New Boil Over forces you to play around it

The new Boil Over is fun for survivors and I’m going to use a lot, but as a killer I’m sort of miffed because I already have to play around DH, DS, BT, and Unbreakable, minimum, even if the survivors aren’t running any of them.
Now Boil Over is added to that list. That’s 5 perks that change how I play the game even when nobody has them equipped!
Will killer ever get tools like this?
Also I’ve noticed that although I’m a killer, I’m only excited to try out new survivor goodies with recent patches. Anyone else in the same boat?
I... you realise something is going to be super unfun for Killers from your own experience, and you're going to use it anyway?
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The only plus is that you get an icon if someone is running it so you can know as soon as you pick someone up if it's going to be a problem or not. So you don't really need to pretend like everyone is running it and play around it as you'll know the second you pick someone up if it's in play.
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I wouldn't really say it's comparable to DS/BT/DH/UB, etc. As soon as you pick someone up you see an icon that someone has boil over, so it's closest to Dead Hard, but when it's important you know about it before it has an effect, unlike Dead Hard where you only realise after they've used it.
You don't have to play around everyone having it unless they, you know, all have the perk equipped, in which case it's common sense to do so.
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Egg on my face a bit here but I honestly had no idea the killer could see the icon 😂
This thread is now about my eyesight.
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Yeah my bad, I can admit when I’m wrong. Honestly never noticed the icon 😅
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Happens to the best of us!
Not me obviously cause I'm perfect :D
But everyone else! :P
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Well yea ofc. It’s a video game after all and I’ve got to find some level of fun in it. Recent patches make killer less and less appealing to me while survivor gets more fun. I’ve invested time and money into this game. I want to get something out of it.
I’m critical of BHVR’s approach to balance, but DBD is not a serious game and I stopped taking it seriously when I realised it was never going to live up to its potential.
Whats the point in denying myself a bit of fun? Doesn’t make a difference let’s be honest.
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Lol thanks for being big enough to not rub it in my face 🤣
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It's okay, the important bit is you know now so can play around it better :)
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Lol can’t fault you on that! 🥲
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I was nice with BHV before because I enjoy so much the game and I know that make a game and balance it is not easy but each patch, my sympathy decrease :(
Between the new wiggle system that is faster than before when you do perfect test and the rework of Boil Over, it seems that these dev are totally lost in their job..
I love playing survivors but I love playing killer too (I play even this side more), I'm disappointed about the game, there will be a day when BHV will know what to do on their game.. no ? :p
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I mean, survivors have to adapt to slow down builds, whether or not killer Camps or Slugs, Anti healing builds... etc that can be obnoxious.
Yeah, welcome to the club.
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It basically does nothing until you drop down somewhere. How powerful that is. Hilarious.
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The only problem I see its with bodyblocking to the hook get healed with CoH and repeat the cycle
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"Will killers ever get tools like this"
Well survivors tend to ignore the things we should play around:
BBQ, you should get close to the killer to avoid or get in a locker if you are far away.
Discordance, Avoid doing gens with friends.
Nurses, don't heal in the terror radius.
And then there is NOED, realistically survivors should cleanse all 5 totems (or have the remaining ones booned) every game to avoid it.
There are also add-ons that you have to play around as well, such as getting in a locker to avoid a tombstone. Or cleansing to avoid being revealed to the plague if she has her iri add-on. Staying injured to be able to DH an iri head hatchet ect...
The thing is when you are killer you can actively choose what to play around and play around it. As survivor you have 3 other people that might not be playing around it. If 2 of you get in a locker to avoid BBQ then you sell out your remaining teammate. If you choose to play around NOED as a solo survivor you have to cleanse all 5 totems on your own and unless you have a boon yourself you may end up denying a teammate use of their boon. So unless you are a 4 man SWF you tend not to see survivors actively playing around perks.
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Will killer ever get tools like this?
Umm...NoED would like a word with you?
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Considering there's also the free 6% reduction to the wriggle gauge (the 1 second buff Survivors got), ANY drop, even a drop of 1 inch, gives Survivors 31% of their wriggle gauge.
How powerful that is is right, just not in the way you meant.
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I just don't understand why they decided to give such a big boost to such an annoying and "toxic" perk. Imagine trying to make meta the perk specifically designed to screw over a killer who just won a chase and which enables even more squad bullying.
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Yeah you’re not alone mate. It can be frustrating because we know how much potential DBD has, but nothing really seems to bring it closer to that, and recent changes + past comments from the devs make it feel like a lost cause.
Honestly though, I do think they’ll come around at least a little, eventually. The money will force them to, but by then I’ll likely be enjoying a different game, which is unfortunate.
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Well to be fair, most killers need to run at least a couple of slowdown perks to account for facing decent survivors; they can’t just rely on potatoes these days.
And while I agree that anti-healing builds aren’t fun, killers have to put up with CoH which is arguably worse on almost every level.
It’s not a competition of course, but this comes back to BHVR’s approach to balance:
Many killer mains are simply fed up with it, and while one can say that they’re “just complaining,” or this kind of thing happens with every game, etc, there’s no denying the playerbase is bleeding, and the feedback is too consistent (and has been for too long) to dismiss outright.
If BHVR don’t change things at least a little, I’m pretty confident the playerbase will continue to dissolve in the long run. Optics. If you have a sizeable portion of your playerbase consistently feeling as though they’re getting the short end of the stick, no matter what anyone thinks about balance, it can only cause issues.
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Just having the perk equipped will save you from the occasional hook, and bodyblocking makes it very strong. YouTube is already littered with videos people being almost invincible lol.
We will have to see how it plays out. It’s a fun perk for survivor and I hope it turns out fine, but honestly I think it’ll be completely ridiculous for SWF, and they’re already a big issue when it comes to balance (and optics.)
This kind of change, especially right after CoH, is bound to ruffle some feathers.
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If you hit ALL the great skillchecks in time its a measly 1 second. Dont complain about something this minor. And its 25%, not 31%. And there are more than enough maps that have no double story buildings to abuse this at all. There is exactly npo need to play around somethin you also see as soon as you pick them up.
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To me that actually sounds like a notable issue.
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I actually tried Agitation into this and if they are doing the 'get to a high point on the map' thing, it doesn't really help. If you are required to fall twice from your current position, it's an automatic escape.
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That’s a fair point.
The way I look at the issue:
1) SWF becomes more popular over time.
When actually trying, SWF is simply too overwhelming for the majority of not only the killer roster, but the killer playerbase too.
2) Matchmaking is added. Solo queue becomes generally more frustrating for killers. Moreover, they’re now facing more SWF than ever before.
3) CoH is added. Solo queue becomes even stronger, and even more frustrating for killers, while SWF receive one of the biggest buffs they could ever dream of.
4) Boil Over is buffed right after, and SWF receive yet again one of the strongest buffs they could ever dream of.
No matter what your opinion is when it comes to actual balance, you’ve surely gotta admit that the optics are extremely bad, which brings us to the current sentiment of killer feedback on the forums, and likely a good chunk of the bleeding playerbase.
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And its 25%, not 31%
It's 31% when you add Boil Over and the Wriggle Buff of 'one second'. That 'one second' is 6.25% of the wriggle bar. I stated that very clearly.
So that 'one second' is not minor. It's 6.25% of the wriggle bar.
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Nah its not. Its 25% if you drop somewhere. And its 1second if you hit all great skillchecks (which relates to the full time, not the shortened period). Those are two different things that not relate to each other. Just summing them up is false.
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why shouldn't he? thats the whole point, just because I know deadhard is ######### ton broken and unfun for the killer doesn't mean I won't use it when playing survivor, in fact that is the exact reason why I would wanna use it because its free win for no cost
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If the person DROPS, and you HIT THE SKILLCHECKS, you get 31% of your wriggle bar.
They can both happen, so adding them together is not 'false'. Because they can both happen. At the same time. As in, you can hit all skillchecks while the Killer falls from even 1 inch & gives you 25%. Thus, you get 31% for free.
How is that hard to understand?
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all of those things exist because of survivors
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That maths isn't right though. You only get the 6.25% if you hit every great skill check for the whole duration of carrying. If 1/4 of that duration is gone then you don't get the time to hit all the great skill checks thus you won't get the whole of the "one second" off.
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And yet you'll still get a bonus per Great skillcheck that helps you to escape quicker, plus that 25%. Still a massive boost to Survivors that never needed to happen.
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More perks should be like this. That way, they would be worth running and their counters would be useful.
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I agree more perks should be useful, and Boil Over is fun to use, it just comes back to the SWF vs solo issue and how you can’t balance two different games within the same game at the same time.
As for Boil Over in solo queue, time will tell but it’s looking strong at least. I can’t hold it against anyone for being annoyed when this change came right after CoH, which came right after SBMM.
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Easy way to settle this is think about the number of times you’ve only juuust been hooked by a fraction of a second. I know it happens to me allllll the time. When it happens in the future, I’ll be wiggling free instead.
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The idea of the perk originally was to very rarely help you break free of the killers grasp. The drop giving you 25% I think gives it the niche play it is supposed to be for. Unbreakable needs a pretty specific scenario met to pull it off and it only became viable as a result of slugging increasing. If it's now too strong maybe they can slightly slow the killers movement speed while carrying you. Prior to this buff i used it on Ash for my "worst perks ever" perk set. It was boil over, no mither, sole survivor and buckle up. Before you say "no mither with self care is the worst combo." I was well aware. The point of the build was to allow the perks to work as best as they can and just suck because they are that bad. Self care i wouldn't say is bad... It's just used poorly.
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why do people act like killers also don't have perks like this? Also you won't have to play around boil over even if they don't have it, because it tells you they have it instantly.
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Doesn't killer perks force survivors to play around them? Killers are constantly telling survivors to "jump in a locker" to hide the auras. There is nothing wrong or OP about Boil Over. If it seems to be an issue, you can always use Iron Grasp.
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I know :( its stupid there isnt a minimum height before it activates. Basement stairs can do small bump and u loose 25% :)
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Also...for example?
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"Also I’ve noticed that although I’m a killer, I’m only excited to try out new survivor goodies with recent patches. Anyone else in the same boat?"
I mean, DMS is gonna be fun to try, Pain Resonance is really good too, Furtive Chase will see some use outside Nurse and T2 Myers builds, lots of addons have been made more fun and intuitive.
If we're gonna talk about the "big things" for survivors, Circle of Healing and Boil Over are the only 2 sticking out, the rest was nice, but not really that great either.
The biggest difference, is that you can play Boil Over on pretty much any survivor you have previously unlocked quite quickly, where as killer, you would need to have the perk on the killer that can both use the perk and has other perks that are fun to go together too. It's not that killers are ignored, to the contrary. It's just that when killers recieve something nice, it can take weeks, if not months for someone to realize it goes really well. Like Oni's Bloody Glove, seemed horrible for at least 5 months before Monto revealed a fun build he created around it. Or right now, Dead Man's Switch seems like it might not be that big of a deal, but I can bet already that people are gonna use it with Artist and Pain Resonance to basically get a free early kill.
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Most good teams usually try to play around NOED, or most hex perks or perks like pop or tinkerer are perks that you actively have to be aware or cautious of and have to play around. It isn't whataboutism, it is stating facts. The problem of Boil Over is the fact that some maps are #########, it isn't even a problem of boil over. Some maps were already abusable before hand, now it is the same but they have another perk. Not saying this new Boil Over is fair or well designed, but people are definitely getting worked up over something that wasn't even the fault of the perk, it is something that has been busted for a while.
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My way of dealing with it is letting the survivors who intentionally abuse it bleed out or camp/tunnel them to death. Thanks BHVR for adding yet another element to the game that encourages toxic and unfun gameplay.
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Survivors have to play around every single killer perk in the game and people are complaining about boil over? Seriously? This is why survivors are ALWAYS left in the dust. The very moment we get something half way decent given to us killer mains rush to the forums and start whining about it. I swear its like were not allowed to have fun or have any kind of reasonable chance in this game.