Pyramid Heads Assemble

I need to know what is your code as a Pyramid Head ?
I try to play fair for the most part.If it's a really obnoxious survivor then,I try to make sure he gets sent to a cage or worst.
I try not to tunnel cages or tunnel off the hook but if it's two gens you're going back on the hook or to the spider queen if survivors are gen rushing then slugging camping and tunneling are all permitted.
If it's a casual game then,I play calm and casual as the survivors,sometimes I have a little fun with them if the opportunity calls for it.
I try to sacrifice the Silent Hill survivors to the cage,it's only right they belong to us,but yeah I'd like to know how you other Pyramid Heads play
===== Tread not exclusive ==== ==== to Pyramid Head player's ====
====== But Mostly ======
In addition what cosmetic is your favorite to where?
Why are you a Pyramid Head main also?
I purposely go and face camp their cages just to spite Behavior. The only time the survivor(s) cannot dodge judgment for free, so we take what we can get.
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Oh my God is that you Pyramid Daddy? I've been such a bad girl you know, you should punish me like you always do. God you know when you focus on other survivors it really hurts! Shouldn't do that to me. I'll do anything to be the only girl for you.
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I can't remember last time I played against a Pyramid Head in a public match. Oddly enough he's one of the most rare to see.
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Cheryl you should know all this punishment is for you.In fact when,I'm with other survivors, all I can think about is ways to "punish" you. 🥰
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Bubba's !
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Wait omg you mean there's more of us?!
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I'm a pyramid head enjoyer too, i play with a fog offering most of the time, even if it's the entity's fog, it feels just like home.
What i like to do is to have a torment based gameplay, the one that evade my trails do not need to be punished so i do not harm him/her. I only go for tormented survivors (punishment of the damned, here the damned are the tormented).
They have two chabces to be purged in the cage, after that, well you know the following...
My favorite cosmetic is the corrupted by far, second is the blight and last the forgeborn, i do not like this skin (base PH is best PH tho)
For perks, i use fear monger, distressing, iron maiden and unnerving presence (this can vary a lot, but all theses perks fits well the character)
My fav build that i run for normal match with PH is shadowborn, stbfl, plaything and im all ears.
Lastly, i play this killer religiously because he is the only killer/license in this game that i trully love, i know im gonna get dumped on for this but my 3 fav licenses are silent hill, batim and fnaf so pyramid is my otp until one of the others (or both maybe) gets in the game, if they do not come, i will remain exclusive to my executioner
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No real code other than kill James above all others! Anyway, glad there are more of us.
By the way, here was what I was thinking when reading the title:
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Sunderman must die lol
Nice collage, I guess that's what it is right? Still pretty cool.
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tunnel the ######### outta em, the skills are for it.
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Interesting how would Batim work? who would be the antagonist/survivor?
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Hey hey keep that ######### to a minimum
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Yeah. Just tunnel.
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Sorry, tunnel em.
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I have two complete chapter in french for both fnaf and batim, they are really complex (in the sense that they would ve hard to implement bc i have done some crazy ######### that would made sluzzy write down the longest post ever).
If i just take the core ideas, the ink demon passive ability would be to taint survivors/pallets/windows ect passively in his terror radius, tainted things get unique debuffs (no slowdown on survivor bc it s very boring). He would have a normal terror radius and be a 4.4
The active would be to be able to go trough obstacle (not the floor just the thing at the same level of you), when you are in a object you are blind and slow until you leave the thing.
All 3 of his perks are hexes in my concept because i think hexes suits his character.
So the problem is i don't think this killer would be fun to verse for others but idk how to improve it, survivors would just m1 and say his antiloop is too OP
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The antagonist/killer would be the Ink Demon, i would not have a survivor for this chapter (there is no one interesting), the map would be really unique (just look at the game it's super interesting in term of graphics).
I don't think this chapter would work in dbd, the community does not want this for a license bc there is a lot of others licenses that are more popular/appreciated and this license is not really loved by many (i had a crush on it but that's just me)
For fnaf (i know the spam about it annoys everyone, im sorry) i would like the 4 original characters in a twins style, i think spring boi is a bit boring but that would be fine i guess. I'll stop talking about others ######### now, this is about our boi Pyramid head
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Sammy Lawrence would probably make a proper killer for DBD.dont pull my hair out my nose about it .Let's say the ink demon is like making the Incubus from Silent Hill a killer.
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I love silent hill and resident evil before resident evil was added to the game pyramid head and Heather were my mains. playing pyramid head is so cool hitting people through walls with the shock wave is so satisfying. I haven't played him in a while but i played him again a few days ago and I love him again. my favourite skins are p3 pyramid head. the molten pyramid. and the blighted pyramid.
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I'm a judgement chucker. Let em fly with reckless abandon. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I miss 75% of the shots I do take.
Cosmetic: P3
I don't go out of my way to tunnel, but I'm not above it.
Post edited by edgarpoop on2 -
I’ll probably return to Pyramid Head after p3’ing Spirit.
Overuse Punishment
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Give me my Where's Daddy Build.....Trail of Torment, Tinkerer, surv, and any other perk I funny when my TR vanishes most of the match muwahahahahaha
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I fear we share the exact same playstyle
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How do you use torment trails?
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Oh ######### I forgot. My cosmetic is P3 head only it would probably make more sense if it looked more like this
But yeah that will be if you see the Red Pyramid base cosmetic.
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Around loops and that's about it.
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same here, I guess that’s really the only time you do get value besides when a survivor randomly runs into them for some reason.
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Must have worked.
I played against so many PH today...
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Once I understood how to implement the trails of torment, it totally leveled up my Pyramid Head game.
I still leave a few trails at frequented choke points and especially like an elegant curve through the shack, but besides that their main usage is to mortally scare survivors into running into them. For real, most survivors will take detours around a loop or outright abandon them, just to avoid stepping into your trails. And those that don't will most likely step into them at loops, priming then for future punishment.
@GoodBoyKaru thought me how to effectively hit survivors with the projectile at loops and its the most awesome thing in this game. The occasional blind hit is also much fun.
One of my favorite combos is Nurse's Calling + M&A to hit them through a wall when they heal up while thinking that you are much further away. I am all ears is also quite good, but requires much more experience and I suck at it.
Besides all this fancy stuff, with Pyramid Head I tunnel early and I tunnel hard. Todays meta more or less requires it. When you I turned the 4v1 into a 3v1 the game becomes much more manageable and relax and I usually go less hard on the remaining survivors,but of course, this differs from their way of playing.
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I like to inflict torment and then save it for the mori. I don't really bother with the cages unless it fits the context of the situation.
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"I tunnel early and I tunnel hard"
keep that ######### to a minimum
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lol ok
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If I asked nicely?
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*sigh* Then I might reconsider my toxic and destructive ways. You guys are satisfied now? :<
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Yes :)