Chapter Idea: The Grave Keeper
New Killer:
Killer: The Grave keeper
Name: Seth Morrison
Age: 58
Gender: Male
Hair Colour: Bald
Eye colour: Gray
Power: Live Burial
Weapon: Shovel
Speed: 115%
Terror radius: 32 m.
Origin: Czech Republic
I envision he will look more and more messed up after the entity transforms him.
Picture is just for reference.
Long ago, Seth Morrison got a job as a Grave Keeper in a small town. He was happy to finally get off the path from being homeless. Together with another Grave keeper he helped attend to the graveyard. Seth Morrison was happy to finally make some money, but it was becoming short lived. One of the priests came up to Seth Morrison and said that not enough people were dying, and for such reason, not enough Graves needed tending, and that if it kept up, he would have to let go of one of the keepers.
Seth could hardly fathom this news, and he knew very well that since he was newer, older and inexperienced, he was more likely to be fired.
On his way home Seth got approached by a hooded figure. He took Seth by the shoulder and escorted him into an alleyway where two shady men sat in the shadows of the moonlight. The two men were willing to make a deal for Seth, knowing his predicament. Seth was desperate. He knew he wasn’t gonna survive the winter if he ended up homeless and quickly said yes to their offerings, but he wasn’t aware what he had said yes to until after he had signed the contract. The men told him he needed to kill some people on their list. Doing so, and he would be rewarded. Failing to comply, and he would be the next on the list.
Seth knew right away he had made the wrong call, but out of fear of everything. He went through with it.
As Seth approached the first house on the list. He was suddenly struck with the realization he couldn’t go through with it. He wasn’t a killer. He went back and forth outside the house for a while. Ripping his hair out and clenching his teeth. He was shaking like crazy and breathing heavily till an idea popped up. He went home and got some chloroform and a rag, as he tried once more sneaking into the house. This time he drugged the woman sleeping in the bed, and stuffed her into a sack.
He was gonna bury her alive. It wouldn’t be killing right? Least so Seth thought to himself. He went to the graveyard at night, and shoveled up the cold hard dirt and stuffed the body down into a coffin and closed the lid and sealed it again. It went on for months and months where Seth would hide the bodies and seal them alive in their coffins. The other grave keeper thought more and more graves were popping up, but Seth had successfully convinced him that it was absolutely normal and that the hospital needed more burial grounds.
When Seth had finished the list on the contract he went back to the men in the alley way in the middle of the night. The man in the chair smirked at Seth and replied ‘’a deal is a deal. We’ve been checking on how you did the job. You couldn’t just kill them. Why?’’ he asked in an amused voice.
Seth was struck by fear and quietly whispered to himself ‘’I’m not a killer…’’. The man began to laugh at Seth. ‘’Well, we are not killers either in that case.’’. He replied, as two men grabbed Seth by the arms and pushed a rag against his face. Seth slowly blacked out. As he regained consciousness he realized everything was pitch black. Seth tried to fiddle and touch the area of where he was in only to quickly realize he was in a coffin. He had been buried alive. His heart began pumping quickly, as fear struck him. He began knocking and screaming against the coffin door as a dark mist slowly engulfed the coffin.
When he opened the coffin door he found himself in a new realm not of his own.
(This got a bit long)
(Seth before he was twisted and turned monsterous by the entity)
Killer Power:
Power: Live Burial:
At the start of the match 6 random graves will spawn. Once the Grave keeper downs a survivor he can decide whether to place them in a grave or on a hook. Should the Grave keeper place them in a grave, it will count as a hook stage. The buried survivor will be teleported somewhere randomly to a new grave. Other survivors will have to help figure out which grave the buried survivor is in, before they run out of oxygen. All the auras of the graves are visible to the survivors.
The teleport also helps reassure the Grave Keeper can’t camp the buried survivor. If the Grave keeper should happen to camp the correct grave. The buried survivor will be teleported somewhere else after a small duration.
The buried survivor can knock on the coffin door to help aid the survivors in which place to dig up. Digging up a survivor takes 10 seconds.
(I purposely didn’t include any number for how long you have oxygen while in the coffin, as the survivors also need time to search, plus dig you up)
Second ability:
Dig up a chunk of sand and dirt and throw it towards the survivor. If the survivor is hit by it, their vision will be impaired for 10 seconds making it harder to see where you’re going and applying the blindness and oblivious status effect for 15 seconds. If a survivor is wounded, the sand will apply the deep wound effect on top.
Goes on a 7 second cooldown.
(The power is a bit similar to other killers. There’s a bit of Pyramidhead, a bit of pig, and a bit of clown in this I will admit, but I think it can still holds its own somewhat. The graves will need to be quite small to fit in indoor maps. )
Mori: The grave keeper hits the survivor by the back of their head with the shovel, and grabs them by the mouth with a chloroform rag as they pass out, before making an upright standing coffin emerge from the ground and kicking the survivor into it, as they disappear into the ground. (maybe a little too similar to pinhead… Feel free to suggest)
Killer Perks:
1. Repercussion:
After a survivor bless or break a totem, repercussion activates for 15/17/20 seconds. The next generator you kick will instantly explode and lose 15% progression.
Survivors will receive an auditory warning that the perk is in play, plus an icon of the perk on their hud each time it's triggered.
(The idea of this perk is to give survivors a more difficult choice of choosing between blessing a totem or not. A lot of people wanted a counter for boons. This could potentially be it. If no survivors are using boons, it likely won't give much value, so that’s the biggest downside, but it does count for normal totems too.)
2. Stalker:
While watching one or more survivors from afar. Increase your movement speed by 10/13/15%. The further away you are. The more speed. Bonus stops the moment the chase is initiated, too close or the survivor goes out of focus. (behind obstacles, too foggy, bushes or too much to side of the screen ect. Must be in direct line of sight)
3. Accomplice:
After a survivor drops a pallet. The closest window will be automatically blocked for 7/10/13 seconds. by the entity.
New survivor:
Name: Dina
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye colour: Blue
Origin: Canada
Picture is just for reference:
Dina was just a typical mean girl. At a college in Canada. Dina would show no care or sympathy for her fellow students. Walking down the halls, she would regularly walk into the shoulders of the other girls. She could often be found skipping class and smoking cigarettes in the bathrooms. Most other students hated Dina, but they knew it was hopeless to go against her and her clique. Dina ruled the hallways, and would regularly make other girls feel uneasy.
When Dina got home, she could finally drop the act and be herself. She sat down in the corner of her room. Thinking of her actions and where life has led her. Dina didn’t wanna be rude, but circumstances in her life had made her this way. Dina sighed in regret, wondering if a turning point was needed. Life had not been easy since she lost her mom, and her dad drank away. Dina closed her eyes, and leaned against the wall. Today was the day. She was gonna better herself and be a better person. When Dina opened her eyes again, she was no longer leaning against her wall, but a tree in a cold forest…
Survivor Perks:
1. Boon: Eagle Eye:
A boon totem that allows any survivor standing within the totem's vicinity to be revealed to every other survivor on the map within a 15/20/25 meter radius.
The survivor inside the boon-totem radius gets the ability to see where every other survivor is located. The effect lingers on survivors leaving the boon area for 3 seconds.
2. Retreat:
‘’There’s comfort in the privacy of your own thoughts.’’
Whenever you’re in a locker. Every other survivor and every generator's aura is revealed to you. The effect works in a proximity of 45/55/65 meters.
3. Deceit:
While working on a gen for 25 or more seconds press E to pause the generator for 10/20/30 sec,
The killer can still kick it, but doesn’t see any pistons move, if any survivor interacts with the gen it starts up again, over a span of 8/6/4 seconds the generator regains its charges.
Goes on a 1 minute cooldown. Those with a keen eye, will be able to spot a wrench stuck inbetween the pistons on top. Indicating that the perk is in play along with a faint smoke and a subtle humm to those closer than 2 meters.
(Credit to MedicinalPsycho for this perk idea on my previous chapter)
(concept of what it could look like ingame)
New Map:
Rotten Graveyard:
(I know we’ve just had a graveyard with the Artist kinda… But I would also like a classic graveyard in this style)
I apologise for this getting a bit text heavy.
Special thanks to all the artists.
Please check them out.
Some tweaks may be needed. This is just a concept idea and wish chapter more than anything.
I post all my chapters first on steam. Hope you all enjoyed reading. Was fun to make.