For the nurse complainers / Killer Reworks

Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

You all who whine about the nurse beiing too strong unlike other killers etc, would you be happy if other killers would be buffed to be closer if not on her level of power ? So that you can see more than just billy, huntress, nurse at high ranks. Since they are already useful I won’t change them in this thread.

Also I'm not saying that if played masterfully against decent survivors some of these killers can't be good but what if something similar to this happened and all of bad and mediocre killers would be buffed somehow like this. (btw this is not supposed to be balanced just and idea what you would deal with if others would get some good buffs)

-The Trapper- Starts with 3traps in hands and 3 already placed at random pallets and windows over the map, disarming traps has 10% chance to get you caught in it, if successfully disarmed trap disappears (like reverse-beartraps do), traps are refilled at lockers, escaping from the trap is no longer random, to escape you need to struggle 8 times.

-The Wraith- Is 5% permanently faster than other killers and has 30% reduction on missed and successful attacks. Uncloaking has passive 0,5s windstorm and uncloaking speed curve was given more speed at the start of uncloaking.

-The Shape- Unlimited stalking, can stalk any amount of survivors in his FOV at the same time, All these other changes are for his T3 :
FOV moderately reduced, unable to see blood or track scratch marks, gets 10% faster, pallet breaking speed increased by 40% (stacks with perks), recovery from stuns reduced by 40% (stacks with perks)

-The Hag- traps no longer triggered by walking/running over them they instead give a notification and can be teleported to 3s after you get notified (only the teleportation removes them), unlimited range for teleporting, after teleporting you gain considerably increased lunge range for 3s, trap setting speed increased by 50%

-The Cannibal- Removed the slow down from charging the chainsaw, chainsaw charge now has 30s duration before it ends, each 3s the charge becomes faster and more uncontrollable(similar to effect of wiggling)

-The Doctor- Each time survivor leaves madness III his repair, healing, sabotaging, vaulting speed is reduced by 5% up to a maximum of 30%. Survivors in madness III experience constant skill checks which when failed cause you to trip and slow you by 15% for 0,5s.

-The Nightmare- Waking up from a dream state is now done through succeeding nightmare skill check which you receive after repairing gen for 10s, failing this skill check reduces generator progress by 15%. This skill check is the same size as baseline overcharge skill check(also affectable by perks). Waking up by other survivors stays but duration of waking up action is increased by 5s. During dream transition you are unable to heal ,sabotage, repair, open gates, use items.

-The Pig- All survivors start the game with nonactive reverse-beartrap on their head while pig still has her other 4 reverse-beartraps. If there is a survivor with obsession perk and he becomes the obsession his reverse-beartrap activates after 10s into the match. Pig now has baseline combat straps and speed curve of her charge attack was considerably increased to be faster then sprint burst and last 1s longer


  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    None of those sadly would ever occur but damn, that would be amazing if they did. It would certainly change the dynamics of the game greatly