivor during the event for whatever reasons. I haven't really read up on the event or played much myself so I 'm not sure why that is
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Absolutely. But switching to Killer is funnily enough worth it. There are so many survivors queing up that the already FUBAR matchmaking system isn't even trying anymore, I'm completely destroying one group of survivors after another, even with high MMR killers that usually go against seal team six swfs and getting utterly annihilated.
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If BHVR wants to fix this, they need to bring some hard nerfs down the pipeline to survivor second chances.
When that day comes, I will row my canoe through the rapids of survivor tears as they flow like the rivers of ancient babylon.
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Survivor BP gains are pretty crazy during this event, while killer BP gain is somewhat mediocre and some hooks just don't seem to award BP at all (Lery's has a few).
Survivors get free powerful toolboxes and flashbangs. Killers get nothing.
Then you add in the bully squads sending killers to RPD, IWOM or Eyrie to basically take the game hostage with the new Boil Over and anti-slugging perks, and yeah - I'm not terribly surprised killers have instant queues right now and survivor queues are getting longer and longer.
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You’re missing out!!
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I’m in EST time zone, and my survivor queue times were like a minute this morning. But around 10 minutes at night.
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Too many people wanting to abuse Boil Over.
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Geeeeee I wonder why it couldn't possibly be something obvious......