Not a fan of charms, but the Saw additions are well done
As a big fan of the Saw franchise, I can appreciate some of the nice little touches.
The Pamela Jenkins book and the "Follow Your Heart" toilet cover part were good to see.
Would of thought the acid container (with the bubbling key inside) from part 2 would of been cool, hanging on the side of a hook.
But what we got was good. 👏
I love that Billy pedals.
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I hate that charms take up like 80% of the rift rewards
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yeah, i wish they took up 100%
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I wish they took up -100%
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Next rift 200% of the rewards are gonna be charms
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Charmed by Daylight
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Change it so charms take up -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 % of the rift
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Yep! I love this rift. Lots of good stuff 😁
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While there are some nice cosmetics, there was nothing for Claudette. I am disappoint.
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Infinite charms in the next rift
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Nothing for nurse either
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Yea but she got a new reskinned dress for the Lunar Event. I got nothing!