RPD Library is seriously becoming an issue

The library in the RPD desperately needs a guaranteed hook at the top floor. More and more frequently I'm getting games where people are bringing in the offering for RPD equipped with builds consisting of flip-flop, boil over, unbreakable, and no mither. This way when I chase them they run to the top corner and let themselves get downed not even bothering to participate in a chase. The way the map is designed theres no possible way to make it to a hook and the only chance would be if I'm using agitation and iron grasp, even then its still unlikely. If you try to slug the others rush gens and if you go to protect gens they heal the person. Its a super simple fix of just putting a hook at the top floor of library thats guaranteed so please fix this BHVR because those rounds are unplayable. Especially when its more than one player doing it. Players should not be protected from being killed without skill and instead because they exploit the map.
Huge issue.
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I mean wouldn't the problem just start again after someone dead on that hook? Or has that Jeff perk that breaks it for 3 minutes.
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Yes but usually its just one player so if they died on the hook then theyre typically gone. If its more than one then at least you'd have one dead, one slugged, and only have to worry about two others. As for the Jeff perk, thats the issue that a hook up there wouldnt fix as easily.
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I mean, i play survivor, but i always use the offering to ignore any other map offerings xD.....just cause randomness is more fun xD
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Things like this is why people jump to the conclusion that the developers don't play test their own game, or don't listen to the criticism from their play testers (if they even have them). With changes like this however, I'm inclined to believe them. There's no reason why the devs couldn't see just how broken boil over now is, especially on maps like RPD. Playing killer just keeps getting worse by the day.
And good Lord I hate RPD. LOL Between it's massive size and just how dark it is in general makes the map an absolute pain to play on. The map was that big in Resident Evil 2 for a reason because it needed to give you plenty of space to run away from Mr X. It was designed for a single player 1v1 game, but incorporating that into a 4v1 asymmetrical game doesn't work. Having the library in the DBD map was always a bad choice to begin with. It was made even more of a headache with boons, and now it's just flat out migraine inducing with boil over.
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A hook there is a temporary solution. A band aid.
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It's not becoming an issue, the RPD was an issue from day 1 of its release, nothing can be becoming what it has always been.
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RPD is an issue since its release. Should be kill switched again.