Pyramid Heads Assemble

NemeanXIII Member Posts: 286
edited January 2022 in General Discussions

I need to know what is your code as a Pyramid Head ?

I try to play fair for the most part.If it's a really obnoxious survivor then,I try to make sure he gets sent to a cage or worst.

I try not to tunnel cages or tunnel off the hook but if it's two gens you're going back on the hook or to the spider queen if survivors are gen rushing then slugging camping and tunneling are all permitted.

If it's a casual game then,I play calm and casual as the survivors,sometimes I have a little fun with them if the opportunity calls for it.

I try to sacrifice the Silent Hill survivors to the cage,it's only right they belong to us,but yeah I'd like to know how you other Pyramid Heads play

===== Tread not exclusive ==== ==== to Pyramid Head player's ====

====== But Mostly ======

In addition what cosmetic is your favorite to where?

Why are you a Pyramid Head main also?
